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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I don't, but between 1) a great idea to to promote an improved atmosphere throughout the stadium which can only inspire the players on the pitch to improved performances. As well as being something for nothing for the fans which you can't grumble about. 2) Shite tbh I'm guessing you'd be option 2. right?
  2. Perhaps. Here's some other opinions of it then.... http://blogs.suntimes.com/scanners/2006/09...f_amazeing.html http://www.variety.com/awardcentral_review...d=2352&cs=1 http://www.viewlondon.co.uk/review_3074.html http://www.filmfocus.co.uk/review.asp?ReviewID=20717 http://www.emanuellevy.com/article.php?articleID=2571 http://www.premiere.com/feature/3194/new-y...l-update-7.html All in all, not a single negative comment at http://uk.rottentomatoes.com/m/pans_labyrinth/
  3. as cultured as a petri dish !!!!!!!!!!and yes...I agree Amelie was a good film but as said earlier I do speak basic frenche therefor did not need to read that much of the subtitles But as you said earlier you do speak basic Spanish therefore won't need to read that much of the subtitles.
  4. What's the distinction between "Canny" and "alreet"?
  5. There's loads I haven't seen this week so I'll not comment on them, but I include them as ones I want to catch. SATURDAY 25TH NOVEMBER TOUCHING THE VOID 7.320pm Channel 4 Docu-drama about 2 blokes who go up a mountain and end up in the shit. The fact they give talking head interviews throughout, telling you they surviveed from the off, doesn't lessen the impact. Stupidity or bold human endeavour? Either way, it's always engrossing and shows how music saves lives. THE DUELLISTS 9.20pm ITV4 I said I wouldn't comment on the ones I haven't seen, but for those who don't know, this is Ridley Scott's directorial debut. Personally I haven't rated the lad since Alien so it'll be interesting to see if his other early work was any good. NIGHT WATCH 10.40pm Film4 I seem to remember this being plugged as Russia's answer to The Matrix all over the shop. Not seen it, but it's supposed to very good. If you liked The Matrix and have the cognitive capacity to read subtitles, give it a whirl. CONAN THE DESTROYER 11.35pm five Barbarian, Destroyer, Sonja. Loved them all as a kid. Probably best off watching Night Watch and avoid destroying the good memories. SUNDAY 26TH NOVEMBER CATCH ME IF YOU CAN 7.45pm BBC3 It speaks volumes that I've seen this but can hardly remember a thing about it at all. Some young lad (Leo Dicaprio) scams his way to a fortune and Tom Hanks has to catch him. Christopher Walken plays Dicaprio's dad but I don't recollect him being as outstanding as he normally is. I mention it only because people always like to catch a Spielberg film when it's on. GHOSTBUSTERS 8pm Channel 4 Legendary. If you've got any sense you'll be watchiong this tonight no matter how many times you've seen it. ALI 9pm five First Michael Mann film of the week. Worth a look as a reminder of Ali's greatness rather than for any greatness in the film itself. The Fresh Prince probably deserved his Oscar nom. If you liked Mann's other films like Heat, Collateral, Manhunter, L.A. Takedown, The Thief or The Insider (on tv this Thursday), give it a go. MONDAY 27TH NOVMEBER NATIONAL LAMPOON’S ANIMAL HOUSE 9pm Film4 THE PARALLAX VIEW 11.50pm ITV4 GOZU 1am Film4 If you've heard of Takashi Miike but not seen any films and want to know what he's all about, avoid this like the plague. A very difficult film to introduce you to him, get hold of Audition or Ichi The Killer first then try this one so it's not such a culture shock. Once properly prepared you might actually enjoy this as the complete mind-fuck mad as a tree bit of fun it is. TUESDAY 28TH NOVEMBER THE MAN WITH TWO BRAINS 9pm ITV4 I seem to remember getting really turned on by the brain in the jar . Hilarious, comedy classic everyone scould see. TRADING PLACES 9pm Film4 I was going to start a thread about John Landis, the bloke's a genius and knows how to direct comedy. This one bloke made The Kentucky Fried Movie then Animal House (see Monday) then The Blues Brothers then An American Werewolf in London and then Trading Places. That's one hell of a run in anyone's book, Five classics in a row. We were discussing Trading Places at the match on Thursday. How a drunk, unshaven Dan Ackroyd in a manky santa suit eating raw fish from in his sleeve is one of the funniest sights ever. And it's got Jamie Lee Curtis chebs in it. It's a shame he went the same way as Steve Martin tbh. WEDNESDAY 29TH NOVEMBER BLOODSPORT 10.45pm five Another one I loved when I was little. If you're little, I advise you to watch and love it too. If not, it shouldn't hold any interest whatsoever. THURSDAY 30TH NOVEMBER THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR 4.10pm Film4 THE INSIDER 9pm ITV4 Michael Mann film number 2 this week. Al Pacino and Russel Crowe in fine form. In the vein of All The Presidents Men it's far more engrossing than the synopsis suggests. All there is to it is a bloke who's signed a confidentiality agreement with a big tobacco company, but goes on 60 minutes for a damning interview. The lure of cash means CBS are loathe to air the show, even if it is massively in the public interest. The very definition of slow burn and a class film all round. If you liked the aforementioned All The Presidents Men or Goodnight and Good Luck, this is for you. GLADIATOR 9pm Film4 Absolout shite. Hate the thing with a passion. But it's lot's of peoples favourite film ever so I remind them it's on as a public service. But christ, it's wank. Watch Crowe do something good on ITV4 instead. FRIDAY 1st DECEMBER JUNGLE FEVER 11.05pm Film4 An early(ish) Spike Lee film, so you know what to expect, a slightly preachy story about the racial boundaries that still exist. Only film worth a watch today.
  6. In Pan's Labyrinth Guillermo del Toro creates a vivid fantasy world, set in contrast to the bloody endgame of the Spanish Civil War and seen through the eyes of a young girl. It's a masterpiece, says Mark Kermode I've emboldened the most cromulent soundbites.... http://www.bfi.org.uk/sightandsound/feature/49337
  7. I guess the survival of the species would be most important so population growth is the priority. I'd have thought 1 charver and 5 charvettes would be the way to go in that case.
  8. Who gives a flying fuck? You get the jist don't you I was talking shite tbh. I just like the sound of "boni".
  9. It's not bonus's. It's boni (phonetically Bone-eye).
  10. After the length of time it's took you to reply in this thread I was expecting a little more. It's a laborious process getting a photo on here without being collared at woik.
  11. http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?...st&p=223482
  12. don't expect to get many sensible replies to that. Not too many people on here have a mind of their own, unfortunately. Particularly those who think they have superior intelligence to people on NO who speculate exactly the same question, and give the same usual reply. You couldn't make it up. I agree with the bit you bolded. But then, neither can you blame Ted West for Antony Worrall Thompson being shit on the telly, he's still a murdering bastard.
  13. A baldy wine ponce and bitter drinking hippy take a wine tasting trip with hilarious results. Anyone watch it? Canny funny I thought. I've always fancied being able to tell the difference between a Chilean and Australian cabernet but this was no help to be honest, it all looks the same when it comes out. James May is a funny bloke though. Any wine ponces on here?
  14. If there's one thing going against this it's a Tarantino acting role tbh.
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6173570.stm Takashi Miike making a western? Outstanding!
  16. I get the awful feeling they'll drag in Paul Anderson or Uwe Boll
  17. Peter Jacksons full statement on the matter... http://www.theonering.net/staticnews/1163993546.html
  18. I saw the one where he cooked a rotten 2 month old steak. He didn't even have a taste test at the end, could've been vile.
  19. Bob Dylan - Maggie's Farm Not the album version, the No Direction Home Bootleg version. By god it's a work of genius. A statement of intent from Bob that says he'll be doing his own thing from now on and be damned with anyone who expects anything of him. Outstanding.
  20. As my young charver cousins might say....I'd dust it.
  21. Really? I've not seen it, but no-one has ever compelled me to do so tbh. Using the NUFC smilie in the same context as pret-a-porter should even here be considered as a bannable offence tbh. That's harsh Wolfgang. It's a funny film because it's such an average subject but as a cinematic text it's actually brilliant. And holden, it might be if the reviewer rates the lethal weapon series as the greatest films ever made. I might have to investigate this for myself. I've always towed the party line on it.
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