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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Last 8 episodes start in February in the US.
  2. The WTC attack happened before Iraq and before we supported the response taken by the US. When the WTC was attacked previously Clinton took a measured approach and we didn't have all this shit kicking off. 7/7 occured because of our actions after 9/11. I'm not trying to argue in favour of suicide bombers though ffs. The vast majority of muslims are moderate, peace loving individuals who have settled as comfortably in the UK as any other race.
  3. How many afro-caribean countries have we recently bombed the shit out of?
  4. Christians? 174797[/snapback] Bollocks. Would Jews not have been an easier argument? 174802[/snapback] I didn't get the question. 174819[/snapback] Everbody else got it. 174825[/snapback] I know
  5. Christians? 174797[/snapback] Bollocks. Would Jews not have been an easier argument? 174802[/snapback] I didn't get the question.
  6. Aren't we talking about muslims who can't integrate? I don't think anyone feels it's all of them, unless you think the problem of muslim integration is just a media myth? It's perpetuated in other countries too, if that's the case. 174793[/snapback] You're saying Muslims are less integrated than other groups, I'm saying they're as integrated as any other. The only attack against an Asain I recall in the press from memory is Bowyer and Woodgate. There's been far more viscious attacks against afro-caribean individuals. There are mental muslims who spout shit and there's rabid BNPers who want a slap too.
  7. Yet they've integrated..that's my point...are you saying that no culture has ever integrated in the UK? I've experienced xenophobia (and I'm white btw) first hand in the UK, I also consider many of my friends in the UK who are foreign or their parents were to be fully integrated. I think they'd be quite offended by the notion that they're not. Are you saying a black man who's ancestors have lived in England for hundreds of years isn't integrated? 174757[/snapback] I see all my muslim friends and workmates as fully integrated. Some of them speak broader geordie than me. I don't see why muslims as a whole are viewed as less integrated than any* other group. *Maybe not 'any', I'll qualify that as non-white.
  8. No they weren't muslim. That's my point. Britain has as much trouble accepting ANY non-whites. Not just muslims. Are race hate crimes not indicative of a society that's yet to accept other cultures, the teenagers in question might have been British born and bred, but their skin colour marked them out as people with afro-carribean roots. Go to an Indian retaurant late on a Saturday night, or a Chinese. How welcome do the drunken arseholes make the people serving them.
  9. I said you can't just blame muslims for their failure to integrate, and you said every other culture managed it. As if to say we can blame them. That's how it reads to me.
  10. I'm totally baffled, I said: 174707[/snapback] Done what?
  11. Every other culture that's settled in the UK has been welcomed with open arms and settled right in? Stephen Lawrence? Anthony Walker? Love Thy Neighbour? Curry and Chips? Or did you mean laid the blame with every other culture.
  12. Plenty of other cultures have done it under much tougher circumstances. 174679[/snapback] Which?
  13. I don't have issues with anyone. Alex made the point that it's a shame British Muslims can't view themselves as English and support an English sporting team. I was trying to offer the other side of the coin suggesting that they are alienated from doing so by our attitudes towards them. Right or wrong I'd guess that most of us that use public transport have had a bit of doubt when a back pack wearing muslim gets on their bus. And I cannot for a second imagine a muslim feeling comfortable at an England football game. I felt pretty uncomfortable myself amongst all that burberry at the Turkey game in mackemland. The comments in this thread were entirely innocent, so I might have been rash using it as an example. I just don't believe it's fair to lay the blame entirely at the feet of the muslim community for the lack of integration between all of us.
  14. Would really depend on the quality of the in-flight meal. 174622[/snapback] There's a point; why don't terrorists just get cabin crew jobs and slip aconitum napellus into every meal? 174627[/snapback] Why do they book flights departing from London? There can't be many airports that are more security conscious. Why not get on the plane in the Republic of Djibouti or something, and detonate over the UK?
  15. Would I have to book through a foreign call centre because I'm sick of trying to understand Hamiltons.
  16. As far as I'm aware it's all India, which you wouldn't really associate with muslimism anyway, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what the argument's even about. Still happy to stick my nose in, though. 174595[/snapback] I doubt HF would be so ready to condemn me if I set Toucan Telecom on him. He'd be on here tomorrow doing silly impressions of their phone patter, I guarantee it. 174597[/snapback] I'm not condeming. I said I can see it was nowt malicious. Canny funny impression in text form.
  17. Toucan Telecom tbh, the little bastards. "Mr. Robinson sir. A thousand apologies for ringing you every day sir. But are you absolutely certain I cannot take up one more minute of your time to explain to you the fantastic offer we have at Toucan Telecom" 174446[/snapback] Someone says they'd like to see what these british muslim kids are up to in 20 years and you say they'll be working in Toucan Telecom. Unless you were randomly placing a reference to another thread in this one and I've foolishly confused it with the topic under discussion.
  18. Textbook Rob - dismissive whilst missing the point. I'm aware Tebbit said that if you move to a country you should support them Rob. That's not what I'm saying though. If I moved to Australia I wouldn't suddenly stop supporting England. I'm saying it's sad that a lot of young Muslims don't feel British or English. 174488[/snapback] Probably because they read threads like this and don't feel all that welcome tbh. 174494[/snapback] Do you think I've said anything that is particularly out of order or offensive to Muslims like? 174498[/snapback] No. Not you specifically. But I'm sure British muslims love being stereotyped as insular callcentre staff who mistreat their women and celebrate the deaths of other British civilians. As long as our society continues to be this welcoming why wouldn't they want to integrate more fully with us? 174506[/snapback] Toucan Telecom call centre staff ARE Indian/Pakistani though. That's not a stereotype, it's a FACTISTANI. 174555[/snapback] Not British then. 174563[/snapback] Wouldn't have thought so what with the work being outsourced to India/Pakistan. Are you suggesting they're THAT desperate to work in a call centre that they'd move there like? Stereotyping tbh. 174567[/snapback] No. See a couple of pages back. That's what you did tbh.
  19. Textbook Rob - dismissive whilst missing the point. I'm aware Tebbit said that if you move to a country you should support them Rob. That's not what I'm saying though. If I moved to Australia I wouldn't suddenly stop supporting England. I'm saying it's sad that a lot of young Muslims don't feel British or English. 174488[/snapback] Probably because they read threads like this and don't feel all that welcome tbh. 174494[/snapback] Do you think I've said anything that is particularly out of order or offensive to Muslims like? 174498[/snapback] No. Not you specifically. But I'm sure British muslims love being stereotyped as insular callcentre staff who mistreat their women and celebrate the deaths of other British civilians. As long as our society continues to be this welcoming why wouldn't they want to integrate more fully with us? 174506[/snapback] Toucan Telecom call centre staff ARE Indian/Pakistani though. That's not a stereotype, it's a FACTISTANI. 174555[/snapback] Not British then.
  20. Because you said "it's sad that a lot of young Muslims don't feel British or English." I was agreeing that it's a shame, but pointing out that it's understandable, given the contempt with which they are treated. Not maliciously, just as standard.
  21. Textbook Rob - dismissive whilst missing the point. I'm aware Tebbit said that if you move to a country you should support them Rob. That's not what I'm saying though. If I moved to Australia I wouldn't suddenly stop supporting England. I'm saying it's sad that a lot of young Muslims don't feel British or English. 174488[/snapback] Probably because they read threads like this and don't feel all that welcome tbh. 174494[/snapback] Do you think I've said anything that is particularly out of order or offensive to Muslims like? 174498[/snapback] No. Not you specifically. But I'm sure British muslims love being stereotyped as insular callcentre staff who mistreat their women and celebrate the deaths of other British civilians. As long as our society continues to be this welcoming why wouldn't they want to integrate more fully with us?
  22. Textbook Rob - dismissive whilst missing the point. I'm aware Tebbit said that if you move to a country you should support them Rob. That's not what I'm saying though. If I moved to Australia I wouldn't suddenly stop supporting England. I'm saying it's sad that a lot of young Muslims don't feel British or English. 174488[/snapback] Probably because they read threads like this and don't feel all that welcome tbh.
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