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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. "Excuse me Mrs Slocombe but your pussy's all wet" Fnarr Fnarr.
  2. That was basically an invite, why are you still at your desk?
  3. Its quite traditional This one stinks - I mean where WAS the ££££ if the Treasurer didn't know about it? And what was it used for?????? 107691[/snapback] 'Substances' for the likes of Noel Gallacher and Damien Hirst to enjoy at all those parties?
  4. Frank Sinatra - Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams (and Dream Your Troubles Away).
  5. So 5 pages ago tbh. This thread kicked off because HF expressed an interest in Gitmo, he didn't even express an opinion, and Rambo went ape-shit. 107138[/snapback] Did anyone watch it? Obviously not HTL or LM, too scared of being brainwashed by the baddies. Weak minded tbh 107154[/snapback] Shame eh. My opinions are from experience not those of left wing wanker lecturers who only wankers take notice of PS like the smilie ? 107174[/snapback] YOU'VE been to Guantanamo? If not, how are you so much more knowledgable on these matters? - genuine question. Fact is, as was pointed out, you had a go before I even expressed an opinion. In fact I'd agree with a lot of the methods used in Guantanamo. Convictions mightn't occur because deals are made for information. If there is genuine intelligence that a captor has information I say do anything necessary to get that information. But the ends don't always justify the means, and in those circumstances the victims should be be compensated. 107192[/snapback] that is the WHOLE point 107218[/snapback] Well the WHOLE point of the documentary I posted a synopsis for was that there was no intelligence whatsoever to implicate the lads it was based on. I guess when you called me a wanker, what you meant was "That's not very nice for them, it's a shame stuff like this happens but it's borne of necessity. If only they could get back the last 4 years of their lives. Something should be done to compensate them and their families." 107253[/snapback] Did I ? No I wasn't calling you specifically so I apologise if thats what you thought. As for intelligence, fact that a TV documentary will only say what it either wants you to believe or what its told to tell you. Another fact is that good intelligence sources would never be publicised or risked losing. There is a big difference between "having none" and "unable to prove".... 107258[/snapback] Sorry, Dotbum put me right. T'was HTL, not you.
  6. So 5 pages ago tbh. This thread kicked off because HF expressed an interest in Gitmo, he didn't even express an opinion, and Rambo went ape-shit. 107138[/snapback] Did anyone watch it? Obviously not HTL or LM, too scared of being brainwashed by the baddies. Weak minded tbh 107154[/snapback] Shame eh. My opinions are from experience not those of left wing wanker lecturers who only wankers take notice of PS like the smilie ? 107174[/snapback] YOU'VE been to Guantanamo? If not, how are you so much more knowledgable on these matters? - genuine question. Fact is, as was pointed out, you had a go before I even expressed an opinion. In fact I'd agree with a lot of the methods used in Guantanamo. Convictions mightn't occur because deals are made for information. If there is genuine intelligence that a captor has information I say do anything necessary to get that information. But the ends don't always justify the means, and in those circumstances the victims should be be compensated. 107192[/snapback] that is the WHOLE point 107218[/snapback] Well the WHOLE point of the documentary I posted a synopsis for was that there was no intelligence whatsoever to implicate the lads it was based on. I guess when you called me a wanker, what you meant was "That's not very nice for them, it's a shame stuff like this happens but it's borne of necessity. If only they could get back the last 4 years of their lives. Something should be done to compensate them and their families."
  7. Lecturers/Teachers? What are you on about? I'm not a student. We DO lock people up for nothing, otherwise they wouldn't be released without charge 4 years later. It might be they bought their freedom with information, but don't you think this would also mean an agreement that neither they nor the government would discuss their release with press.
  8. So 5 pages ago tbh. This thread kicked off because HF expressed an interest in Gitmo, he didn't even express an opinion, and Rambo went ape-shit. 107138[/snapback] Did anyone watch it? Obviously not HTL or LM, too scared of being brainwashed by the baddies. Weak minded tbh 107154[/snapback] Shame eh. My opinions are from experience not those of left wing wanker lecturers who only wankers take notice of PS like the smilie ? 107174[/snapback] YOU'VE been to Guantanamo? If not, how are you so much more knowledgable on these matters? - genuine question. Fact is, as was pointed out, you had a go before I even expressed an opinion. In fact I'd agree with a lot of the methods used in Guantanamo. Convictions mightn't occur because deals are made for information. If there is genuine intelligence that a captor has information I say do anything necessary to get that information. But the ends don't always justify the means, and in those circumstances the victims should be be compensated.
  9. I don't think anybody on here disagrees that terrorists should get locked up for security reasons. And I don't think anyone disagrees that there has to be the possibility of locking up suspects if there is sufficient evidence. The only thing is about the proceedings. You don't need a place like Guantanamo and you don't need to abstain from basic human rights like a fair trial. A normal prison is sufficient enough, as well is a normal criminal proceeding. Here in Jormany we had the trial against a muslim terrorist who got a hefty penalty and will enjoy a long time in prison. Remarkable was his last word where he told about his astonishment regarding the treatment he got because his religious feelings got respected as he got the right food, was allowed to read in the Koran and allowed to pray. Nobody was apologetic about his actions and there was no chance his penalty was going to get reduced . And nobody thinks that this terrorist has been 'reformed'. I think this kind of tolerance is setting a far better example than betraying our ideals. The best way to spit in the face of those religious nutters is by showing that we don't have to lower our moral values to fight against them but just treat them as what they are: lunatic criminals. Oh yes, and I like it to be a fancy dan lecturer... 107127[/snapback] Bold bit. I think you're wrong, mate. There are people who will only be convinced someone is a terrorist if the person is actually caught in the act of setting off a bomb. Until that time, their rights are paramount and they should be allowed to roam free killing people at their leisure. 107161[/snapback] Well, either that or planning the attack, or funding the attack, or making tea for the person who funded the person who planned the attack, or having any proven link whatsoever. Simply being in Afgahnistan when we bombed the shit out of it, I don't think applies.
  10. So 5 pages ago tbh. This thread kicked off because HF expressed an interest in Gitmo, he didn't even express an opinion, and Rambo went ape-shit. 107138[/snapback] Did anyone watch it? Obviously not HTL or LM, too scared of being brainwashed by the baddies. Weak minded tbh
  11. I like to form my own opinions to be honest and it's my opinion there's a whiff of bullshit about you supposedly going down to the Cenotaph and then mixing afterwards with veterans. 107020[/snapback] You can believe it if you like Alex, I can't see why you don't its not as if it's off limits to anyone, it's no big deal you could go if you wanted 107024[/snapback] I've been, that's why I think you're talking shite. 107025[/snapback] I can assure you its true, I don't give a toss if you believe me or not, and if you didn't go and chat to them and have a beer etc in the pubs around Traf Square etc with them I can't see why not unless you just didn't want to or didn't think about it 107029[/snapback] There weren't any War Veterans there as I can recall as I walk past. In any case, even if what you said is true my point about you not being able to comment about what War Veterans think about Guantanamo Bay is entirely valid. Unless of course you specifically asked them about this matter. 107036[/snapback] No disrespect, but it shouldn't really matter what they think anyway. My Grandad thought blacks shouldn't be allowed in the pub, gays should be locked up, women should have sense beaten into them and Rugby was great. Just because he fought admirably in a war I don't have to agree with him.
  12. I'm full of cold today so I've pulled a sicky for the benefit of my co-workers. Enjoying a bit of a fest today, so far... A History of violence - Brilliant performances all round. Strong sex and violence. Ambiguous morality. What more could you ask for? The Corpse Bride - I thought it was average till they started playing the piano together. For some reason that scene totally got me and I loved the rest of it. March of the Penguins - The only reason this is a cinema release as far as I can see is the score and the cloying voiceover. Everything else about it screams discovery channel. Canny, for what it is like.
  13. Not just on victim support.. The man found guilty got less time than hundreds have spent in Guantanamo who haven't even been charged.
  14. How about we throw this in the hat.....watched Real Story last night in which they were talking to "victims" of the Sharm-el- sheikh and Bali terrorist bombings. Altho victims of both 9/11 and 7/7 have received charitable and compensatory help from the government the victims of terrorism abroad have received nothing, not even counselling for PTS disorder. A man whose son was killed in Sharm-el-sheikh has taken it upon himself on behalf of other vicims and their families to try and gain some recompense...the advice he was given by Mr Straw was to sue the "perpetrators"...in his own words how the hell do you sue a suicide bomber !! In the same vein an Australian who was injured in the bombings has received financial help from his government, is being treated at a private medical institution with all bills paid and has had his home and car re-structured for his injuries at his governments expense . So as far as compensation for some stupid kids who "decided" to nip over to Afghanistan to see what the craic was and have some huge Naan breads????? goes I think you may find many people against it. 106664[/snapback] That's a disgrace. They're jipping the victims on a technicality I suppose, those victims weren't the responsibility of the British government at the time. Did British victims of 9/11 get compensation from the British or American government? American I guess otherwise the precedent would have been there. Never watched it like so that may be presumptious. However stupid those lads might have been though, they suffered directly at the hands of the British and American governments. Whether citizens abroad should be compensated by their own country is another matter.
  15. "You're either with us, or against us!" is that it? It's not quite that simple mate.
  16. If you want to be governed by a system where people (innocent or not) are locked up, abused or killed without trial why don't you piss off to a country where that kind of thing is acceptable. 106649[/snapback] Err, but I don't. According to people such as yourself though, I already live in such a country. Wouldn't it be an eye opener for people like you if this country really was like that. 106673[/snapback] Well if you don't, why are you condoning that behaviour from your own and other goverments? I never suggested you already live in such a country, we have a fine tradition of law and order based on our courts of law and trial by jury, but if the abuse of human rights isn't commented upon and highlighted it will only get worse. You're like one of them 16 year old lasses with a little shit for a bairn who won't have a word said against it. Sit their pissing yourselfself laughing while it's effing and blinding around the bus and getting all offended when someone suggests you discipline the bairn. The type of bairn that grows up to be a twocking charver. It's not unpatriotic to slag off your government. It is unpatriotic to let them break the basic human rights my Granda fought for.
  17. In fact, let's say the methods are entirely justified. If we are "going to find them folks what done this" we need to be tough. Champion. Abuse the shit out of them, but don't you thing we should have the decency to apologise & compensate detainees for their time and energy if released without charge?
  18. If you want to be governed by a system where people (innocent or not) are locked up, abused or killed without trial why don't you piss off to a country where that kind of thing is acceptable.
  19. The only fact reported in the documentary was that Guantanamo has housed 750 suspects over 5 years, 500 are still there, 10 have been charged, none have been convicted. Everything else was pesonal testimony and presented as such. That one fact tells a story though. a cumulative 2500 years served on the strength of zero convictions. EDIT: And no-one expects perfection. What you'd hope is that the bad apples are exposed and lessons are learnt. Not that anyone expressing an interest in finding out about it is shouted down as a wanker.
  20. Sgt. Harrison Yates: Let's give Blackie a welcome home. [Mr. Jefferson turns around to reveal his face] Whoa, wait a m... That guy isn't black! Holy God, his son isn't black either! Oh Jesus! [Over CB] This is Yates, stand down! I repeat, stand down! Suspect is not black! [to Harris] You son of a bitch, you told me this guy was African American! Det. Harris: It says right here on the filo sheet he is. Sgt. Harrison Yates: Does that look like a black guy to you? Det. Harris: It says so on the filo sheet. Sgt. Harrison Yates: Jesus Christ monkey balls! We could have made an innocent man go to jail who wasn't black. [Vomits] Jesus, Harris, what have we become? We're supposed to protect the people. Where have we lost our way? Det. Harris: Sir, it's possible he is black, even though he doesn't look it. Sgt. Harrison Yates: To hell with you! I'm never gonna frame an innocent man again unless I know he's black for sure!
  21. I saw it once and the contestant was asking the box holders to give them a good number Why do they even have box holders?
  22. I thought "The Gallery" on Tony Hart was the place for that.
  23. In the strictest sense it's a comic isn't it. But the people selling these are trying to open up the market to entice a more adult readership like Manga has in Japan. Anyone who says they read comics is labelled a geek, just rebranding to get round that. I've not read any, but want to get hold of V for Vendetta - but it's expensive for a comic.
  24. To be fair you're right. I do enjoy masturbating. And I don't have a clue what's going on. My agenda for posting it was that other people might have been interested in watching it. What's your agenda for acting like a prick?
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