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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. As much as I've only read how this reflects bad on Murdoch and the media there is incredible stuff about how the dems were running scared of Patreus and needed to silence him, considering what's happened to Patreus since. People are asked to leave the room, so this is a recording only Patreus and McFarland were in on...and it's got out. Is it a tactical leak from the right as the first bit of blow-back against the dems ousting Patreus via a sex scandal?
  2. Sorry....course it was the Washington Post so half of that is shite. Other half still stands though
  3. There's layer upon layer of anger here. Upon reading the story I was not surprised but saddened by the element of buying an election and the cynical approach to it of Murdoch & Ailes. I was more annoyed by the problem Bernstein laments though, of this being a section 3 news story for supposed journalists, a story that doesn't surprise or enrage anybody enough to warrant front page coverage. Particularly galling to look at what warranted front page coverage on that day.... http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/print/WSJ_-A001-20121204.pdf But...then again, Murdoch owns the WSJ, so he wasn't going to have that story prominent, even on a day Wills and Kate didn't announce their pregnancy. Unlike the BBC who are duty bound to run negative stories about themselves and make sure it doesn't happen again, none of Murdoch's companies have that duty. But that adds the next layer of annoyance that no other news organisations pick up the baton and hammer them for it until we hear anbout it in the Guardian 2 weeks later. I still wasn't particularly peeved though. All par for the course, until I listened to the tape. I've stopped it 42 seconds in to write this post because I'm so blazing another 13 minutes to go, but the first thing Fox News says to Patreus, commander of an invading army, is.... I know US TV propagandise their citizens, but to ask outright, so brazenly, basically "how can we as journalists best serve you to mislead the public into unfailing support?" rather than holding them to account. Staggering!
  4. Just updating my 2012 grooveshark playlist and reminded myself of this from months and months ago.... Never got the album, might be a late addition if the rest of it matches up.
  5. Was shitting myself you and your Mrs would be doing Little Donkey up the coast road on Christmas Eve.
  6. 5 Brazillians in their squad and 6 argentinians? WTF? 1 Senagalese too.
  7. East and west factions of the European KKK haviong a get together.
  8. Between here and emails at work I've probably given the mail half it's hits today. That million pixel photo of everest is canny mind.
  9. Feel canny bad for it, but I'm ower the moon to be at her families house on christmas day rather than mine. We'll pop over to see my side, but my brother is doing the dinner. Preparation all done the day before then microwave the lot. Her ma does an almighty spread with a selection of 4 desserts a load of cheese and crackers and miniature whiskies in all the homemade crackers and all that.
  10. You won't find the thread you're after if you search for "Film you recently watched" because the thread is called "Film you most recently watched" and putting it in quotes means you're looking for the exact phrase. You can't blame the search because what you enter is wrong. It's not a fanny on, it's a good way to find a phrase you don't know precisely. Search on "film" in titles only in GC and you'll find the thread in the first few results back.
  11. Wonder if he would have been nominated for the BBC award if he was English.
  12. oos, tough draws for Britain. Good games though.
  13. I agree about it not being in the interest of the ruling parties. The gun issue is one that gives the illusion of choice in an election cycle. Along with religion, abortion, gay rights etc. In the big picture these are not massive issues. The economy, war, indefinite detention, the "war" on drugs...the issues of major importance to a president have just about got bipartisan consensus across the board. Everyone with an ounce of common sense, certainly enough to get to the white house over the past 30 years, knows 1) Assault weapons aren't required for sports 2) You have to lie about being godly to reach the white house. 3) Abortion is rightfully legal and changing it would be a step backwards 4) Gays should have any and every right legally afforded to non gays But these wedge issues are the sideshow that keep the hicks and the liberals at each others throats while Everyone in congress agrees on how to help themselves and big business to the detriment of everyone else. That doesn't mean the side issues are irrelevant and pressure should not be placed on the powers that be to resolve them despite their interests. Moments like this are perfect for applying that pressure.
  14. One of the lads we went with had a mare of a weekend. He's a younger lad and the night before the game he was chatting up some tart so our mate went over (I thought) to play wing man, then he told the younger lad to go and get a round in. Which he did. By the time he came back with the drinks he was treated to the sight of his potential conquest tonsils deep in the cheeky cunt. The yonger fella in question started necking stella like it was lemonade, we telt him to take it easy but he ended up spewing his ring all over some pub by half 9. He dragged himself to the bog so we fucked off and left him. We stopped out at some club that went up 9 flights or so and when we got back to the hotel in the early hours the lad was out for the count so we took one of his eyebrows. Poor sod will never live it down. Bitch slapped 3 times in one night.
  15. True, Not sure how many have been such inept displays on the field though.
  16. No story behind it really, but my favourite away day was the Man U semi final in Cardiff (despite the result). We were stopping in the premier inn just over the bridge from the Milenium Stadium the night before and after, so spent the morning of the game hanging out the windows 10 floors up and starting chants with all the fans walking by. Some cousins who'd arrived on a coach rang my mobile during one shouty song to say they could hear me but couldn't see me. Also a good kick about in the streets right outside the stadium beforehand. We put their fans to shame in the stadium as well.
  17. True as any of that might be I'm looking forward to Stevie giving it two barrells at Ashley specifically. Displacing the corner, reduced away allocations, memberships, one ticket per member, kids in the heavens with nowt to come back at opposition fans.....it's all led to even away support doing the Ameobi and turning round and thinking that is what it's all about. "Mugs"....and nowt to do with Billionaire owners or millionaire players.
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