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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I have worked the last few nights, what was that show about? And do you know if its repeated? Jeremy Clarkson tells the story of what has been called the original Mission Impossible - the audacious commando raid on the German occupied dry dock at St Nazaire in France on March 28th 1942. Operation Chariot, as the raid was codenamed, had a simple aim: to destroy the dry dock and thus deny the German battleship Tirpitz a safe haven on the Atlantic coast of France. Can't find a replay, but http://btjunkie.org/ has a very healthy torrent.
  2. Are Klaxons, Kings of Leon and Arcade Fire playing twice each?
  3. In the words of Homer J.... Woo Hooo I'm off So long suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. Can't you just go out for a fag break? Or go home early? I give up the tabs every monday. Been harrasing the boss about going home. Not having it like.
  5. I might think Clarkson is a twat (and I'm right, he most definately is a twunt of the highest order) but he makes some class tv. The impossible mission show he did last night was awesome. Following on from the Brunel show he did a few years back I think he could take over from David Attenbrough as the BBC's best host of educational factual programming if he wanted to go in that direction. I wouldn't mind Top Gear ending if it meant more of these.
  6. Network's down at work. Bored out of my miserable little head.
  7. All rather self absorbed aren't you, would you not give your family a cuddle, record a message for the wake, settle all your finances so the burden isn't left. That sort of thing.
  8. The new Modest Mouse one. Spitting Venom is my favourite so far.
  9. Stewart Lee - Scotland "William Wallace was a paedophile....a scottish paedophile....the worst kind of paedophile that there is" "Scotland was actually invented - as you all know - in 1911 by the mcGowan sweet company as a way of marketing Higland Toffee, because of course traditionally we always think toffee tastes better if it's manufactured at high altitude."
  10. one word...."Glitterball" Isn't it two words? Headed straight there.
  11. Best broadcasting corporation in the world.
  12. Episode 80 sounds good, lots of Paulie.
  13. What would you like to do? I can't think of anything
  14. http://www.channel4.com/film/chatvotewin/name_that_film/ a paltry 42 points
  15. Not worried about being relegated, but only 6 points off 17th is concerning. If we drop that low will Shepherd be happy to leave Roeder in charge next season?
  16. Bookman... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwrQdQSXDbg
  17. Graham Russel was awesome. Popped home for a bit, off clubbing soon. I'll regret it like because South Shields is a shite hole.
  18. Taxi booked to go and watch Graham Russell. Rawk!
  19. Never ever watched any eurovision. Just found out today Abba won it apparently. Not quite Terry Wogan.
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