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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I never get emotional unless I'm watching a film on me todd. Only exception was Dancer in the Dark which took an exceptional level of self control to not weep uncontrollably.
  2. With or Without You is a great song.
  3. tbh I had a quick listen and he is a bit shaky on the top notes and his tuning like... 179806[/snapback] He only performs to avoid paying for friends gifts.
  4. NEU2 is pun-tastic, works on many levels like a good name should. NU2 sounds like a modern hippidy hop metal band covering a range of angsty bands.
  5. Why not simply alter the grading thresholds? I've never understood this A* bollocks, the top grade should simply be 'A', if the governing bodies don't think that's high enough then quite frankly they're admitting that they're over-rating students. 179562[/snapback] GCSE's go up to 11!
  6. I don't think it's as clear cut as that tbh. I completely flunked my A-Levels, more to do with my attitude stinking than my actual abilities. I had to do a foundation course as a result and therefore was at university a year longer than most but I got my head down and earned my degree. 179545[/snapback] Good on you. I think there is far too much emphasis on getting people into university though, like Ewerk said above "I've seen people with EEU get into courses through clearing which is completely pointless." University is now just an excuse for average students to get hammered and dye their hair rather than centre's of excellence for the elite. If it was still restricted to the cream of the crop I'd be a lot happier paying fees for the less privelged to go via my taxes. As it is I resent paying for someone with E's to flunk their way through 3 years of taking cones home, and am glad grants were stopped.
  7. Clearing shouldn't be allowed tbh. If you aren't dedicated/good enough to meet your stated goals, then further education isn't for you. Get on a YT and learn a trade instead.
  8. I got 20 odd tracks before registartion was required like. Then I just put in a US zip code. 06390 was what I used.
  9. That's the beauty of Pandora tbh. Put in a well known band and it'll suggest less well known alternatives. I'm just looking for peoples opinions on what is the cream of each both popularly, critically and underground.
  10. Anyone too soft to be rock, but not soft enough to be blues/country/folk. I can't stand having 60 odd different genre for my music.
  11. There was going to be a final season 6 with 12 episodes, but (creator) David Chase had too much story to fit into those 12, so he proposed to HBO that he do an 8 episode mini season 7 as a finale. There was no big finish to season 6 because it's only really two thirds the way through the arc of the story.
  12. Reet, I'm so impressed with this place, I thought it needed a thread of its own. www.Pandora.com Started a station with Satriani, Vai & Led Zep and got some excellent tracks from Foreigner, Trans Am and Deep Purple whom I would normally dismiss altogether. Which artists should I add to each of my stations? I want classic artists and underappreciated genius' for each genre. Stations are... Classic Rock Heavy Rock Rap & Hip-Hop Electronic Alternative Blues/Country/Bluegrass/Folk Pop World Suggestions for other stations appreciated too.
  13. Van Halen - Pretty Woman Doesn't deserve a place in the covers thread tbh.
  14. Nice. I was just listening to If You Must.
  15. Elvis just wanted to be Dean Martin. Sam Philips got him recording Rhythm and Blues.
  16. I ain't no fag, but if I had to fuck a guy. If my life depended on it. I'd fuck Elvis!
  17. Motherfuck as a verb? How can you motherfuck someone? Anyway, I agree, to an extent. Don't see the appeal in him really. He died wearing nappies - FACT. 178946[/snapback] Don't be dissing Chuck D, he can only go with the flow when he's spitting it. I actually quite like Elvis. Despite his racism. My grandad was racist. Didn't stop me liking him either.
  18. A hero to most, but he never meant shit to me. Straight up racist that sucker was simple and plain. Mother fuck him and John Wayne.
  19. Wouldn't have a clue, but it'll definately be one that went on the expense account while working away. "£100 for the duck you say? I'll have two!"
  20. Freestyle Fellowship - Innercity Griots
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