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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Phillipe Albert? Thought it was a fat John Gregory.
  2. Gotcha. Wasn't sure whether to be worried that you wanted to lose 8lb in a week or amused that you've had a late life growth spurt
  3. It doesn't matter how decent anyone is, it's basic maths. If their salary isn't good enough to be able to afford a 10% deposit then the risk associated with that mortgage is increased. If you cannot save 10% of the value of the property you want in a couple of years, then you are not someone who can afford to pay off the full balance (plus interest) in 25 years, and you are probably rushing into it and should stick to renting. These are not the people that caused the crash, obviously. Legislators that allowed 100% mortgages contributed, along with the banks that pushed them, knew it was a bad idea and took insurance against those people. The same legislators/banks are now trying to say 5% is fine, and you're lapping it up as being an excellent solution. Wise up.
  4. The fact that these people cannot afford the standard deposit for the property they want to buy suggests they are not credit worthy. Rather than fix the fundamental problems of ballooning property valuations and lending to people that can't afford the debt, this government has put a sticking plaster on to appease both the buyers and lenders. Like a dealer giving a junkie a free fix. The dodgy overseas debt consisted of exactly these sorts of unaffordable mortgages packaged together and sold on as healthy investment opportunites. The banks would then take out insurance on these investments that they knew were shitty...and then collected on the default as well. It's an international cluster fuck that the tories not only choose to ignore, but probably couldn't do anything about even if they had the best will in the world....that goes for Labour too.
  5. The justification for a £180 kettle built on the science of water temperature and optimum leaf steepage is rather undermined by the £120 toaster sitting alongside it which does seem to suggest it's style your paying for rather than substance.
  6. So your answer to my question is that the Conservative growth has been built on encouraging private sector investment while the Labour growth was built on public funding? What about Public Private Partnerships? Labour embraced private investment to fund improvements from the very start didn't they? And what about help to buy? Is that not a tory plan to throw public money at private business via individuals that those private companies see as too high risk, in order to stimulate growth? I didn't vote Labour. I'm just trying to understand your enthusiasm/disdain gap.
  7. I wonder how they've calculated the overtime. Is it just an average of everyones overtime? Or an average of everyone's work week....with the average Calculated as the hours over and above average contracted hours? No-one does less than their contracted hours do they? So the vast majority can clock off on the dot, the average overtime cannot be skewed downwards by those that do less than their usual paid hours. It can only be skewed upwards by those that choose to do an inordinate amount overtime Rather than concentrating on the average amount of extra hours folks do, they should say what the average total hours is for a full time employee. I doubt it would be in the high forties. That said, something the article doesn't mention is what we've had at work where we keep getting mailed from HQ about the benefits of not having 2 phones (1 personal, 1 work) and instead, using our own personal smartphone to access work mails, calendars, apps etc. Complete piss-take that sort of thing IYAM.
  8. Hangouts 2.0 is out and looks canny good. Works on android 4.0 up. You can send free messages across the internet to groups like in whatsapp or viber, but you can also integrate mms and SMS. It imports all your old conversations. Always admitting having different messaging apps so I've replaced my existing messaging app with it. Just need more people to start using the video call function on there.
  9. Feel free to show me otherwise. But the question will still stand.
  10. I wouldn't expect them to be held on a political parties website tbf. Blair wanted to move on from Kinnock/Smith and the tories want to move away from being homophobic racists. Would have thought they would/should be available elsewhere though. Newspaper or University sites. Summat like that.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25000779
  12. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/18/15-stunningly-uncomfortable-first-responses-to-david-cameron-tweets_n_4296593.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
  13. There was only a couple of times under Labour when growth was less than 2%. Why is this growth good and Labour's was bad, in your view?
  14. Imagine Clinton gets the nod and Jeb follows her, 2 families run the country for the best part of 50 years..... 88 - Bush 92 - Clinton 96 - Clinton 00 - Bush 04 - Bush 08 - Obama 12 - Obama 16 - Clinton 20 - Clinton 24 - Bush 28 - Bush ..and the likes of Chavez are evil for trying to get round term limits
  15. Maybe he'll drop Mike Ashley one day.
  16. Enjoyed Saving Mr Banks. Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson were both excellent and although I didn't shed a tear I was pulling some Phil Cool faces to hold it in. The thing that stopped me from spilling over was Colin Farrell. Not just that he was awful as Travers' dad (which he was) but that the flashbacks to him kept taking you away from Thompson's excellent heart melting show and back to the alcoholic arsehole that turned her into the ice maiden she was. You couldn't feel any remorse for him, despite the early endeavours to show him being a great dad. His redemption (or not) is the crux of the story, but I think they made a mistake peppering the flashbacks right through to the end. Should have restricted them to the first hour or so as context and then stayed with Mrs T from then on to pull the heart strings and give that gut punch at the end uninterrupted. The greatest joy to be had with it are in the original songs from Mary Poppins though. Which makes it come across slightly like Mamma Mia, or Sunshine on Leith, a film built around the music everyone loves. Bound to bring in the punters, but something of a cash cow for the rights owners of those tunes.
  17. So he's already served more time for pointing his gun at a white girl than he did for killing a black man?
  18. I like this bit... Hair just frizzed up in the snow I suppose...and the red lips are cos it's cold, yes that'll do, cold.
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24979498
  20. Inside story from David Miranda... http://www.buzzfeed.com/natashavc/david-miranda-is-nobodys-errand-boy James Arthur wouldn't be a fan.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5lMJkw8Bv8 Full Story... http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/chases-twitter-gambit-devolves-into-all-time-pr-fiasco-20131115
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