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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. You missed the best two tbh.... "I'll bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddam common courtesy to give him a reach-around." "Bullshit. I bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose."
  2. Not from a film but from a director who, after being shot at during an interview, said "It was not a significant bullet. I am not afraid." Legend
  3. Doesn't make it right. People need to be protected from their own stupidity.
  4. On the one hand I agree because I think only a mug would vote. On the other hand it's not on to take hundreds of thousands of votes (and pounds) then basically declare the result void and get the same people to pay to evict the same people again.
  5. Channel 4 have said the vote-back-in money will go to charity. They are still getting people to pay twice regardless. 172678[/snapback] Is it 3 finalists? Seems to me it's all being done to get a big eviction. Pete and Glynn are guaranteed finalists. And Jenny has got a pass. Bringing Nikki back will ensure a BIG friday eviction between Nikki and Glynn that well get the vote numbers right up. The re-entry voting won't bring in much in comparison.
  6. I'm the life and soul with people I know. Just when a stranger joins the group or i'm amongst other strangers, I don't talk to them. They always have to break the ice. Actually, saying that, I'm always trying to include quieter people into the group when I feel they're being left out. Maybe it's just more charismatic people that scare me into silence.
  7. What's that off again? 172605[/snapback] Fool 172608[/snapback] 172609[/snapback] By Christopher Walken if I'm not mistaken. 172612[/snapback] You are indeeed mistaken, it's Dennis Hopper. The single greatest advert for smoking ever.
  8. class that. he also did another comedy called 'the super'. 172568[/snapback] It wasn't so class though. it was crud.
  9. "Got to plumb....plumb the depths...the depths of hell." "You ate the baby Jesus?" "I thought he was a monkey"
  10. I love both of those films. De Niro is a comedic genius.
  11. Chinatown? 172574[/snapback] Bingo!
  12. "I goddamn near lost my nose. And I like it. I like breathing through it. "
  13. Quote from Erica (The Guv) 172457[/snapback]
  14. Only if you're a mug, and only if the shop is WH Smiths.
  15. No mention of making contraband grog? Photoshopped tbh.
  16. I often do that, but I hate the idea of someone doing it on my recommendation.
  17. As it's been a while since I raved about it, and it only came out on dvd yesterday, I thought I'd bump this post and implore you all to get hold of it. I really hope it becomes the next Shawshank (Box-Office flop to rental classic) because it's just as worthy.
  18. Saboteur Hitchcocks WW2 cautionary tale of protecting the American way. Very pertinent to the current climate when innocent individuals are detained beyond a reasonable time. Despite the incredibly wooden performance of Robert Cummings I also enjoyed it as a thriller. The Cinema scene looked lush. I can see why it's not one of his more popular films, but it's still a cut above most.
  19. "We don't need no stinkin' badges!"
  20. I hear the complaints have been flying in at OfCom. Canny cheeky getting bairns to spend all their pocket money voting someone out, then asking them to spend money to keep them out, and if they're not succesful spending more money to try and get them out again.
  21. Spot on. It's on the first season DVD.
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