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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Because when you're rich and succesful you'll move away from the bank that screwed you over royally. Anyone else too poor to manage their accounts will probably remain as such so they've got no qualms about fleecing them.
  2. email is ......pager is...... etc etc. CALL MEEEEEEE 117104[/snapback] It was a hoax man. All designed to get you to open an envelope of shit.
  3. I wish I could keep up with this thread. Bloody work. Has a decision been made on what's going in the envelope? Are these all the choices so far or have I missed any? 1. fake cash 2. Toontastic url 3. faecal matter 4. Clues based on those used by (the late?) Ted Rogers on 3,2,1 I like the idea of her opening a shitty envelope, but it could be nasty to achieve. How about a ticket for a mackem game instead
  4. Daft Bastid in our office printed the form from 2005. On Monday I got number 16 which was 66-1 (last year). Just this morning realised his mistake and it turns out I've got Clan Royal.
  5. I loved it and thought the two leads were amazing. Recommended 113226[/snapback] No and no. I thought it was garbage. Totally unbelievable. Family find out Dad has violent past and think... maybe I could be violent too and start shooting people and engaging in violent sex. Absolute tosh. 114698[/snapback] Totally agreed the film was asbolute gash 114701[/snapback] They don't just find out their dad has a violent past, they find out he still is a violent man. He hasn't changed. This turns his wife on and she hates herself for it, she enjoys the rough sex and tries to deny it by remaining angry with him and pretending to blame him. Women love a tough guy. It's all about survival of the fittest, the strongest will flourish and always have, we can all pretend to be goody goody, anti-war, give peace a chance lefties, but if something threatens us or our family, we need to kick an arse or two. If Joey had been the lads father all along, then the son would have been a hard case at school all along, but Tom made the conscious decision that Joey was dead. Tom supressed Joey, and his son supressed his strength in the same way. Only when Joey was forced to act and the son witnessed it all did he start to consider what he might be capable of. He became his fathers son. Inherited the characteristics that benefit him. Nature versus nurture. It's a class film. 114727[/snapback] Did you read that in a book? 116904[/snapback] No, Mark Kermode said so. EDIT:
  6. You don't need to read no cockadoodie book. It's class.
  7. Eh? I have a separate folder for every artist, why would i reiterate it in the song name? You've got a folder with ALL your MP3's in with no subfolders? How disorganised! 116636[/snapback] My system is not disorganised!! All my downloaded mp3 files are in one folder, with all the file names Artist - Title... in chronological order so I can see which ones I've downloaded most recently. The only time they go in folders for artist names are when they're ripped from CD.. Perfect - big fat fact. Willie Nelson - Seven Spanish Angels [live] 116642[/snapback] Same system as me tbh. I just don't have mnany doonloads. The Fiery Furnaces - Seven Silver Curses
  8. Eh? I have a separate folder for every artist, why would i reiterate it in the song name? You've got a folder with ALL your MP3's in with no subfolders? How disorganised!
  9. Wait, you name your mp3s title-first? Bloody savage 116495[/snapback] It repulses me when people do that. Randy Travis - This Is Me 116508[/snapback] I don't get you. I put the artist in artist, and track title in track. Then play by song title. Where's the brutality? I never look at the files themselves, this is all in Itunes/Ipod.
  10. Haven't they sacked Alan Brazil again today, or has he just gone AWOL? May I suggest "19" - Paul Hardcastle? 116328[/snapback] Or discovering the "shuffle" button 116333[/snapback] Shuffle is shit. Not random enough. Always goes back to the same artists & albums.... 2, 3 .. Scrape (Remix) - DJ Format 2.3 Lies - Death in Vegas 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm) - Radiohead 2000 Light Years Away - Green Day 2000 Light Years From Home - The Rolling Stones 20th Century Boy - T.Rex
  11. (Shake Shake Shake) Shake Your Booty - K.C. & The Sunshine Band 12:51 - The Strokes 19-2000 - Gorillaz 1917 - The Fiery Furnaces 19th Nervous Breakdown - The Rolling Stones
  12. you're a good mate 115737[/snapback] He's a canny lad otherwise. He just insists that if it ain't J-pop it's shite
  13. My mate like the Spice Girls until they were popular. Never cool tbh. He also liked Star Wars until Ash made a big deal of it. He was also gutted that Johnny Cash died not because he was a legend, but because he wouldn't be able to buy any of his albums for a few years during the surge in popularity. tit tbh
  14. I get the feeling HTT has strong feelings on the matter.
  15. Tori Amos I've gone out with a few short arse birds and it just looks silly. So I generally require a bird taller than 5'5", but no taller tha 6', that's just scary. 115359[/snapback] How tall are yee like???!! 115377[/snapback] 6'5" Listen carefully and you'll hear Mags swoon. 115381[/snapback] Pud is taller. 115390[/snapback] The lanky freak
  16. 5 minutes? You should have got up and given it a slap. Or at least exposed yourself to it. 115401[/snapback] Just long enough for a quick wank since i was awake anyway.
  17. Me fatha's always whinging about stuff in his place. He was sat watching telly and a key fell off the window down the middle of the radiator and he shit his pants. He also once came in from night shift, had a dump (which required him to walk through the kitchen), then went to bed. When he got up, the fridge/freezer was unplugged, the doors were open and everything had defrosted all over the floor.
  18. Like I say, 5 minutes. I don't believe in any of that shit so I presumed it was a trick of the light. Doesn't really worry me if it was out weird though, it wasn't making noise.
  19. Woke up one night, looked to the bottom of my bed and it looked like an incandescent figure was stood there. I thought "Nar, it's a trick of the light man" and rubbed my eyes to take another look. It was still there. I spent 5 minutes trying to work out what it could be and where it could come from but couldn't. Just went back to kip in the end.
  20. Tori Amos I've gone out with a few short arse birds and it just looks silly. So I generally require a bird taller than 5'5", but no taller tha 6', that's just scary. 115359[/snapback] How tall are yee like???!! 115377[/snapback] 6'5" Listen carefully and you'll hear Mags swoon.
  21. Nee pubes Nee tits 17? Right!
  22. Tori Amos I've gone out with a few short arse birds and it just looks silly. So I generally require a bird taller than 5'5", but no taller tha 6', that's just scary.
  23. I look at it the other way. I think most people that like them only like them because they ARE so popular and were hyped beyond belief. Dancefloor was a great song and got played to death for a year. The album then came out and was average, but the PR machine had done the hard work.
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