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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I said I thought it was no fun, but I still thought it was very good. What were you expecting? Did you want one of them to be more like Bruce Willis, protect the building and sort the terrorists?
  2. Your such a 'company man' HP, do you not get lulls in motivation and workload? Anyone throwing a sicky is as bad as the worst dole scum. At least they're content and open with their freeloading attitude costing the rest of so dear.
  3. Budtheweiser - Bride of Monster Mash mix version Perfick for Friday 13th.
  4. URGH! I HATE you! Them 9am lectures were always a bastard like. Huge self discipline required to drag yourself in for one.
  5. If you hate your job so much that you feel the need to deceive your superiors then you should find alternative means of employ. You people cost the economy billions (probably).
  6. Renton's sitcom character should be Maggie out of Extras. She's probably a bit too on the ball though.
  7. they will only play on VLC player for me, but it works Champion. Ta.
  8. Nor will the avi's I download from google play.
  9. Does this mean chebs and flange are fair game and won't be removed now? Or is it just grot flange?
  10. Is there a tool that'll count your hits and rank them? Toontastic N-O Metacritic (and it's linked review sites) Torrentspy IMDB
  11. link didn't work but I think this bit is brilliant... http://youtube.com/watch?v=_q8LxO4wnCQ
  12. It was pissing down a while ago so I went into Asda and bought one. I've never used one outside of a golf course so when I opened it up and it was a tiny wifey thing I had to bin it and get wet. Manly golf Umbrella's are acceptable.
  13. Says he's not going to hang about for everyone to log off to try it or he'll be up till 3am. Apparently you're best doing it at half 7 when there's 90 odd users online, rather than half 11 when there's a couple.
  14. with what do you assist animals ???????????? I thought he meant he was a guide dog or one of them monkey butlers
  15. Prepare for another influx of N-Oers. They're fucking about again.
  16. I'd not seen this one.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NokLkReT6Ag...ted&search= Reeves' Bob Dylan voice and Mortimer's De Niro walk are fantastic
  17. I'm reminded of The Shining.
  18. are ecscape and respec' going in too. what about asseptable like Supernanny says it?
  19. Put your fishing rod away son. "I'm a little teapot...."
  20. Any man that uses a teapot wants to take a long look at himself tbh.
  21. It tastes different if you add it first. I prefer the taste when you add the milk first. OK? Psh! Some people insist on putting salt on their food before tasting it too. I can't comprehend this level of presumptiousness.
  22. Why on earth would you add milk prior to investigating teabag strength by adding the water?
  23. Respect to anyone who tries basically, you feckin' hippy. Obviously the majority of people on x-factor don't deserve any respect at all. I think Patrokles is a talented musician (based on the few covers I've heard) who's obviously earnest about it and so he deserves respect. If I was him I'd just get myself in a band with a stronger vocalist though.
  24. Have you read the book? It's a grown up music fan's wet dream. Jack Black plays the ultra serious muso who gets physically violent with anyone having a point of view that differs to his most lofty and serious of opinions, but then he'll not accept anyone's comment on his own music whatsoever (even though his music doesn't come close to his own level of quality control for others).
  25. Every day my image of you gets closer to the Jack Black character from Hi Fidelity.
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