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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana an early favourite to replace the 85-year-old at 9/4.
  2. Since when has being too old to do the job stopped any pope? Someone's got the dirt on him.
  3. Clive Anderson of all people interviewing DOOM on Radio 4 last year
  4. Pardew's tactics have not really changed from last season....when our second half record was BETTER than our first half record. Shouting no more is fair enough when you've already lost the lead twice and won it back for a third time.
  5. Second half table for the sake of comparison. Has fitness dropped off? Concentration?
  6. I've said i think too much has been made of Pardew's inability to come from behind and win, that said Our league position based on first half results only is remarkable.....
  7. I don't get how you calculate body fat without mushing your entire body into a centrifuge...which would seem to negate the health benefits of improving it.
  8. I fucking hate Our Jamie oliver Garlic crusher. The Mrs does the cooking, I do the washing, and her one of those bastards is a right twat to get bits out of. At least the cheaper models have a removable bit to clean. The best chefs slice garlic thin as paper with a good knife anyway
  9. Whether or not there's some hyperbole, he'd walk into our team.
  10. That ".5" pounds seemed VERY dubious to be. Led me and my inquisitive mind to investigate..... Either congratulations are in order for just managing to get yourself from obese to overweight, or you're rounding down from 14 stone to achieve it and lying to yourself. Keep it up, good luck with the target.
  11. Engaged? I'd love to see that story being told in the wedding speeches.
  12. Life of Pi I've not read the book, but they reckon it was unfilmable, I don't know what's been missed out if anything, but I thought it was lush to look at and a great story. What annoyed me was the unnecessary bits of voice over. The whole point of a film is to show, not to tell, but when Richard Parker jumps out of the boat, we see him do it, but Pi still tells us "Richard parker jumped from the boat". There's worse examples but I don't want to spoil the ending. Also, it may be the way the story is told in the book(?), but there's nowt worse than the "let me tell you a story" set up. The writer in this had no more to do than Kevin Arnold did in The Princess Bride...look happy when the story is happy, look sad when it gets sad. All the ideas and themes that are in the film without needing to be spoken get explicitly voiced either by Pi or the writer. I don't know if it's worse when they tell you how to interpret the film or when they describe what's happening on screen audio-book style. Amour At the total other end of the spectrum. A very slight film that has no need whatsoever for voiceover, story telling characters or exposition. Just an elderly man in his flat with his dying wife. Enjoy isn't the word for it. Haneke could teach Ang Lee a thing or two about just letting the camera observe though. Wreck It Ralph Seen a few people rave about this on here but having seen all the Oscar nominated animations apart from Paranorman, it's looking like Pirates would be my choice to win it. This was canny enough, think I preferred Frankenweenie too. Much better than Brave though. Can't believe that won the Bafta over Frankenweenie. Cloud Atlas Came out in The US last year, not sure why it's been delayed for release here so long. Out at the end of the month I got free tickets to a preview. I was dreading it. A 3 hour film that links 6 stories over hundreds of years by the Matrix folk who got so far up their own arses by the end of that trilogy. Sounded like a pretentious load of twaddle I would be aching to get out of. I was never ever bored though. I was often lost and unsure what any of them had to do with each other, but I think I'll get more and more of it with subsequent watches. Some might say there is too much twaddle about tolerance whether it's race, sexual orientation, age or futuristic"true bloods"....but i think it's well balanced with some broad humour, particularly the Jim Broadbent stuff in the old peoples home, which plays like Maggie Simpsons escape from nursery on The Simpsons.
  13. It's the place he's been before with people he's seen before. Makes sense to go back there.
  14. Yes. That's not the same as equating them, obviously.
  15. . More could and should have been done in the summer.... Which is what he says. Didn't need big money.
  16. Why would they want to fuck anyone over? They want the best for the club. Clearly put a positive spin on their fuck ups if what's best for the club comes at a cost they're unwilling to pay though
  17. Like weightwatchers frozens are the best food? Was looking forward to it anarl
  18. They are liars. Of that, there is no doubt.
  19. Argo The sort of CIA film I like. Where they put in the leg work to outsmart their opponents. Think it's brilliant when these contrasting films come out at the same time with very similar themes. For all it's hype as a low key, non-hollywood style war film, Zero Dark Thirty is the much MORE Hollywood of the two, it whitewashes torture as a means to an end and satisfies the (pro US) audience with a big shoot-out finale where the bad guy gets it in the head. There is no consideration at all of opposition or any issues that might have caused concern about the mission, it's a straight forward celebration - "Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, here's the story of how we killed him". Argo on the other hand is matter of factly critical of US (and UK) intervention in the area, just by stating what those nations have done in the area during a prologue, it damns them. It gives a voice to Iranian opposition, it has characters on either side question why they're in their position and why they're doing the work they do. There are no caricature good guys or bad guys, just people, who (as in reality) have the best intentions. So there's some cars flying up a runway at the end to give it a crescendo. It in no way changes the story or the truth of the situation. Of the oscar nominations I've seen I'd be still be most happy if Django won I think. It's still much too overlong but it's just great fun. It has no chance though. R rated films don't win. So after that it should be Argo. Still got Amour, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Life of Pi & Silver Linings Playbook to watch though.
  20. The article you link suggests it was the cops...
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