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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Best price available was 14/1 Some bookies were only offering 8/1 before the season started. Currently 7/1 http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=714470 EDIT: Mackemlogic dictates that the only place to get that information was from RTG btw.
  2. Great word by the way. Came up in a related conversation with our nephew about the baby. Nephew: "Where will the baby get out?" Me: "what is there between your legs?" Nephew: "a tig wag" Me: "what do girls have instead?" Nephew: "a foof" Me: "That's where it will come out" Pause to consider Nephew: "does it burst?" Me: "I'm afriad so"
  3. Apt analogy given the fact CT and his Mrs look like a venn diagram whenever they're next to each other.
  4. It's both. You really have a comprehension problem. and yes. But drugs aren't bad, mmkay.
  5. Was thinking Sam, as in Yosemite Thanks all. Don't get the Justin reference
  6. Ludicrously good mood. Turns out I impregnated my lass 3 days into married life. Stand clear ladies, I'm that fecund, wouldn't want to get any of you up the spout.
  7. Heard about the hospice on the morning commute. I see Klaus Kinski was supposedly a bit of Fritzl too. Fucking monsters.
  8. I've only got 50,000 Fall fans can't be wrong which that (Terry Waite) isn't on. I'll have to get some more. Forgot I had previously 5 starred How I wrote plastic Man on shuffle, but failed to give the whole collection a concerted effort like I should. Guess anything I like off this album will be pretty obvious ones like, being on the greatest hits.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm8GJ6zbc5g Outstanding Always knew I would like The Fall eventually. So happy they've clicked with me today.
  10. Meeting people off the internet makes you not a geek now? I can't keep up.
  11. Don't think he received any offers.
  12. Many people praise Ashley for the financial stability he has achieved having allowed costs to continue spiralling for a year after his arrival. Either it's supported by people who are happy to accept mediocrity (or worse) or by people deluded enough to think we'll spend what it takes to achieve more despite the last 4 years.
  13. Best director Michael Haneke - Amour Ang Lee - Life of Pi David O Russell - Silver Linings Playbook Steven Spielberg - Lincoln Benh Zeitlin - Beasts of the Southern Wild
  14. Best actor Daniel Day Lewis - Lincoln Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook Hugh Jackman - Les Miserables Joaquin Phoenix - The Master Denzel Washington - Flight Bradley Cooper getting an Oscar nomination is like Carlton Palmer getting an England cap. It'll be looked back upon with disbelief. Not that I've seen Silver Linings
  15. Best actress Jessica Chastain - Zero Dark Thirty Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook Emmanuelle Riva - Amour Quvenzhane Wallis - Beasts of the Southern Wild Naomi Watts - The Impossible
  16. Best film Amour Argo Beasts Of The Southern Wild Django Unchained Les Miserables Lincoln Life Of Pi Silver Linings Playbook Zero Dark Thirty Impressed that Amour has got best film and best foreign film....not that I've seen it yet.
  17. Best foreign film Amour No War witch A Royal Affair Kon-Tiki
  18. I'll bet NJS and gemmill will have fond memories of the ferry tavern like me. Pounds only went in a pint glass if it had been up a fanny there.
  19. He says....they got the lot out.
  20. How will we know which clubs are bigger/smaller than us?
  21. They won't. That's what I've said for ages to the people claim Ashley is getting us sorted financially....and then he'll start putting more money in. It's illogical to think he's getting us running at a profit so that he can start putting more money onto the pitch.
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