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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. https://twitter.com/bigchrisholt/status/816007000836505601 I think Rafa is shit hot on discipline. Mitro was punished for indiscipline early in the season, not starting games. Or was told that was why, even if Rafa just didn't fancy him. When he got a chance he was more careful. No red cards, relatively few yellow. I wonder if not starting him since his last dreadful start has been a long term strategy to teach another valuable lesson, because we did well in games with him starting, or whether he's finished with him altogether. Might be reading too much into it and rafa might just have preferred Murphy to get his legs stretched. I think we saw it again today with colback coming off minutes after his fuck up gifting them a dangerous free kick. 75 minutes without sight of goal for Blackburn. Colback gives them it, they score, he's dragged off. Discipline. He mixes it up though. Dummet had a particularly shite game early in the season and to everyone's chagrin he was made captain for the next game. I suppose this is what man management is all about judging how to get the maximum from individuals based on what they respond to. Another chance or a month in the hole.
  2. 09/10 52 points from 25 games 16/17 52 points from 25 games I'm not pissing my pants just yet.
  3. Watched the first 2 the day. Nowt else like it on telly. Like Cheers if it was filmed as a stage play without the laugh track and with much more overt racism, sexism, homophobia, f'ing, blinding and cunting. Not as many laughs as you'd expect from a show written, directed by and starring Louis CK, but the hour long episodes have enough laughs interspersed throughout the more story, character based approach than his last effort.
  4. NUFC to Score 0 - sammynb, Monkeys Fist, TheGingerQuiff 1 - Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, Holden McGroin 2 - Ant, acrossthepond, Dougle, Kitman, Dr Gloom, MiddleAgeCool, @yourservice, Happy Face 3 - StoneColdStephenIreland, Howay, The Fish, Rayvin, aimaad22, Tom 4+ - ewerk, OTF, scoobos, zicomartin NUFC to Concede 0 - StoneColdStephenIreland, Howay, The Fish, Rayvin, ewerk, Dougle, Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, Tom 1 - Ant, acrossthepond, aimaad22, OTF, Kitman, Dr Gloom, MiddleAgeCool, scoobos, Happy Face 2 - @yourservice, Holden McGroin, zicomartin 3 - sammynb 4+ - Monkeys Fist, TheGingerQuiff
  5. Two bairns under 3. I see whatever I can whenever I can and a fraction of what I would have previously.
  6. Just discovered letterboxd. Added and rated most of the films I watched in 2016. Here they are, from best to worst...
  7. Could someone start the Blackburn thread with a public poll please. The pattern of us losing when I do threads and winning when we don't is even clearer than foul mouthed thread titles.
  8. Total Poster 20 ewerk 18 Anorthernsoul 18 Kevin Carr's Gloves 17 Happy Face 16 Ant 16 OTF 16 Tom 15 acrossthepond 15 The Fish 15 wykikitoon 14 Dougle 14 Howay 14 scoobos 14 strawb 13 StoneColdStephenIreland 12 @yourservice 12 MiddleAgeCool 12 Rayvin 11 barnabox 11 David Kelly 11 ohhh_yeah 10 Andrew 10 ChezGiven 10 Dr Gloom 10 Monkeys Fist 9 rogerbarton 9 TheGingerQuiff 9 ToonMarshy 9 zico martin 8 Holden McGroin 8 Jintsay 7 Kitman 7 Renton 7 tooner 6 McFaul 5 Christmas Tree 5 gpirlo68 5 jonasjuice 5 sammynb 5 SpartaFC 5 trophyshy 3 247 3 Ausman 2 aimaad22 2 vimalraja 1 AJack 1 angrysteve 1 arc89 1 Bryn5 1 Geordie1973 1 holycrosser 1 JonGoodwyn 1 Monroe Transfer 1 PaddockLad 1 The Mighty Hog
  9. NUFC to score 0 - sammynb 1 - Kevin Carr's Gloves, MiddleAgeCool, Holden McGroin, Ant, OTF, The Fish, Anorthernsoul 2 - aimaad22, wykikitoon, Rayvin, Dr Gloom, strawb, Jintsay, ewerk, StoneColdStephenIreland, ohhh_yeah, Happy Face, @yourservice, zico martin, ToonMarshy 3 - Howay, Andrew, Tom, Kitman, scoobos 4+ - Dougle NUFC to Concede 0 - aimaad22, wykikitoon, Rayvin, strawb, Kevin Carr's Gloves, Howay, Andrew, ewerk, StoneColdStephenIreland, Dougle, Tom, OTF, Kitman, Anorthernsoul, Happy Face 1 - Dr Gloom, Holden McGroin, Jintsay, Ant, ohhh_yeah, The Fish, scoobos, @yourservice, zico martin 2 - MiddleAgeCool, ToonMarshy 3 - sammynb 4+ -
  10. The Guardian (and it's liberal disseminators) hammered over fake news... https://theintercept.com/2016/12/29/the-guardians-summary-of-julian-assanges-interview-went-viral-and-was-completely-false/
  11. The kindle version is only £1.99 on Amazon at the moment.
  12. Doesn't seem to have been mentioned on here so hoying up the trailer and recommending to all. Even if you have no more than a passing interest in the Beach Boys. For the fans there's the story of recording Pet Sounds and Wilson's descent into drugs and madness. The more emotional and dramatic story to interest everyone else comes decades later with Eugene Landy using and abusing his position as Wilson's doctor for his own benefit while others try to get Wilson out from his clutches.
  13. Kick Ass 2 - I loved Kick Ass, but this was horrific, like chalk and cheese. Not sure how the writer director got the job based on his lack of previous success but it sorely misses the input of Vaughn and Goldman. More gross-out comedy than super hero, the gross is just rank and I can't imagine laughing even when I was 13.
  14. Braun s9 was supposed to be the best one when I did my investigations a year or 2 back. Mine has been champion. There's teenage girls get more stubble than me like, so I'm no authority.
  15. I couldn't remember who said this so looked it up. You (and Chez) are getting docked points. I put it on thinking reasonable people had liked it. 30 minutes in and even the wife hasn't laughed yet. Edit: David Kelly (as always) spot on about how awful it is.
  16. I'd hate us to buy half a dozen £10m players when we need just a few £20m+
  17. In the absence of having a funny comment on a topic i invariably link to Stewart Lee's funny comments instead but I recently read Stewart Lee's book that transcribes his top gear routine and comments on it in the footnotes. Both the routine and the commentary are very funny and very accurately skewer the show. He's especially harsh on the hamster (not a real hamster) wishing an horrific death on him. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=LSNIoSezUEcC&q=Top+gear#v=onepage&q=Hamster&f=false Both well worth a look.
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