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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. The Animals - The House Of the rising sun (wasn't written by him but they thought it was Bob Dylan's)
  2. Led Zeppelin - I can't Quit You Babe (Willie Dixon)
  3. Good Robert Palmer - I'll be your Baby Tonight (Bob Dylan) Ben Folds - Bitches Ain't Shit (Snoop Doggy Dogg(?)) Bad Michael Jackson - Come Together (The Beatles)
  4. Anorexic tbs tbs In six months, he'll be looking at his emaciated 7 stone body in the mirror in tears wanting to lose that extra pound. And it will all be the fault of toontastic BULLIES. He weighs less than an 8 year old ffs. Have a pie man.
  5. Psh. I think Freddy the Hut is robbing me and I pay about half that for my season ticket for live action Toon.
  6. Kings of Leon - Because of the Times. Loving it. Especially Black Thumbnail.
  7. £85.50 I begrudge paying £35.50. What TV is worth £50 a month? With your lisence fee that's over £700 a year!! I can't fathom it.
  8. Couldn't find it, so here it is...
  9. What about that gay porn flick you did? Wouldn't even put that in his top 500 to be honest. Maybe Gemmil can answer a question that arose in the pub the other day then. Is it commopn for gay porn scenes to end with a facial? I presume it's popularity in straight filth stems from the fact that it's a man dominating a woman and her catering to his every whim. If neither partner is of the fairer sex then does it lose it's appeal? Or is that why there's always a butch one and a fey one?
  10. He's a kid who likes cake and she's a selfish bint who plied him with it to excess in order to shut him up when her hubby left and she couldn't cope. Thick as pig shit? lazy? Unfortunate? I'd agree, but 'scum' is a bit strong.
  11. Speak for yourself you fucking pervert I was alluding more to the dad killing than the mam shagging.
  12. Confusing you with Brock again
  13. Happy Mondays? Well at least it ain't The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
  14. You cannit complain about Prisoner Cell Block H.
  15. Might be time for skyplus/HD. Or just buy one of them freeview thingys. The only channel I watched when I had Sky was Sky Sports News, then went to Currys and paid £25 and I'm sorted. It's the only channel I ever watch as TV in the country is so awful. How's tv different between the country and the city.
  16. I've got an uncle in his second marriage who never sees his 3 daughters from the first. One of the nicest blokes I've ever met and he doted on them. His ex wasn't happy that he decided to end the marriage and refuses to allow him contact while also telling them what a bastard he is. Breaks his heart.
  17. Murdoch is truly one of the most evil people on this planet. Which world would you prefer? Murdoch and the Simpsons. Neither. I want clarification on this question...Is it some kind of trap Nicos? No, the Fox network brings The Simpsons to your screen. You can't have one without the other.
  18. Might be time for skyplus/HD.
  19. Murdoch is truly one of the most evil people on this planet. Which world would you prefer? Murdoch and the Simpsons. Neither.
  20. lush . . . . . if you go for the 6 inch roots, haircut like a man, shops at select sort of lass. My kinda gal. If I saw a man with that haircut I'd form an instant opinion of him being at the least VERY fruity. If it was all black it'd look a bit like yours wouldn't it?
  21. They're taking Sky 1 off the air apparently. Won't notice when it happens tbh.
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