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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Dancefloor is one of the weakest tracks on the 1st album tbh. The band themselves say they don't rate it anymore and were slightly embarrassed the amount of publicity it got. That's where they're going wrong. All the rest sounds the same as all the others like The Libertines, The View etc.
  2. Gave the album it's full first listen this morning, nothing as good as dancefloor....as was the case on the last one. Can't imagine I'll have it on heavy rotation.
  3. Grinderman The album is as class as the single. Did Nick Cave always rawk like this? I thought he was soft as shite.
  4. I'm glad Ally disagrees, his seal of disapproval is almost a surer sign of quality than Brock's.
  5. Without wishing to get all screaming queen on your be-hind, you are so wrong, girlfriend. Talk to the hand bitch cos the face ain't listenin'.
  6. I wouldn't know. Tend to avoid them like the plague after watching that pile of nobjizz. Especially given that Grease is meant to be one of the better ones. Trapped in the closet tbh
  7. There's not many musicals as good as Grease tbh.
  8. Only bit I can remember is Jack Black kicking his dog off the bridge. That was very funny, otherwise average.
  9. Wild Straberries is my favourite. Persona is as mad as a jellyfish. Aye that seems to be the general concensus. £100 off his full collection at sendit... http://www.sendit.com/video/item/7001000127535 'Summer With Monika' sticks out in my mind too. Geet horny.
  10. My best of 2004 playlist. Currently Loretta Lynn - Little Red Shoes
  11. Pans Labyrinth The Thick of it series 1 Tenacious D
  12. Wild Straberries is my favourite. Persona is as mad as a jellyfish.
  13. http://www.foreignfilms.com/ is a canny site for recommendations too.
  14. Never heard of it tbh. Don't be put off silents though. Get yourself some Charlie Chaplin, DW Griffiths, Buster Keaton and Fritz Lang. Eisenstein's always cited as a legend but his films don't have any of the heart of those 4 and don't really pull me in as a result. Fell asleep during battleship Potemkin. It was on Sky Arts on Friday night and it's in the 1001 Films To See Before You die (which has led me to some really top class films). It's about some farmers getting some new machinery or something but like I say it was pretty hard to follow. It's not what I would have started with but since it was on I thought I might as well have a look. I was thinking of getting something like Metropolis, Nosferatu or The Cabinet of Dr Cagliari from lovefilm and working from there. Sky Cinema has had quite a few Chaplin and Keaton films on recently but I don't have access to it anymore. Even the best versions of Metropolis have missing scenes, it's still the best of those 3 though. I've got that book too. Mistake to tell anyone on here though, they'll hammer you for reading about films.
  15. Never heard of it tbh. Don't be put off silents though. Get yourself some Charlie Chaplin, DW Griffiths, Buster Keaton and Fritz Lang. Eisenstein's always cited as a legend but his films don't have any of the heart of those 4 and don't really pull me in as a result. Fell asleep during battleship Potemkin.
  16. Absolutely not - I'm an argumentative git by nature - I just meant it should be your own opinions and not those of critic X. Nowt wrong with regurgitating an opinion you agree with.
  17. Was it any good? I really fancy seeing that. It was funny. I don't really think Will Ferrell is the legend that others do. I've hardly seen any of his films. Anchorman was ok but Night at the Roixbury was shit. This was as much fun as Anchorman though. Fuck off man. Why?
  18. The version I've got has both live and studio. Looks like torrentspy is the way to go. ...unless it's been tagged wrong. 11 tracks + 1 live track?
  19. Source? friend of mine copied it to my computer from his external hard drive. no idea where he got it from. Enjoyed Keep it Solid Steel.
  20. I just meant your suggestion that if you were told or read some kind of "deeper" explanation of what a film was about you could suddenly go "Ah, what I thought was garbage was actually a deep and meaningful insight into the human state". I think it would be fairly conceited of someone to insists they always know what a filmmaker is trying to do and can always form a unchanging opinion from one viewing. I completely missed what was going on in Magnolia, but once I had it explained got so much more from it, same with 2001. Even top critics do this, Mark Kermode famously walked out on Blue Velvet in disgust, met a bloke who loved it, gave it another chance and fell in love with it. Life would be very boring if we all liked the same stuff....or indeed if we couldn't deride each others opinion. Sounds like you're saying from now on people should just keep their opinion to themself. Agreed. But why can't it work the other way? An Arnie fan that enjoys the odd Tarkovsky? The popcorn crunching masses are the true snobs. I wouldn't slate someone like Parky (who's top 100 was one of the most high-brow selection of films I'd seen put together) for preferring a cerebral experience in the cinema, some people just prefer certain genre's. Some people listen exclusively to Ambient dub glitch techno (whatever that might be) and other concentrate on the top 40. Horses for courses, but either one slagging off the other doesn't really know anything about the genre. It's like Faking it on channel 4, when they get a classically trained person to pull off a rock concert, usually dismissive and aghast by everything it stands for at the start, they come to realise the attraction of their new trade and go away with an appreciation of what they once despised.
  21. Was it any good? I really fancy seeing that. It was funny. I don't really think Will Ferrell is the legend that others do. I've hardly seen any of his films. Anchorman was ok but Night at the Roixbury was shit. This was as much fun as Anchorman though.
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