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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. "Oh, right. I see. I get it. You were lampooning me. It was a simple lampoon. " "Life's all pain. Pain, gloom and misery... Hey, 33% extra free. I am doing excellent shopping. My depressed state of mind means being even more frugal than usual." It's class.
  2. Cujo Saw this as a young un and have since had a complete hatred of dogs. Watched it again this morning and had that hatred cemented. Evil animals that will rip out your gullet as soon as look at you.
  3. Brazil What a steaming pile of middle class drivell. Only Hitch Hikers guide to the galaxy comes close to being less funny than this heap of shit. I truly don't know how Terry Gilliam cointinues to find work in film, I kept telling people 12 Monkeys was shit and they'd say I had to watch Brazil as it was a masterpiece. Lying cunts. £5.99 I spent on that.
  4. Here, here. Cricket is a game played by and watched by twats. In the same way as some twats watch wimbledon when Tiger Tim does alright, a few have jumped on the bandwagon for the ashes. The sooner it's over the better. PS - Funniest sight of the day - a dad with his bairns playing cricket in the park. Bairn bowls, Dad bats it straight back into the nippers face. Sack of spuds. Champion.
  5. No he hasn't. We have gone downward from the moment he arrived. FACT 20778[/snapback] That's not down to any one player. Overall I'm happier with the back 4 we have now than at any point for a few years.
  6. Have to agree. I've hated Souness from day 1 but credit where it is due I can't see many available managers getting more out of this squad than the first hour we had today. Then again, Wednesday was just embarrasing.
  7. I'm Alan Partrige, I am winning the fantasy league, of that there is NO doubt. There should be a cash prize.
  8. Mad Mick had a going away party in Idols today. Wasn't saying where he's going. The place is a shithole apart from his craic, anyone know where he's going? Cheers
  9. Who's FF? Canny atmosphere today, first half anyway. No negative chanting whatsoever.
  10. The Great Escape ******Spoilers****** Great? I've not seen anything less great since Jeremy Beadles hand. It was possibly the worst escape of all time. 20 yards short of the woods, almost 70% of escapees dead. Only 3 weren't recaptured. Their dismal attempt at escape was matched only by James Coburns dismal Australian accent. I seriously thought he was trying to be Irish until he said he was Aussie, but that's just because it was the same crap accent he used in Duck, You Sucka! And what's the deal with showing it at christmas all the time? The mass slaughter of 50 men on Christmas day should not make you feel jolly. And I thought McQueen made the jump! Absolute choker when he ended up tangled in barbed wire. The 3 hours flew by. I'd recommend it to anyone who's not seen it but I think I'm the only one.
  11. Of course. And the most important factor in enjoying a film is length.
  12. Well done! Why do Americans say "I could care less"? They're off their mash.
  13. They obviously love Larry David. Extras is very similar to Curb your enthusiasm with all the famous people playing themselves. The best season of Seinfeld was the one about how they made the pilot for the show (because it was clever - 10 years ago) and it seems this is the way they want to go with the next series of extras - the story of the Office. I suppose most British people will like that as they don't watch Seinfeld in huge numbers, but the best thing about the office was how original it was. Re-hashing ideas from other shows would leave me less impressed. Edit: Ricky Gervais has dropped out of Mission Impossible 3 for this
  14. ALWAYS say "Sod it! Let's go to MacDonalds" before leaving the house.
  15. Some class bits tonight ("I've seen everything", "have as much cock as you like", "Aids?") Excellent series overall and they didn't hint at a "Will they won't they?" thing at all until that last episode. Just like the office they've got me caring about the characters without noticing. Next series we'll be hoping the agent and Barry get together too.
  16. The Pound Shop in King Street has been replaced by The 99p Shop.
  17. Did you know they're re-writing the alphabet? They're putting U and I together!
  18. "Souness For Sunderland!" "We're shit, and it's all your fault. We're shit and it's all your fault" "Fuck off Souness!" "Fuck off Shepherd!" Just stretching the old vocal chords.
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