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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. EA are shitting thasell.
  2. Eagles of Death Metal - Death By Sexy
  3. I posted before I played. I can only retrospectively apologise for how shit it is
  4. Enjoy http://skysportsgame.skive.co.uk/
  5. He's just a hormonal, teenage boy from the middle of nowhere who can't quite believe his luck. He's thick in the respect that he doesn't realise that the rest of the housemates aren't typical of society in general. He's also got the highest IQ out of all of the housemates allegedly. 145290[/snapback] "Since being in the house I've learned how to bake toast, wash clothes and boil hard eggs, I could survive in the real world without my mum I reckon" The man's a dunce!
  6. That the one with the vampires in trench coats? A Jap film fan I know keeps telling me to watch it but I've always thought it looked shite. Wossy waves about it though.
  7. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada Fan-bloody-tastic. Even though it's won a shitload of awards and is probably the best film of last year, still it gets very limited coverage because it wasn't nominated for any oscars. Set on the Texas/Mexico border, Tommy Lee Jones is a farmer. When one of his illegal immigrant workers gets unintentionally killed by a border patrol no-one is willing to do anything about it. Jones gets justice his own way on behalf of Melquiades. Cross Unforgiven with Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia and you get something approximating the tone of this film. The fact that Tommy Lee Jones is a better actor than Clint Eastwood and a better director than Sam Pekinpah elevates it above both.
  8. System Of A Down? 145176[/snapback] "Can't you see that I love my cock? Can't you see that you love my cock? Can't you see that we love my cock?" Genius I love them really.
  9. Is that the same Black Betty that was on Blow? 145141[/snapback] God knows. I saw that at the cinema so it must've been 5 years back. I don't recall it being in the film never mind the version. I can yousendit if you want.
  10. The Best of Leadbelly Black Betty, The Gallows Pole, Where Did You Sleep Last Night, The Bourgeois Blues, Big Fat Woman, Line 'Em.... What a legend.
  11. The Mayfair was the king of venues, sadly missed. What do the hot and heavy brigade do now after Trillians shuts? 145064[/snapback] Isn't the Academy now the late night home of rock?
  12. I was going to back you up on the metal till you said that. I don't see how people can dismiss an entire genre. All have good and bad sides to them. I don't think there's a genre I could say is entirely shit. 145052[/snapback] Skiffle? 145053[/snapback] Weren't The Beatles a skiffle band (The Quarrymen) before finding fame? 145058[/snapback] The Quarrymen were shit tbh. 145061[/snapback] OK then "Skiffle" is the only genre that is entirely shit. Though Tommy Steele sang a few gems. Given the skiffle scene is also entirely dead though, I don't think it counts.
  13. I was going to back you up on the metal till you said that. I don't see how people can dismiss an entire genre. All have good and bad sides to them. I don't think there's a genre I could say is entirely shit. 145052[/snapback] Skiffle? 145053[/snapback] Weren't The Beatles a skiffle band (The Quarrymen) before finding fame?
  14. I was going to back you up on the metal till you said that. I don't see how people can dismiss an entire genre. All have good and bad sides to them. I don't think there's a genre I could say is entirely shit.
  15. The DFA Remixes: Chapter One I like Deceptacon a lot.
  16. Canny. Take the piss out of Crouch and sing a song about Hargreaves.... Owen Hargreaves you Sod, Are you just in the squad, cos you know your way round Germany? You can't pass, but you know some good bars, and a shop in Berlin that sells Burberry! Your slower than most, but you know the German word for 'Roast', Your tackles aren't very hard but you've got a reeperbahn loyalty card A world cup medal you might win, even though you're only in, cos you know your way round Germany.
  17. While not quite as bad as people would have me think, it wasn't that great either. At least it had a sense of humour about itself. I'm paraphrasing lines here, but near the end characters saying things like "this is getting ridiculously absurd now", and "when will this shit end" struck me as quite hilarious. It had more endings than Return of the King and gave audience assistance no-one needed (once we've seen them in the back of the car, who couldn't work out they got out of the plane and into the car?). It seemed a lot longer than it's unnecessary 2 hours 40 minutes. Unlike Barry Lyndon which flew by. Amazing that it's 20 minutes longer than Da Vinci and I was never bored once.
  18. Start Monday, should be canny... http://www.baddielandskinner.com/podcast/index.php There's a short sample that is.
  19. Yeah the end was dissapointing. But leaves it wide open for a follow up And what about the bit where the knife comes out? "I'm gonna cut this bitch"
  20. Now the midget jumps out of the cabinet and stomps the policeman on his toe, The policeman's hopping around on one leg screaming "Son of a Bitch" while he runs under the tay-bowl." Who rhymes "toe" and "table"? I think this is the greatest comedy I've ever seen. I've had to go and order the full DVD... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BI5MQ...?v=glance&n=130 Apparently there's a very earnest commentary by R where he states in all seriousness "'Trapped in the Closet' will be around long after I've gone, it has had a "global closet effect."" It can't arrive soon enough tbh
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