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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Exactamundo. Apparently Superman returns has a CGI groin so I look forward to seeing where that stands in the proud tradition of fake genitalia films. Got round to watching it and it probably knocks Transamerica down to third in the list of fake genetalia films I can recollect. I put it on with an open mind and the opening with Marlon Brando/original theme/original credits really got me ready to like it, but the blink and you'll miss it speed of John Williams credit evaporated all of my good will. The main theme IS Superman and I had to rewind the DVD twice to make sure it was his name that had flew by That's not cricket Bryan Singer, shame on you. I was able to restrain myself from ejecting the dvd and smashing it with a hammer and that worked out to be a canny choice. Routh is no Reeves, Bosworth is no Kidder and Spacey is nowhere near being Hackman but they never could be. The original Superman is almost perfect so this unoriginal moneyspinner wasn't really going to compete, all it could do was modernise the story with effects and blockbuster action sequences, and it does that very well. The aeroplane flooring was fantastic. The Bank robbery bullet time was exactly what you what you've always wanted to see from Superman but effects never allowed up to the time of nuclear man, and the ridiculously over the top continent launch was well executed. How old was the kid supposed to be though? looked at least 7 or 8 to me. Superman's only supposed to have been gone 5 years? Did he not see Lois getting bigger before he left? And what a whore she is btw.
  2. wah? Tell me you're a sadist who likes that kind of pain. It would be less disturbing than someone not liking Eternal Sunshine. Nah, it was utter shit.
  3. wah? Tell me you're a sadist who likes that kind of pain. It would be less disturbing than someone not liking Eternal Sunshine.
  4. I take it you mean my comments in general, rather than on Donnie Darko (which I haven't mentioned). I wouldn't presume to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't like, and I hope I don't come across that way, I'm constantly trying to temper the vehemence of my argument (it's difficult when people drench Saw with hyperbole though ). I just suggest why I don't think they're the worst film ever. I don't think The Descent is worse than say...Resident Evil, so I stood up for its redeeming features. Titanic mightn't be someones cup of tea, but it is a LOT of peoples tea, coffee and biscuits and I'd say Poseidon was worse.
  5. It's meant to be REALLY bad.
  6. Been mentioned over on NO. First episode leaked already. Awesome, as ever.
  7. Peepshow? Is that what it's off? Knew I'd heard it somewhere.
  8. The lass in the corner shop was grinning from ear to ear just now when I went to buy some loo roll. Obviously thinking to herself "he's going to have a massive dump." Well the jokes on you bitch, I'm actually going to have a wank.
  9. SATURDAY 7TH APRIL BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II 9.40pm ITV2 "Great Scott!" SUNDAY 8TH APRIL THE WIZARD OF OZ 3.20pm five If you haven't seen it you want to be ashamed of yourself. SPIDER-MAN 2 5.30pm five Best super hero franchise alive today. THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST 10pm Channel 4 *Spoiler alert* They crucify him. OFFICE SPACE 12 midnight BBC2 This has become a bit of a cult classic. I wasn't impressed. Apart from the lad rapping in his car That was class. MONDAY 9TH APRIL THE SOUND OF MUSIC 2.10pm BBC1 I'll not bother since we'll all be at the match. TOY STORY 2 5.35pm BBC1 Better than Toy Story. ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND 9pm Channel 4 One of the best films of this century. Michel Gondry (did all them weird Bjork videos) directs with his usual visual flair, but the fantastic camera trickery never gets in the way of one of the the all time great screenplays. An excellent premise (erasing memories of soured relationships...including the good stuff) that is followed through to an immensley satisfying and true finale. Charlie Kauffman is a legend. DUMPLINGS 10.50pm Film4 About a woman whose husband cheats on her so she's desparate to stop/reverse ageing so she can win his heart back. She finds someone with the answer - eating aborted feotuses. I enjoyed it. TUESDAY 10TH APRIL DOUBLE INDEMNITY 3.15pm Film4 You've got to listen to the little man! Classic. AUSTIN POWERS: INTERNATIONAL MAN OF MYSTERY 9pm Film4 I think the second one is better, but this is still very funny. THURSDAY 12TH APRIL BRIEF ENCOUNTER 4.50pm Film4 I bought this ages ago. Still haven't watched it BASIC INSTINCT 10.50pm Channel 4 Get your rat oot for the lads. MYSTERIOUS SKIN 11.25pm Film4 Meenzer liked it.... I wasn't so keen... But it is worth a watch. CAPE FEAR 12.10am ITV4 The Scorsese one. canny enough. FRIDAY 13TH APRIL JAWS 9pm ITV3 Duuuuuuuuuuuuu du! DOGVILLE 11.50pm Film4 Amazing film. Not one for those people who aren't happy unless a film has at least 1 car chase, 1 sex scene and a few deaths. This has a few of those actually...but it's very different so if you aren't open minded about watching a film made entirely on a soundstage without props, give it a miss. If the idea intrigues you then give it a go, I think it's pulled off with aplomb. DEATH IN VENICE 12.05am BBC2 Absoloute Horseshit. It's well respected for some reason.
  10. Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny Not quite up there with The Blues Brothers or Spinal Tap, but it had it's moments. Just a shame most of them were lifted directly from the vastly superior TV show. Still well worth a watch. The Sasquatch section was mint.
  11. Bit late with the thanks there. Did you spend yesterday Voting, Marrying (without your parent’s agreement), Serving on a jury, Making a will, Buying and drinking alcohol, working in a bar, Buying fireworks, Getting a tattoo, Owning land, Donating your body and blood to medical science (without your parent’s agreement), Placing a bet, Going into a sex shop, Entering into a binding contract, Changing your name, Seeing an 18 film, Pawning things at a pawn shop and Having some Gay sex in Jersey? And it's only 3 years until you can drive a lorry or bus now. Belated Happy Birthday.
  12. Standing in the Shadows of Motown is on BBC4 at midnight tonight. The tagline is 'The best kept secret in the history of pop music' and if you like Marvin Gaye, The Supremes, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, Jackie Wilson etc etc (and who doesn't), then it's well worth a watch. The Funk Brothers were a collection of musicians in Detroit who played the music on hundreds of Motown tracks. They were involved in more number ones than The Beatles, Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones and The Beach Boys combined but have remained almost anonymous ever since. The film attempts to give them their due credit and reunites the survivors for a live performance with guest singers. It's a great watch.
  13. I've not bought this...but I'll bet J69 would.... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...el&v=glance
  14. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...F8&v=glance Awesome
  15. Indeed. I've just shoved a load of old cd's, books, dvds and videos in the loft. Would be useful. Start a toontastic trade shop! From the smallest acorn... I'll run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes. Anyone interested in Back To The Light by Brian May? I'm looking for The Woods by Sleater Kinney.
  16. Indeed. I've just shoved a load of old cd's, books, dvds and videos in the loft. Would be useful.
  17. Is there a UK equivalent?
  18. Have you stopped by any Fopp stores recently? We just got a massive delivery of world DVDs for nine quid. Just about the entire Artifical Eye & Second Run range, and an awful lot of tartan. "I don't use Fopp goddamnit, I'm a Dapper Dan man." Cheers but I don't think there's one anywhere near me....plus I've joined Lovefilm because my dvd purchasing was getting out of hand. Oh, and Sendit.com seem to be doing them all for £6.89.
  19. Is Kris Akabusi involved? That might persuade me to click.
  20. Red Shoe Diaries? I always remember Joey Tribiani was in an episode.
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