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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I enjoyed the first couple of series of Teachers. Apparently it's been remade in America as a half hour sitcom and has set a new standard in how shit a comedy can be.
  2. I had consideered Mastermind with Seinfeld as a specialist subject, but my general knowledge isn't nearly so nerdy.
  3. She was in Seinfeld though. Played a virgin who organises cupboards.
  4. I do my nerdy reputation no favours but all I know is Michael Richards (Kramer) had a cameo in it. And him out of My Two Dads was in it, the one who isn't Greg Evigan from when things spill, get knocked over or fall out of cupboards.
  5. More of a book on how to observe things. ie did you ever notice packs of peanuts on planes are small or did you ever notice man-bag owners prefer shows like Will and Grace.
  6. Favourite show ever Seinlanguage it's called.
  7. I don't hate them, but if it wasn't for George and Kramer I wouldn't be a fan. Saying that though, Frank and Estelle are best things in it. They should make a spin off called The Costanza's. "SERENITY NOW!"
  8. I'm not a fan of Jerry or Elaine, but George and Kramer are sitcom legends. The first series was comparatively shit. The writing gets better and better up to series 5, but The Contest is the peak. It's about who can abstain from onanism the longest.
  9. Amen. Absolutely love Larry David*, but can't stand Seinfeld, I gave it another go after watching Curb but still didn't like it, I've been told to try the later series but I don't know. Seinfeld seems to do the most obvious observational comedy in those little stand up segements, like, did you ever notice how rain is wet *canned laughter*. Actually, fuck that, that's funnier than anything he's ever said. *it was someone on here who convinced me to download it, so cheers, whoever that was 111728[/snapback] Seinfeld the show rips the shit out of Seinfeld the comedian tbh. Think it was Wullie who recently got turned ojn to Seinfeld and loved it. If you watch a few classic episodes you will too I'm sure. Download "The Contest" and tell me that's not genius.
  10. Damn right, well funny. Still have to pick up the third series though. Watching a lot of Family Guy and catching up with 24 on dvd at the moment. Good to see Hustle back on telly again, good telly. 111652[/snapback] Finding the new series of Hustle a little disappointing. I also prefer American Dad to Family Guy now. 111658[/snapback] If they must rip-off the Simpsons, why rip-off the newer shit episodes? That Family Guy where they get superpowers from toxic waste was basically a remake of a Simpsons Halloween show where Bart and Lisa did exactly the same.
  11. The new series is shit apparently. Class show. Is it not finished for good? The Daily Show is good. Sopranos 6 is class.
  12. Unless he's protesting the lack of hard core pornography provided by the BBC.
  13. The bloke at Sunderland dogs has his technique down pat... "AND THE HARE IS ON THE MOVE! aaaand bibwdbdbwddbwwdwdbwdwbwbdwbdwbdbwdbwbdwbdwbdb...."
  14. One of my favourites ever 111349[/snapback] I absolutely love it. This isn't helping your cause, is it? 111350[/snapback] Best cover myself.. I only liked it so much because I got bored with it and shagged the back off the bird i took to see it in the packed out cinema ©Smooth Operator.
  15. I suppose, but people of all nations were killing and being killed. We only saw Americans being obnoxious though. I didn't really get that from the scene where they made a racket and got stuff thrown at them. There was a similar scene later where the young kids attacked the gangsters. Did you feel the same about that? I see what you're saying though and i don't think it was accidental either because it crossed my mind too. I watched a programme on BBC4 on Sunday called Hollywood and the Holocaust where they referred to the concentration camps as an Industry of Death. When the lad got to the warehouse that phrase kept running through my head. I'd never considered it was defending the majority of Americans who are not gun toting barnpots, and like the idea. But was personally left with more of an impression it was waving a cationary finger at Americans in terms of how to respect other nations.
  16. You got Melodica? Ive found all their albums since then a bit of a disappointemnt mainly because Melodica was such a fantastic debut. 111174[/snapback] I've only got Blazing Arrow and The Craft, and i only really like a couple of songs off each, but i really like those couple. I'll have a lookabout for Melodica. Cheers.
  17. Do you not find it gets wet? That's why I can't stand baths, I get bored after about 5 minutes. 111241[/snapback] I have arm strength enough to keep what I'm reading above the waterline.
  18. I thought they tried to avoid the comparison by making the leads rather stupid. The Jews were going along minding their own business when they got virtually wiped out of Europe. These Americans came to Europe looking for girls they can't get at home, causing trouble in clubs, bitching that the TV doesn't have subtitles. They're jack-asses who think the world should cater to them rather than attempting to fit in with the world. I think Eli Roth might be making a point that Americans are pariahs outside of their own country, but was careful to show the behaviour that makes it so.
  19. Kids today, dain't knaa ya born. Fill it with the hot, and add cold to your taste. Then use your toe to top it up with hot every 5 minutes. Luxuriate for a few hours with choice reading material. Champion.
  20. That's a bit harsh, maybe he's getting old and wants to enjoy retirement rather than getting shit off Martin Brundle.
  21. I agree, it wasn't in the least bit scary. But despite myself I was willing the guy to get away at the end and didn't have a clue if he would. I also thoroughly enjoyed the nudity and the gore. But then I'm male, so perhaps you're right. I just had a stupid grin on my face for the last half hour and felt queasy seeing what that Yank was doing to the poor lass
  22. Wonder if they'll keep their accents or be forced to adapt a cringeworthy attempt at queens English.
  23. Got round to watching it on your recommendation and loved it. Cheers I guess you're talking about the whole Americans being despised thing as working on another level, but I wasn't really sure because it's basically a stated fact throughout that Americans are worth more because of it. Then again, were you thinking it could be compared to American foreign policy and how they reap what they sow in plundering other nations? Or was it the fact that wealthy folk get to kill with impunity? Or maybe that shagging around will drop you in a world of shit. I'm probably reading too much into it now. Takashi Miike's cameo was shit like, apart from the fact that he was credited as playing himself. That's class, that he's happy to be portrayed as someone who spends his weekends off torturing innocent folk.
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