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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Statistically, Newcastle had the 5th highest shots per game in the whole league last season. Above Arsenal, Man U, Everton and Soiuthampton. They weren't actual chances though. I'd wager a large proportion of those "chances created" were not visionary trough balls into the box or pinpoint crosses onto someones head, but rather side passes which Tiote blasted into row zz from 30 yards out.
  2. Derren Brown had had him in training sessions. Nae doubt.
  3. Since losing Cabaye, Ameobi, Remy, Gosling, De Jong and Taverenier, Simpson, Harper and Ranger so the point was valid tbf.
  4. Cheers lads. A double recommendation does me.
  5. Are there any nice bars around team valley way. Being dragged to the early learning center so want rewarded with a pub lunch.
  6. Reads like a Viz letter.
  7. Dan carlin's done a Common Sense on Saville/Harris/Hall and that with reference to the likes of Aerosmith/Led Zeppelin and that in the US. He wonders whether a distinction can be made between the likes of Saville or Gary Glitter and others who less fit the classic predator view of a pederast and are more the sort that take advantage of girls throwing themselves at fame. Left me uncomfortable to listen to much of it, he doesn't try to convince you either way doesn't answer any questions he raises, just talks around it. Never convinced me that anyone who lacks the judgement to not view a young teen 20 years your junior sexually should get you any leeway whatsoever. But others might be interested in the discussion too. http://www.dancarlin.com//disp.php/csarchive/Show-276---Past-Transgressions/history-politics-Operation%20Yewtree
  8. Second run of week 3 in the rain later in between the matches. 2 3 minute bursts. and 3 90 second bursts. Utterly mad that I enjoy and look forward to it and am willing to do it in the rain. Thanks for the recommend Meenzer, would definitely pass on the recommendation to anyone else thinking about it.
  9. Probably based on finishing 5th in 11/12 and being 5th a month before we sold Cabaye. Not a stretch to sell it to someone who wasn't paying attention as "Cabaye was talismanic and losing him derailed the season ...we want you to be our new talisman"
  10. An English player with Premier League experience? We couldn't afford the £14m minimum he would cost.
  11. that's pretty much what I said when I stole the goats to post on Facebook... " Hundreds of years from now when only a small population of humans have managed to escape the scorched earth and reach mars, this video should be used like a cave drawing which tells future generations what the internet was for."
  12. Whenever I hear news that has the potential to annoy me I like to replace words to apply a historical context and consider how older generations might have reacted. It invariably clears my head of any give a fuckery.
  13. Only heard of them because they're playing low on the bill at T In the park, but love this. Northern boy lyrics/singing reminds of Joy Division and The Smiths but guitar's more Nirvana.
  14. Tends to give you a running start to have your players play a pre-season together though. I've said elsewhere I'll start to worry about our depth come August, but that's not to say it would have been reasonable to do half of our pre-season without a couple of strikers that could play in the league.
  15. Pardew Early? Interesting point of view given that we have a game in less than a fortnight and the average age of all other strikers in the squad is 19.
  16. "On 28 July 2011 the council offered the club £5.7 million to help with their redevelopment fund of Boundary Park"
  17. Sports Direct spend very little on advertising anywhere so I'd be surprised if there's any money been paid specifically for just shirt or stadium rights. They've probably paid or will pay yearly for the store location to sell SD goods, done them a good deal on the production and distribution of Oldham gear and the sponsorship comes as part of the deal.
  18. Thanks Again for the well wishes folks. NJS put you straight on this. The lives of my family were immeasurably better with the help Labour provided. Their situations have deteriorated badly since the tories took over. You seem to see "these issues" as government overspending, which you consider the root cause of the financial crash and the need for austerity. You're wrong about that. "it's been tackled" would be true if the government had looked at the actual cause of the crash, introduced stronger regulation on the banks, the mortgage industry and other lenders. Resumed minimum standards for lending, outlawed the sale of toxic debts bundled into highly graded investments or the credit default swaps taken on toxic debts which saw companies like AIG brought to their knees. But no, they've done none of that. They've extended help to buy to more people that can't afford it, with your full support I might add, perpetuating another property bubble. The opposite of tackling things. The bank's current (temporary) more stringent checks and terms before lending are largely by choice rather than mandatory and now come with a government guarantor providing a deposit to keep customers coming. Labour did nothing whatsoever about that either of course, shamefully, but in a political class propped up by financial and private media baron's there's little chance of anyone getting into power or staying in power with an agenda of taking from them to give to the poor. But at least Labour didn't pin the blame on the poorest in society for scrounging and cut their livlihoods to prop up the sham finacial industry. They just made a devils bargain with them, used the extra income to invest a great deal more in services for the poor while the bubble lasted. The notion that Labour could have not spent any of that money, reduced the countries debt and deficit to zero* and then the tories would have cut nothing, not taxes or social care, is cloud cuckoo land stuff. For generations, labour have pushed social services because the tories have stripped them back as much as possible whenever they're in office. None of the things you list help my brother or mother either. *Read this on why government debt isn't the same as your personal debt and there's not necessarily a need to panic about running a nation at a deficit.
  19. ShowFilmFirst paid membership. £17.99 Let's see how many "free" preview tickets i get for it.
  20. Cheers Chez, will pass on your regards. He's still a funny fucker with his chin up. He's currently over the moon to be the UK's number one Seinfeld expert on Quizup. And thanks Renton. No need for well wishes though. Only posted it to see if CT would continue to justify the redistribution of wealth from the poor to the well off as a good thing.
  21. It's Siem De Jong He's different class but his brother's a mong
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