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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Considering it's Brian De Palma I was disappointed. This is the bloke that made Carrie, Scarface, Carlito's Way and Blow Out. Mind, he also did Mission To Mars and Snake Eyes so you can never be sure what you're going to get. While this wasn't anywhere near as bad as his turkey's, it wasn't close to his best either. The mumbling smoking characters I could barely hear didn't help when there are 50 odd names to remember. Only catching the odd word meant I was always waiting for later scenes to explain how the film got there, once comfortable that this plan of action would work it meant I could get lazy and just wait it out till the end for a full explanation rather than following what was going on as it happened. Very stylish though. Lemming – Excellent paranormal thriller about a perfect couple whose complacency is tested by the man’s boss and more specifically his desperately unhappy wife. 10 years ago I know I would have been bored shitless so I know it won’t be for everyone, but the slow build to a feeling of paranoia that is bred by mistrust between the previously happy couple is palpable. The fact that the mistrust is on the button thanks to the spiritual possession of the previously doting wife leads to a bit of an easily resolved copout; and the poorly contrived introduction of a flying machine that you’re just waiting to pay-off is cack handed, but it was still a great ride.
  2. Happy Face


    I don't think that's true, I think people who read graphic nobvels are trying to repackage themselves as "people who read graphic novels" rather than "Comic book nerds" Isn't that the same as hollywood films? A quick perusal of the Oscar nominations provides loads of grown up films without sex or violence being the main attraction. I think Ghost World is the only graphic novel turned film that can say the same. A History of Violence had a lot to say, but having not read the comic I'm not sure how much of that was there originally and how much Cronenberg brought to it. None, but that's just content. The one thing that makes it a graphic novel is the content. Just because there's more and it's adult, doesn't stop it being a comic. I'd have thought it's offensive to the classic comics of the past that have inspired these artists, that people see fit to dissassociate them so much from their roots. A documentary is still a film. A graphic novel is still a comic. I understand there are sub-genre's, but the soopafans throw a hissy fit when you call it a comic. That's all.
  3. Happy Face


    I just think a guy posting on an internet message board going on about things being nerdy is hilarious. The moment you pressed 'add reply' the first time you were forever made a nerd. And it's something you have done over 4000 times. haha, nerd. I never said I wasn't tbf. I'm a total film geek and a football bore to boot. But I admit it. I don't claim I'm at a sophistated dinner party when I'm on a forum full of nerds. Comic book nerds are trying to repackage themselves as high brow literary specialists. When even the most adult oriented 'graphic novels' are still just tits and violence.
  4. Happy Face


    I'd love to see someone who reads them just say "aye, they're comics" The beano and sin city are both comics. Toy Soldiers and Apocalypse now are both films. The content is immaterial. Just because they're not aimed at kids, doesn't mean they aren't aimed at nerds.
  5. I think me dad see's it as the conniving money men taking money that's due to him when they buy it off him. He'd rather lose out and not give them money, than cut his losses and plan for a greater return for himself in the long run.
  6. DRAGNET 3.15pm ITV1 - Hilarious stuff. LOST HIGHWAY 2.10am Channel 4 - Parky says Lynch is the only true genius working in Hollywood. Watch this to find out if he's right.
  7. Is there such a thing. Me fatha is paying £200 a month into his endowment, has done for 6 or 7 years and will continue to do so for another 6 or 7 years. He'll get 46k back. So it works out around a 13k profit over 14 years. I paid £30k for my flat 6 years ago on a repayment mortgage, spent 10K doing it up and it's now worth 90K. 50k profit in 6 years. Over the long term it seems obvious that endowments are shite, but my dad refuses to sell his and invest it in another property. And I'm not sure if he's right or wrong. I always thought it was mental to cash in an endowment once you're so far in because you only get half the cash you're due. But I reckon he could double his money if he used that £20k as a deposit/rennovation fund on a little flat. What say the financial bods? Stay the course with an endowment or cut your losses and re-invest more wisely?
  8. Happy Face


    And so ended the mid-life crisis hair change experiment.
  9. Happy Face


    Happy Birthday cat lady.
  10. Happy Face


    No titty though. If it's drawings in book form, it's a comic mate. Just like Watership Down isn't a 'graphic film', it's a cartoon.
  11. Happy Face


    Sorry. I'm not a comic book nerd.
  12. Happy Face


    ah. Frank Miller. geddit.
  13. Happy Face


    What's the connection? Just that both are digital?
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/6391633.stm Jesus
  15. My favourite bit on Raw has to be when he does the impression of the Italian's once the new Rocky's out. His Dad impression on Delerious and Raw are my favourite bits on either.
  16. Who did? You! Wasn't in the first 2 seasons tbf. The rake scene is the best Simpsons scene ever, but the best episode is the Stonecutters. Oops. Thought it was earlier than that. I think Cape Feare is fantastic personally, so many hilarious moments! Love it when the FBI guys are in that room with Homer telling him he's Homer Thompson. Dan's right. Best episode ever.
  17. Raw on ITV4 now. All saddo's stopping in on a Friday and feeling bored put it on and piss your pants without it being an alcohol induced messy situation.
  18. Who did? You! Wasn't in the first 2 seasons tbf. The rake scene is the best Simpsons scene ever, but the best episode is the Stonecutters.
  19. Just got the new Kaiser Chiefs. Don't like the single.
  20. I'm looking forward to seasons 11 - 18 coming out on DVD because I've hardly seen any of them. The odd one I catch still has hilarious moments.
  21. Aye, its absolutely brilliant. Most people that don't like it say that because they don't 'get it', so to speak. Their loss. Yeah, fancy trying to use 'not getting it' as an excuse for not liking a comedy. Wha? Most comedies consist of characters trying to be funny people, so people either like it if they think its funny, or don't like it if they don't find it funny. With The Office, quite a lot of people watch it and presume that Brent is meant to be a funny character, and when they don't laugh at his shit banter they say they don't like the show. He's a really un-funny bloke, which is what makes it so funny. Can't think of many other comedies where the humour comes out of someone basically being a bellend, Partridge obviously but not a lot else off the top of my head. Dad's Army? Fawlty Towers?
  22. Happy Face


    Everyone seems very excited. Personally I'm ambivalent. Never like swords and sandals. Never seen one I've felt compelled to re-watch.
  23. First 2 were absolute gash. Jokes were forced, animation was shite and the voice-acting was terrible. You weren't born when they first aired were you? Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire, Bart The General, The Telltale Head, Homer's Night Out, Two Cars In Every Garage and 3 Eyes on Every Fish, Dancin Homer, Bart The Daredevil, Three Men and a Comic Book.... All classic episodes and bloody hilarious. Didn't look or sound like you're used to now, but when homer was a believable character with the odd moment of stupidity the show was at tit's best. Now he's just an incomparable buffoon it's not so good.
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