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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. If you think they're cool, rest assured they aren't!
  2. I really wouldn't be too harassed as long as I got out safe tbh.
  3. 2005 list... http://www.time.com/time/2005/websites/ and 2004... http://www.time.com/time/techtime/200406/list.html and 2003 http://www.time.com/time/techtime/200306/intro.html
  4. Tears of joy at football are ok I guess, but we've not won anything in my lifetime so I've never actually been THAT happy. Always worrying about the next game. I do HATE it when anyone cries tears of sadness at football though. Always seems totally fake to me if it's anyone over the age of 6. This is especially true of people crying over England.
  5. I haven't heard of most of those. Can I just add that the music from Twin Peaks always gets to me. 178831[/snapback] They're all standard Hollywood/Oscar nominated fodder tbh apart from King of Masks which is probably the most gut wrenching of them all, like a Chinese Champ.
  6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind It's a Wonderful Life The King of Masks Pleasantville Punch Drunk Love Whale Rider And even though I’ve seen it loads and never cried, and at the risk of Gemmill berating me because it's shit - Apollo 13 elicited a tear on Sunday.
  7. Never cried at a film till I was 24 or 25, since then...loads.
  8. The Cats n Racks section is good for the boys too...
  9. That site made me want to kill something 178766[/snapback] I imagine Catmag being transfixed by it. aarrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  10. Loved it when I was 5. Went back when I was 12 or 13 and was disgusted. Couldn't have been done out since the 70's. Hovel.
  11. Far prefer skateboarders to charvers. At least they have an interest outside of being an allround twat.
  12. Pandora is just genius. Pandora Type in the name of your favorite band, and within moments the site will be streaming a radio station, featuring songs from that band and others like it, to your desktop through your browser — no registration and no downloads required. You can "tune" the play list by using the thumbs-up and thumbs-down buttons. A new Backstage section is a searchable directory of artists and albums — "your door to the music universe" — courtesy of the Music Genome Project. http://www.pandora.com/
  13. http://www.time.com/time/2006/50coolest/index.html A few sites to investigate always makes the day go faster.
  14. Piggy? 178677[/snapback] It was on me Nanna's bath throughout my childhood. I played with it every time I had a shit at hers (it must be manky ).
  15. The papier Mache Elephant me nanna made. Me hard Drive (contains all family photos and videos). Me conch shell.
  16. Dave Gorman is excellent. Just watched his googlewhack adventure again there tonight and although not especially witty, his storytelling style is often hilarious.
  17. The Top Club is probably the classiest WMC I've seen. 177972[/snapback] we are obviously not talking about the Top Club in Throckley then............ There was one over Bedlington/Ashington way in a converted country house - did archery, golf 'naalll - a mate of mine was a member but I don't know if its till there 178037[/snapback] Naa I'm talking South Sheels. Proper classy: 2 pool cue's (one with a nib). A bronze bin with black flowers painted on under almost every table so that when the mountain of ash in your ashtray is too high you can dispose of it without waiting for a potlad. A Bronze sign outside with ALL the letters remaining in tact. A pickled egg jar within it's sell by date. Posh as anything.
  18. aye it is http://shop.nufc.co.uk/product.pasp?txtProductID=163197 177936[/snapback] Class - thanks 177940[/snapback] Don't forget to buy your testimonial MP3 player either. ATMT Alan Shearer Testimonial Special Edition - 128mb MP3 Player You're not a real fan without it tbh.
  19. The Top Club is probably the classiest WMC I've seen.
  20. I'm getting mixed signals from the club here. The minute I stand up from my seat some Jerry the berry is on my case to sit back down as a matter of health and safety. But the club seem to want to promote the notion of 52,000 of us rising in unison and waving projectiles around our heads for a prolonged period.
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