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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. They're bound to be mouthy. Just gone through the red arrow haven't they. This time next year they'll be quiet again, as they approach the red arrow from the other side.
  2. I left them an iPod while I went to the match....but they used some other CDs
  3. They've confirmed the library fire is unrelated. So just the 2 devices by the finish line.
  4. Boston Police: No Arrests Have Been Made In Marathon Bombing http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/boston-police-no-arrests-have-been-made-in It's these stories in the initial few hours that will stick in the conscience. There'll be hawks in the US desperate to twist this towards an attack on Iran.
  5. Yeah. He said every bag in the city is being treated as suspect. Not that there's bags with bombs in all around the city.
  6. There's only been 2 devices within walking distance of each other so far hasn't there? Has the 3rd device been confirmed as anything more than a suspect package?
  7. I don't want that to come across as a sarky comment. Obviously a terrorist attack in the US is more newsworthy. These events always act as reminders that victims of this violence world wide all deserve our thoughts.
  8. Do you know anything about North Korea? They are a sabre rattling non-entity. They would be obliterated for any attack. If they did attack, as poor as their armoury is, they could still do better then this. In my view it is a lone individual or a small cell. Just about every 'Muslim' attack on US soil in the past 5 years has been FBI sponsored and intercepted so I'm not inclined to think its any political or religious group in particular.
  9. Arseholery well under way... http://www.salon.com/2013/04/15/alex_jones_labels_boston_explosion_a_false_flag/
  10. 31 dead from a coordinated set of bombs in Iraq today too
  11. Best to take anything the 24 hour news says in the next day or 2 with a grain of salt.
  12. Typical of the "Pardew out" brigade.
  13. Should have had Pardew in the studio. Raped.
  14. What a bastard day for that. Do you work in shields as well?
  15. To be fair most of the people saying replace him were saying it before the derby anyway. ...except Renton the fickle fuck
  16. Seesegnon as good as Messi again then?
  17. Cheers Ewerk...didn't know there was another £18m coming out this year too. Very interesting.
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