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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face


    Today is a first. I've never been early for work before so I'm going to be able to escape at 5 Shame I'm just going home to not spend the money I haven't got.
  2. Happy Face


    It should also be the law that old people/students/the unemployed can't use the bank/post office before 9am, between 12 and 1pm or at all over the weekend.
  3. I think they've averaged out all the midgies that the Africans will swallow to arrive at that figure.
  4. Twice I've got up in the morning, started running a bath, went to lie in bed while it fills and fell back asleep. In an upstairs flat the neighbours don't appreciate that kind of thing. It's recently led to me dreaming that I got up during the night and started running the tap. Which means in real life I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom four or five times between 5am and 7am just to be sure.
  5. Years ago I dreamt Samir off Corrie was coming after me with a gun. Diedre was telling me not to worry and trying to calm him down but I was cacking me pants.
  6. Fortunately there were a couple of smelly kids and retards in my P.E. class too, so it spread the abuse around a bit. 195498[/snapback] Wacky and SO?
  7. If I feel the need to move onto a new book half way through the one I'm reading currently, it must be canny shit so I'd say that one's finished. Though I re-started Lord of the Rings about 6 times between the age of 8 and 12 or so. It's very satisfying when you manage to break the back of the Council of Elrond, plain sailing from there on.
  8. If I was reading a first print edition I might use my bus ticket, other wise, what's the problem with putting the corner over on a £3.99 paperback?
  9. Should be able to but can't without a calcumalator.
  10. Are Gemmill's posts being sponsored now? It's like when Pele held up kick off to tie his Puma laces.
  11. Quadratic equations have x squared in them, e.g. y = x^2 + 2x+ 3 Get in, a maths thread! 195239[/snapback] There's no solution to that. And before anyone says it, I refuse to accept imaginary numbers even as a theory. 195250[/snapback] Eh, of course there's a solution to it, represented by a U-shaped line...... Isn't there? 195260[/snapback] Aye there is Just not for y=0
  12. Quadratic equations have x squared in them, e.g. y = x^2 + 2x+ 3 Get in, a maths thread! 195239[/snapback] There's no solution to that. And before anyone says it, I refuse to accept imaginary numbers even as a theory.
  13. Aren't you an accountant? How does that work when you don't know GCSE maths. ax^2+bx+c = 0 where the solution is (-b+/-SQRTb^2-4ac)/2a or something.
  14. Mind you, there's nothing more business-like than popping your specs on your head to read a document, makes you look geet busy. That and removing your glasses altogether and rubbing the bridge of your nose with both hands. Gives the impression you've done a wealth of work. It's my sole tactic in getting a pay rise each year.
  15. Piece of piss tbh. 195193[/snapback] Can a piece of piss ever be irrational in the first place? Christ! I've descended as low as shit maths jokes. I'm off to swim with a stingray.
  16. Rationalising denominators of conjugate compound surds is far simpler than it sounds.
  17. I wear contacts because it's shite walking round with an ornament perched on your nose.
  18. Aye. I did Spanish at school, and I was alright, apart from the f*cking tenses o as a aimos ais an, o es e eimos eis en. We used to get taught some silly saying to help us remember. 'I talk to you about he or she, but you are too polite to answer back.' Never worked. 195167[/snapback] I'm wondering, in case I break into some Spanish or french... may I use the familiar tu form with you people? Instead of usted? Because I think usted is gonna be a little too formal for this crowd. I feel already I've established the kind of rapport than I can, I can jump into the tu form with you! That quickly! I'm taking a tu liberty with you, I'm gonna use the tu form, and that's it! You can't talk me out of it. You know, Caesar used the tu form with Brutus, even after Brutus stabbed him. He said "et tu Brute," and I think that's a little too informal when someone's trying to assassinate you.
  19. SOH-CAH-TOA That's all you need 195138[/snapback] Some Old Harvesters Can Always Have Tankards Of Ale 195139[/snapback] My teacher was fond of "The Cat Sat On An Orange And Howled Horribly" More confusing than helpful tbh, took me 6 months to work out it only works in grid form.. T C S O A O A H H
  20. Oh that crunched mint with ice and rum drink? Lush man 195154[/snapback] It's some fucked up repugnant shit!
  21. They re-enacted famous films with tediies or something didn't they. That was occasionally funny.
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