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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. It's worth pointing out that Lewis wrote a prequel to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, called the Magician's nephew. This might explain the nature of Narnia and "deep magic" somewhat. Having said that though, it isn't much cop if you aren't a kid. The later stories are much more your standard fantasy tales and are all the better for it imo. The last book though, called the last battle, is basically a christian jizz fest. It depicts armageddon, and Susan goes to hell for not "believing" in Narnia any more...... 69322[/snapback] 69324[/snapback] *SPOILERS* (Sorry Gejon, I'd be amazed if they made a film of the last book mind) Did you not see that that the death of Aslan was basically the crucifixion of Christ? 69326[/snapback] Probably not, apparently it's gay to look for metaphors in a film.
  2. found one small enough... Fairs cup final second leg
  3. I found some paper clippings I forgot I had in the wardrobe. I've scanned some but they're too big for Imageshack. If anyone's interested, let me know how to upload them and I will, or I can mail them to someone who's got the nouse to do it. Reports are from: '32, '51, '52, '55 Cup Finals '69 Fairs cup final '66 World cup reports.
  4. It's only fair like, after you tried your best to cheat me out of my rightful place.
  5. The Aristocrats - Funny as owt. The description of a man fisting his daughter with an arm the size of Popeye's was inspired. Batman Begins - I was loving it until he sent lieutenant Gordon the antidote before he was gassed, silly plot point but annoying.
  6. Any good? 67240[/snapback] meh. They were canny I suppose, with the match I'd been on the hoy all day so I was canny pissed and couldn't be arsed. They went down well the young uns though.
  7. been looking forward to it for a long time but I've heard its disappointing. Welcome to Dongmakgol came out around the same time (not sure if its on DVD yet though) , it stars the guy who played Mido in Old Boy. Heard good things about it. Might be worth checking out. 67325[/snapback] Most the reviews I've seen were canny positive Link.
  8. If anyone enjoyed Oldboy and/or the earlier Sympathy For Mr Vengeance then you might be interested in Sympathy for Lady Vengeance which has just come out on DVD in asia link. It's out on limited cinema release in the UK in February.
  9. The Strokes - First Impressions of Earth Only on the first track, but first impression is - different.
  10. I was first tbh not listened to any yet like
  11. After the Exorcist Kermodes second favourite is Brazil, which I've already said I hated. He says "The only thing I'm certain about is that The Exorcist is both my own favourite film and the definitive Best Film Ever Made." Who's he to say what's the definitve best film ever made. Just leave it at "my favourite". I often agree with him though.
  12. OK I just wouldn't feel right slagging off stuff I know fuck all about though.
  13. I hate Mark Kermode, says the Exorcist is the greatest film ever made. He's daft. I recommend this book and then a second viewing of The Descent.
  14. I was hoping you were about 15 and then i could have understood your opinion on this butt plug of a film but now i just feel sorry for you 67056[/snapback] Wacky, did you consider the cave was her mind, that she was fighting insanity brought on by severe trauma, that the expedition never occured in reality, that she was fighting her own demons and it was her choice whether to survive or to wallow in it? It was excellent.
  15. You mightn't like the story, acting, smaltz, Dicaprio or whatever but Titanic pushed film forward in terms of what's possible. The impossible swing around shot over the ocean round 180 degress has been mimicked by everyone. Cameron has been doing this throughout his career with Terminator, The Abyss, T2 and will continue with his current production of Battle Angel. Titanic is overblown and corny, but nowhere near worst film ever.
  16. I've only seen the first episode of the TV series. The whole idea of aliens with humorous names I find deeply unfunny.
  17. Why would they go to that expense if the plane went all the way, they won by a country mile and the segment just made boring TV and didn't heap praise on the vehicle intended?
  18. I never just took The Descent at face value or I would have been bored shitless like others. Good horror films are only occassionaly to be taken at face value. The Descent left many questions. Most importantly did the monsters exist and did she survive? I only saw it once so the answers might become clear on a second viewing but I think a lot of people miss that the Descent in the title is nothing to do with caving (well a little) but with the descent into madness having suffered huge personal loss. Well, maybe not miss it, but don't consider it enough in terms of subtext. The performances are underwhelming (sometimes funny) and there's some sublimely ridiculous points. Again, you get that in good horrors.
  19. I loved Holy Grail but it was more of a collaborative Python thing I suppose. I've not seen the Fisher King or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which I think I'll like but I'm loathe to get because Gilliam fans seem to prefer 12 Monkeys and Brazil. He seems to think his imagination is so craazee, but Brazil was excrutiating. Middle class teenager comedy on a par with Hitchikers Guide to the galaxy and Red Dwarf.
  20. And following jazz pioneer Artie Shaw's Honeysuckle Avenue we'll have freebassing from Richard Pryor. Nice!
  21. I know fuck all about cars, but a mate was round tonight and was telling me about the Bugatti after seeing it on Top Gear. Apparently some bloke (owner/manager/whatever) announced they were making it before discussing it with the engineers. When he eventually spoke to them they said it couldn't be done, but he told them to get on with it anyway. He then went public with one of the early designs which was an aerodynamic nightmare. But since he'd announced it, they had to make the impossible car fit that strange design. looked canny like.
  22. That write up didn't mention he co-wrote Blazing Saddles. Possibly the funniest film ever. Absolute legend. RIP
  23. The descent was very good. LA Confidential was very good. Shite like Gigli and Showgirls have no redeeming features whatsoever and it's the likes of those that are in the worst film ever category. A few films that I think were shit that other people seemed to like are... Clockwork Orange Twelve Monkeys Brazil
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