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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. P'raps if the government and meeja stopped focusing on ethnic differences, the public would find it easier to embrace each other.
  2. If it's a slow one you get your lighter out and move it from side to side one, if not, you pogo.
  3. Best one was Ash who were so shit that it went beyond murmuring and escalated to a full scale (plastic) bottle war behind the mixing desk. Much more fun.
  4. Is that the bloke that soaks me in Aramis when I go for a piss. huh? Just sounds a bit like Joe Um-Bongo, Um-Bongo, they drink it in the Congo.
  5. People who just stand there watching with their arms folded too. Tossers.
  6. I've always liked the word "nugget". You nugget!
  7. Is that the bloke that soaks me in Aramis when I go for a piss.
  8. Canteen? How many people are there at you work? Hundreds. Why? I work for a multi-billion pound multi-national tha knaas? PWC you work for wasn't it? Is it the PWC over the road from Northumbria Uni? Had training in there and seemed canny small.
  9. He a great physician who pioneered methods of relieving blood pressure without the use of a leech.
  10. I just had some stewing steak. All in me teeth now. vile.
  11. A horror designed by Giger. Original. Just realised it's basically the same tagline too.
  12. A horror designed by Giger. Original.
  13. I've only seen Nosferatu (the original and the Herzog remake). Both canny. I wouldn't recommend Die Hard Dracula too highly
  14. Classic TV Themes Alfonzo Bonzo Sportsnite The Big Match Trumpton Wizbit
  15. Allowance? Tell you what, I've already given Elton a shot, get hold of Blood on the Tracks and give me a review, then I'll dig deeper into the John back catalogue and give you an honest assessment.
  16. Awesome, I Fuckin' Shot That Ahhh, memories. Fuckin class show, apart from the lounge jazz section which is as boring on screen as it was live.
  17. Students at fee-paying schools make up only 7% of the school population, I can't see the parents of the other 93% tolerating a government that reduced education spending. Hell, we're close to chucking out a party who've increased spending by billions.
  18. agreed. Songs such as Mr Tambourine Man and All Along The Watchtower.....classics by other artists to name 2 but terrible by Dylan. I do like Knocking ON Heavens Door and Lay Lady Lay though, and thats about it Disagreed. With Rob because the people who booed him loved his acoustic stuff but just couldn't get past the fact he was constantly growing and trying new things. With LM because to say Dylan's Mr Tambourine Man and All Along The Watchtower were terrible is a joke. The weakness of that wind up doesn't really warrant a response. On the whole, I can understand peoples distain for Dylan's vocals, he is unconventional. Whether an artist's vocals appeal to you or not is down to taste, but the best performers imbue their songs with a feeling that touches you rather than with technical precision, and Dylan does hit the notes. Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Robert Johnson, Johnny Rotten, Joey Ramone, Johnny Cash, Ian Curtis, Shane MacGowan, Lou Reed and loads of others are in the same vein. I'd rather listen to any of those than a soulless lounge act like Mariah Carey, Cliff Richards or Elton John who sound pleasant and might have one hell of a range but would have me clawing at my ears to try and mute their uninspiring shiny shit. not a wind up yer daft twat. I think those 2 tracks by Dylan are outright shite. Period. Of course you can disagree but as you don't know who I like and who I don't .. And I don't think much of your boring analysis of what makes a good singer or some of your choices. In the end, what you like is up to you, and in my opinion I like quality music and I don't like shite, most of the quality music I like is because the singers, the band, or something in the song has "soul".....if you don't like Elton JOhn, you should listen to his early stuff which is vastly different to what he has turned out in the last 20 years, and along with Cliff Richard in his early days is far from being a "lounge act". I have a wide range of musical taste in rock and pop, and a comprehensive collection. Lou Reed is a shite singer too, apart from one or two exceptions particularly "Satellite of Love" btw. I recently procured his 3 disc greatest hits for that purpose, I'd heard some canny covers of his songs so thought I'd give him a whirl. It was like pollution to my ears. Sorry I bored you, get Bachelor Boy on and have yourself a party rather than reading my drivell.
  19. No, I'm well aware that legitimate theatre isn't just a target of ridicule. Some people say Brando was never as good on film as he was on stage. Streetcar Named Desire was a theatrical classic from Kazan/Brando before it launched launched their film careers, I'll bet Brando flounced around on the stage though.
  20. I have been. Perhaps going to see Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat has lead me to tar it all with the same brush. When the've got Planet of the Apes on stage, I will be the first in line. "Can I play the piano anymore? Of course you can. Well I couldn't before! instrumental fill" Isn't that a Simpsons episode? Dr Zeus! Dr Zeus! I hate every ape I see, from chimpan A to chimpan Z oh you'll never make a monkey out of me. Oh my god, I was wrong It was earth all along you've finally made a monkey Yes we've finally made a monkey you've finally made a monkey out of meeeeeeee. I love you Dr Zeus! Best episode ever.
  21. I have been. Perhaps going to see Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat has lead me to tar it all with the same brush. When the've got Planet of the Apes on stage, I will be the first in line. "Can I play the piano anymore? Of course you can. Well I couldn't before! instrumental fill"
  22. I'll have to buy then read the film one first. Honestly, the way myths get out of hand on here.
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