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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I think he'll be ok. Holder was backpedalling on the criminalisation of journalism yesterday. Told congress they won't be prosecuted... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/eric-holder-attorney-general-verizon-records
  2. Sounds like Greenwald has more to come.... http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jun/07/whistleblowers-and-leak-investigations Legend
  3. The most shocking thing to me on this front page is that the Guardian costs £1.40 WTF? Who pays that?
  4. I wouldn't mind Bildeberg so much if they had a few great minds in there from the worlds of science, history, anthropolgy.... People to offer any cautionary advice whatsoever. The Chatham house rule is valuable when people meet with the best intentions. It's geared exclusively to finance unfortunately though, which only worsens it's nefarious image. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-06-03/full-list-2013s-bilderberg-attendees
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mVeC-lGRjs Enjoying the new RP boo album. Best drum machine album 2013
  6. The "nothing to hide" defense is a blinkered one, which I think presumes the data will only be used by the military. Naively in my opinion. "They" do not monitor who individuals are, or what they do, what photos of cats they put up. They are chasing an exhaustive cataloguing of every person on the planet. Every link a person has to other people. They can then categorize those people into large groups. Those groups can then be monitored and controlled by propaganda. I follow Glenn Greenwald, Al Jazeera, Noam Chomsky and Julian assange. I will be categorized in the group not likely to vote for either main party. If this group gets too big, then it will challenge the hegemony. Leazes Mag might follow the EDL, David Cameron and the British Army. He is in the group with nationalist tendencies. Always likely to go with the main parties, and likely to be diverted from struggles in the local leadership by increased rhetoric over war against ...say...Libya. This group is less dangerous, but needs to be monitored carefully, for polling which of the 2 main parties they are swaying between. Then there are the ignorant. people who follow Tulisa and Simon Cowell. They can almost be ignored as a group entirely. They will offer no challenges to the elites. Their data is useful only in terms of what can be sold to them. This group will join the riots if they aren't suitibly fed and watered and given the appropriate level of diversion. Total information awareness is about computer programs managing all this data and recomendations being made on the basis of huge populations. This is a subversion of democracy. Government controlling the people. Not people controlling the government.
  7. I don't understand this view when you said it was a 200 page thread before it went on a sub-forum.
  8. US National Intelligence official statement on all this... http://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/press-releases/191-press-releases-2013/868-dni-statement-on-recent-unauthorized-disclosures-of-classified-information I wonder if they understand that shouting "TERRORISTS!!" does not excuse it. This defence amounts to saying..."you are all presumed to be terrorists, and that assumption of guilt allows this". The outraged tone in which they complain of inaccuracies is also ridiculous, how can they run this program for 6 years in total secrecy, and then get all bent out of shape that people don't just trust them? When it's revealed what they've been up to? Remarkable stuff.
  9. It's also top story on the BBCs scroll bar...with James Clapper (The director of US national intelligence) criticising the leak...and confirming the existence of PRISM.
  10. It's huge Top story at... http://www.foxnews.com/ http://www.cbsnews.com/ http://www.nbcnews.com/ and at http://www.cnn.com/ it's second only to a transgender Navy seal.
  11. Their first reaction is bound to be denial. They'd have to get agreement from the government to admit the program exists. There has already been official confirmation of yesterday's revelations about Verizon providing all metadata available to the NSA. This information comes from the same leaker and writer so you can pretty much be assured it's authentic.
  12. I doubt the Guardian knows who it is. Glenn Greenwald says it is one of his readers who leaked the info direct to him. I can't see him giving them up, so unless the NSA have got to his encrypted mail they should be ok. It'll be interesting to see what they try to do to Greenwald himself though. He's been a thorn in the side of the last 2 administrations and now they'll REALLY be after him. His connections with the ACLU and other transparency groups and his own experience as a lawyer would make it a great case to observe if they did chase him.
  13. Aye, the folks with top secret clearance clearly aren't keen to bring in techy folks who can make it look less like a website from 1995 for them.
  14. http://www.guardian....giants-nsa-data It may just be the company line that they deny it...but dunno what's worse...that they gladly accept it or that they had no clue. I recommend reading the full article. I particularly like this bit...
  15. Aye. He threw a million at the ex-porn bitch. The least she could do is not be a vile bitch.
  16. I wasn't inferring anything young man it is a fact that there is a stigma attached to pound shops. I am well aware they are absolutely one of the greatest economic success stories since the financial crash (along with Sports Direct) that doesn't improve their image amongst football fans though, that it's not a brand worthy of their teams shirt. The perception is that they are cheap. Pound shops themselves have come in for heavy criticism over the ethics of what they do though. Dispatches reported on how many of their products are actually more expensive than at other retailers. People just assume one pound is a good price for many goods they could get cheaper elsewhere. They sell smaller measures than other supermarkets, so a like for like comparison is not as simple as people assume. Nasty.
  17. I meant every game should get a thread. Just speaking for myself. Personally I was completely lost as to where they were and rarely ever saw them. I assume others had the same problem because they've always been a popular feature...until separated out.
  18. Watched Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare this week. What a cathword she was.
  19. Agreed. Just needs a thread within Football, not another board or even a pinned version. Love the best intentions approaching a new season. Always good to have lots going on when it all kicks off. With 12 weeks or so without football I'd love to see a couple of threads a week that focus on the other teams/fans, their thoughts of last season and their expectations for next year. it would be good to refer back to later in the season when you go fishing again, compare hopes with reality.
  20. Everyone knows the REAL objection is solely that these companies are cheap and nasty. Like getting the pound shop on your shirt.
  21. a YouGov opinion poll warned that 57 per cent of voters see immigration as one of the biggest problems facing the country. May 2013 79% say we must ban EU migrants | UK | News | Daily Express Jan 30 2013 Too many migrants say 71% of Brits Aug 2011 Get a grip on immigration The call came as a Sunday Express opinion poll revealed 51 per cent of people believe it is the most important issue facing the country after the economy. Oct 2010 The Daily Express/Opinium survey showed that 54 per cent of voters considered immigration policies “very important” or the “main issue” that would determine their vote. March 2010 In a wide-ranging survey on border control policies, 67 per cent felt that immigration was having a “negative effect on the UK”. Nov 2009 Some 81% supported the view that the level of immigration should be reduced substantially Nov 2007 99% of people agree that the Express commission too many polls on immigration, polls that only take a snapshot, with no consistency of questions posed, producing results that fluctuate wildly in their findings depending on coverage of recent events.
  22. ...and in mobile phone news.... http://www.guardian....zon-court-order
  23. They'll be in the skies over your German pad soon... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22678580
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