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Everything posted by Happy Face
No practice, but perfect.
You know you're getting old when you start complaining about littering. It's a sodding disgrace. I don't mind poo though. Perfectly natural. What isn't natural is the supposedly superior species (humans) running round after dogs picking their shit up. Visiting aliens would think dogs had us enslaved.
bloody computer! when the clocks go back I enjoy not shifting mine so I can glory over the fact I have an hour to spare. Bloody microsoft!
I thought you didn't drink! The thread should be called "George Bests lack of health" tbh
Not headphones, but I just got these earphones. £80 here The bad thing is how fiddly they are. It's good that they're tiny and hardly visible but it's not advised to pull them out by the wire so you've got to get a grip on the tiny bit that protrudes from the ear. The insertion technique is long winded too. Open your jaw, pull back the top of your ear with one hand and insert with the other. Once they're in and they're staying in though it's some lovely sounding shit. When I first heard War Pigs i thought there was a numskull in my ear playing a drum. It's great when you can here the keys of the piano being pressed and not just the note it produces.
Was amazed (with last night being a Thursday) that the neighbours didn't have Robbie Williams on full pelt when I turned in at about 1AM. Imagine my total lack of suprise when I was jolted from my slumber at 3.20AM by sodding Wham blasting out. It seems my plan of waiting for other neighbours to complain first isn't likely to come to fruition. Scum! Sub-human scum.
Building 6 - longbenton? Are you all CSA?
"The story of one mans reaction to a bad taste joke thread" 50693[/snapback] You mean AF right? 50708[/snapback] AF is in discussion for follow up to Birth of a Nation giving the other side of the story. In a Fight Club style twist he realises that he's actually Bez!! It's going to be Klantastic.
"The story of one mans reaction to a bad taste joke thread"
Go Sly! All I need now is a sequel to Over The Top to be announced and I'll shit me pants with anticipation.
Devendra Banhart - Little Boys A song whose lyrics make me question if I should idolize him like I do. Quite distasteful. On an album with so many references to kids (Chinese Children is the best) it casts its shadow long over what otherwise would have been lovely stuff.
The Clientele - Strange Geometry It's like the sixties all over again. Jangly guitar and echoey vocals. Not too fussed on it myself.
\o/ Django's back! Iv'e not really felt settled here but now the slippers are going on. Danger Doom - The Mouse & The Mask Anyone who can help me with what sample is used on Old School I'd appreciate it. It's driving me mad. I know it's really famous but I just can't remember.
Is this an amplifier to help you with your big music career AF? When's that demo coming out again? What's the band called? Even if everything you say is correct, I'd hate to be that right if it meant being such a self agrandising individual. You slag off people for trivialising the debate, but for 23 pages you have refused to concede a single point or acknowledge that any opinion other than your own can be anything but immoral. If you want to have informed debate, don't have such a high opinion of what you think you know, and be willing to learn. A few of my favourite quotes which I think are pertinant to the character you've portrayed in this thread... "Learning makes the wise wiser and the fool more foolish" - John Ray "Nothing Ever becomes real till it is experienced" - John Keats "He is educated who knows how to find out what he doesn't know" - George Simmell
What is 'our' society? Well Newcastle, England, Britain, possibly Europe now. Again you have presumed that I'm white. Why? And I would challenge your claim that white has no negative connotation because I'm white. All theat is good and wholsome and pure and clean is white. All that is bad, ugly, dirty, evil, dark and angry is black. This is simply the history of language, but it is white people who've developed the English language isn't it? Blackmarket is negative too, the shady underworld. Daft that you can't use it like. Tell the racist cunt to fuck off!
Call someone a white shit at the next game. The stewards will probably think you're Chinese. To be white has no negative connotation in our society. I'm sure people have been called a white bastard and outnumbered significantly, if it was me the name calling in itself wouldn't bother me, just the anticipated severe beating.
I see what you mean, I just think it's unimportant. I value freedom of speech above the tight lipped fear of breaking political correctness. We all have differences and we have always ridiculed those differences amongst each other. Whether it's for being ginger, lanky, fat, bald, short, black, indian, Pakistani, white, Irish, Geordie, Mackem etc etc. People take the piss out of each other and I wouldn't want it any other way. What IS important is moving the hatred involved with racism toward the jovial banter involved in ripping the crap out of me for being lanky. Being lanky has no detrimental affect on my life other than people take the piss out of me. Being black incurs far more prejudice than inconsequential name calling. I don't think 'bling' is racist. If anyone else does, then it is. I'm not going to stop saying it though. I have the right to say what I want. I don't have the right to refuse someone a job on the basis of their colour or beat the shit out of them for it. It's that level of racism that needs to be tackled. 49332[/snapback] I have no problem with the word 'bling' in its basic meaning. I do have a problem with 'bling bastard' in its vitriolic and selective use. Very, very different As for your last comment. Agreed, although it depends whether your belief is to tackle the big problem head on which hasnt worked or educate people regarding the smaller issues. 49337[/snapback] I long for the day when I can call a player a black bastard without fear of a ban. Then you'll know we've gotten somewhere. Every game I hear "Lanky Bastard", "Aussie Bastard", "Fat Bastard", "Baldy twat" etc and no-one finds them offensive. Why is Black Bastard or Bling Bastard more offensive? Is it because the idea in the heads of the PC brigade is that it's bad to be black? Well it's not. It's just that racist people think it is and discriminate as a result.
I see what you mean, I just think it's unimportant. I value freedom of speech above the tight lipped fear of breaking political correctness. We all have differences and we have always ridiculed those differences amongst each other. Whether it's for being ginger, lanky, fat, bald, short, black, indian, Pakistani, white, Irish, Geordie, Mackem etc etc. People take the piss out of each other and I wouldn't want it any other way. What IS important is moving the hatred involved with racism toward the jovial banter involved in ripping the crap out of me for being lanky. Being lanky has no detrimental affect on my life other than people take the piss out of me. Being black incurs far more prejudice than inconsequential name calling. I don't think 'bling' is racist. If anyone else does, then it is. I'm not going to stop saying it though. I have the right to say what I want. I don't have the right to refuse someone a job on the basis of their colour or beat the shit out of them for it. It's that level of racism that needs to be tackled.
Erm, we do. That's why I pay tax. It provides the less well off with a system of benefits that keeps poverty at a minimum. It's the well off providing for those without. I'm all for a higher rate of taxation on high earners and the Lib Dems did quite well running exactly that platform last year. Just a pity they aren't considered serious opposition yet.
Define 'opposite'. Are you suggesting they're predominantly black? An increased level of non-white people in positions of power will always highten racial tension in the short term (Martin Luther King & Malcolm X got a bit too big for their political boots). It's not what racists want. once it becomes the norm, many many years from now, things will die down. No pain, no gain.
Isn't America meant to be a classless society? The place with the worst racism problem in the world. 49229[/snapback] Are they really a classless society? You don't buy into all that 'free society' shite do you? 49233[/snapback] Well no, but you don't believe in true classlessness outside of communism do you? The little man will always get the shit end of the stick. Black people should have the same oppurtunity as white to be holding the stick.
Isn't America meant to be a classless society? The place with the worst racism problem in the world.
I have every sympathy for asylum seekers and hope that every effort is made to help them settle (if they have become a useful contributor to our society) or to be comfortable before humanely being able to go home.
Well poverty and education are currently such that we can have a pretty much uniformly white Prime Minister, cabinet, House of commons, House of Lords, Police Force judicial system etc, etc So there is only a problem with povert and education with some whites, but with most blacks.
exactly mate and thats my point. It isnt just about race the social reasons for the disparity need to be tackled, on both sides. Simply looking favourably on non white applicants wont do that 49191[/snapback] But if the social reason is that most black people are poor, and work would make them not poor, isn't positive discrimination a good tool in tackling the social reasons for the disparity?