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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Never heard of it. Who's in that like?
  2. Sounds like this board tbh. Is liking the characters in a film a necessary requisite in enjoying a film btw? I'd prefer to think believing the characters is more important. 171305[/snapback] I'm struggling to think of a film I like that doesn't have a character I can sympathise with. Including Lost in Translation. My over criticism of it has been honed by years of goading my mate who thinks it's one of the ten greatest films ever. Lost in Translation bummers are the easiest to wind up. FACT HUNT.
  3. Happy Face


  4. I always liked the one where he made up the story about his uncle abusing him.
  5. 11pm on a Saturday night and I'm posting links to cartoons of a car changing into a fighty robot. When did my life take this pathetic turn? http://www.aintitcool.com/1stTransformer.mov
  6. a little too much info, Brockles p.s. you should try Engerica and Reubern when you're not in.. a mood 170788[/snapback] Brock's had full sex almost 6 times.
  7. Fixed the quotes and fucked off. I'm not bothered by it enough to be seething. If you said The Descent was shit on the other hand, we'd have a problem. I liked the film too. As I've said. I think it's flawed though. People that LOVE it, won't hear a word against it (as you'd expect).
  8. Are you looking for an answer there? I generally don't read critics, and I certainly don't take them too seriously. If I need to I try to check the average rating on IMDb and The Guardian reviews to see if I can find an balance, but if I'd taken that seriously I'd have missed out on classics like Hurly Burly and Freddie Got Fingered, and countless others, no doubt. I still reckon you lost it and came back a bit calmer btw, you were so broken you left your quotes in total disarray, it was a massacre. 171175[/snapback] I went away to watch The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre and To Have and Have Not. Two legitimate classics. You've already said what you liked about it. And I pointed out where I disagreed. You see them as wide eyed innocents exploring new lands and I see them as bile filled shells of human despair finding fault with all around except their own clique. Nice arse at the start though.
  9. I've bought the DVD after watching it at the cinema. I thought it was canny tbh. I'm just pointing out what I think were it's flaws as it gets heaped with praise I don't think it deserves by people who can't say what's so great (in the true sense) about it.
  10. Don't lump me in with you lot, it's not "our snobbery", it's hers, and that of people that love the film.
  11. It is her. Her Ex-husband is Spike Jonze the pop video director (and excellent film director). The dizzy blonde is Cameron Diaz by all accounts, Spike Jonze cast her in Being John Malkovich. Must've wound Sofia up. I've got to respect her for making it though because as far as I can see it makes her look like a complete tool and I don't know why Spike would put up with her shit. It wasn't just offending the Japanese. (Tthough she did with repeated digs at their English pronunciation. Not the characters, they played it with straight exasperation, but she kept focusing on it for comic effect. YOU'RE IN THEIR COUNTRY BITCH, LETS HEAR YOU SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE). Bill Murray was a twat who didn't give a shit about his family, fair enough if he's grown distant from his wife but being a shit to his kids didn't endear me to him. Scarlett Johansen was an arrogant bitch who ridiculed everything. So a woman didn't know Evelyn Waugh was a man, is that reason enough to display utter contempt and walk away in the middle of a conversation. I actually liked the film otherwise
  12. As soon as I saw the title to the thread, that was my immediate choice too. Genius. 170819[/snapback] "Fuck You! You Car Wash Cunt!"
  13. You're too kind. There were certainly hints of Citizen Kane to it.
  14. Yeah, Mr Incredible was probably the most interesting character to take forward, what with the whole Christ allegory I slipped in there. Though I think the whole pop culture spiritual icons thing isn't particularly original. He'll be far more important next time, like Fredo in The Godfather.
  15. It's like Minority Report. Police are shooting people BEFORE we know the crime commited. Well done Tony Blair I say.
  16. Ahhh. Mebeez in future you can direct us to your point rather than posting random links and expecting us to read a fucking book then.
  17. I read somewhere how there weren't nearly as many fatalities as they expected. Safe as houses.
  18. If you aren't swapping around for the free trials Screenselect are a rip off though. These are the best prices... Limited 3 DVDs a month: Amazon*/Cinema Paradiso* are £5.99 Limited 4 DVDs a month: Amazon*/Cinema Paradiso* are £7.99 Unlimited 1 DVD: Sainsbury’s/Tesco* are cheapest at £7.97 Unlimited 2 DVD: Sainsbury’s/Tesco* are cheapest at £11.47 Unlimited 3 DVD: Sainsbury’s/Tesco* are cheapest at £13.97
  19. .....for Jimbo to turn up. He'll wax lyrical for hours on his technique.
  20. There's hundreds. You get a free trial period from them all so you can go a year without paying a penny... http://dvdrental.cd-wow.com/ - 30 Days http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/subs/rentals/he...2508887-6433228 - Month http://www.tescodvdrental.com/visitor/home.html - 14 days http://www.lovefilm.com/ - 14 days http://www.screenselect.co.uk/visitor/home.html - 5 free rentals http://www.dvdtohome.co.uk/ - BOGOF Etc....Etc...
  21. Don't take his shit Smooth, the lad's been talking jive behind your back for months. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
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