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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Class innit? Eye of the Tiger and Jump are the best like.
  2. Buck 65 - This Right Here Is Buck 65 He's $1.15 better than fiddy
  3. Skol, Skol, Skol, Skol, Skol, Skol, Skol, Skol, etc.
  4. Must have albums 2005: Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise Dungen - Ta Det Lugnt Devendra Banhart - Cripple Crow System of a down - Mezmerize Sleater Kinney - The Woods Tonight I saw that Devendra Banhart has sold a song to some bread advert. He's going to be huge.
  5. Boggle Tourettes? There'll be a 'documentary' on ITV about it soon.
  6. "You're dead at 4 O'clock!"
  7. What we're missing is a conceited statement from AF and 15 pages of abuse. Get to it AF.
  8. Happy Face


    Cheers Big Ears
  9. Happy Face

    George Best

    That's crazy, everyone know it was Professor Albert Pea.
  10. Happy Face

    George Best

    No, you make an assessment on how likely they are to drink again, because this is directly related to the chances of their organ donation being put to good use (i.e. the recipient leading a long and healthy life). Clearly whatever assessment tools they used in Best's case didn't work. Its not about morality, its about finding the most suitable person for a transplant who will get the most of it. 43269[/snapback] Well, nowts going to be 100%. I'd say, if a bloke's stayed off the drink for a year, waited that long for a donor and then is lucky enough to match a donor, good luck to them.
  11. Only been able to listen to the first few tracks. It is very Modest Mousey. Although I think they're canny I was never a big fan so it hasn't really grabbed me and kept me listening. I got a few new albums yesterday so I'll give it a full listen later. I haven't got the new Broken Social Scene one yet, but I loved You Forgot It In People, so I will be soon. Anyone been listening to Ta Det Lugnt by Dungen? Swedish sing-a-long rock. Kudos to whichever DJ was on in the Forth on Friday and played Panda.
  12. Happy Face

    George Best

    I'm clueless about any of this, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. The most depressing thing about being depressed is the hoplesness, not knowing the cause and the feeling of uselessness in being able to do nothing about it. It's not a case of doing something to cheer yourself up. Happy to be corrected like. WRT the Mirror article above, I only bothered with the first paragraph which was altogether shite. As I understand it George Best got the same ultimatum (stop drinking or die) and he stopped. After a year of sobriety he had a liver transplant. Why should the doctors have refused at that point. Now that he's drinking again I don't think the NHS would give him a transplant. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong. 43226[/snapback] The point I'm trying to make is that most depression is caused by a triggering factor - the breakdown of a relationship, bereavment, unemployment, living with a chronic illness etc. Hence it's reactive. It is actually a person's situation which phyically changes the biochemical function of their brain, once this has happened you are unable to "cheer yourself up". As for Best having quit drinking for a year, so what? His liver was so knackered at that stage he would have very quickly died (and he did relapse even then iirc). Obviously the prognostic tests they did to establich whether he would start drinking again were wrong. 43259[/snapback] So we should just let reformed addicts die? Just in case they've got the cheek to have another drink?
  13. Probably not. As far as I'm aware there's not a gene for being a cunt.
  14. Happy Face

    George Best

    I'm clueless about any of this, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. The most depressing thing about being depressed is the hoplesness, not knowing the cause and the feeling of uselessness in being able to do nothing about it. It's not a case of doing something to cheer yourself up. Happy to be corrected like. WRT the Mirror article above, I only bothered with the first paragraph which was altogether shite. As I understand it George Best got the same ultimatum (stop drinking or die) and he stopped. After a year of sobriety he had a liver transplant. Why should the doctors have refused at that point. Now that he's drinking again I don't think the NHS would give him a transplant. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. How many stories posted on here get the automatic response - "kill them"? Terrorist bombers? Kill them Paedophiles? Kill them Rapists? Kill them Thugs? Kill them Charvers? Kill them Alcoholics? Kill them Sensible policies for a better Britain!
  16. Fulsome? Is that where the prison guards are too nice?
  17. Asked on the last page and I don't think you could've read it because it was an excellent question that demanded a response. Have you heard the new album yet? Leaders of the Free World? Best yet by all accounts. 43133[/snapback] No not yet. Actually whenI bought this it was only because I was searching for the new release (still yet to be released here). I hadn't realised that there had been a follow up to Asleep at the wheel. Our national indie station has been playing the "single" which has definitely got me interested. 43141[/snapback] I've had a quick listen and they seem as bland as ever to me. Don't think I'll be going back to it much. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine I'm loving it at the moment but I've never been able to keep enjoying female singer songwriters albums. Call it a gross generalisation, but any female solo artist gets boring fast. I loved albums by Indie Arie, Tori Amos, Bjork, Aimee Mann ands loads of others but whenever I put them on now I turn them off after a couple of songs. The only exceptions that spring to mind are Aretha Franklin and Camille who I can listen to for days.
  18. Asked on the last page and I don't think you could've read it because it was an excellent question that demanded a response. Have you heard the new album yet? Leaders of the Free World? Best yet by all accounts.
  19. Happy Face


    Another Winamp question. How do I set it as my default player? I've tried to "Open With" and it's not listed in the suggested or other programs. I can open winamp and then the track I want, but that's a bit shit. I've also tried "Set Program Access and Defaults" and "Custom" but again, Winamp wasn't listed as a media player.
  20. As the recently deceased Big Fat Blobby Bobs best mate would say, "I fucking hate students me!"
  21. He also says, play your drums on a keyboard... Class
  22. You seen it before? Class like. Remember to pay it forward
  23. What's your opinion on him? You've done everyone else. 43059[/snapback] I was simply partaking in the tomfoolery, I'm sure you're all lovely people and I'd share a draught ale with any of you. I'd even put a lemonade top in AFs
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