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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I like Star Wars though. I think it was the jizz-fest over the Matrix that made it so disappointing when I saw it. In Empire and stuff it gets in top 10s of the greatest films of all-time. It wouldn't be in my top 100. If I could be arsed to compile such a list that is. Empire's a decent magazine, if you don't read the reviews. As I said, it's a great action film, nothing more. It's a nerds wet dream, and that's all. "If I sit at my PC and do fuck all, some people will knock at my door, give me a pill, tell me I'm Jesus, program me to be hard as nails so I don't actually have to work at it and one of them will be geet lush in a leather bodysuit and will hump me all over." Utter shite.
  2. I like Star Wars though. I think it was the jizz-fest over the Matrix that made it so disappointing when I saw it. In Empire and stuff it gets in top 10s of the greatest films of all-time. It wouldn't be in my top 100. If I could be arsed to compile such a list that is. I'd never heard of it when I went to see it. First night show was practically empty. It was shit without raised expectations too.
  3. sorry to steal Shintons thunder here but... Why did the baker have brown hands? Because he kneaded a poo.
  4. Legend. Not unlike his twin brother Larry David.
  5. Yeah, but I don't think that place is entirely legal. Yes, but the albums on there are actually by bands you've heard of Albums by bands EVERYONE has heard of are available illegally all over the shop. That was the point of posting it, some interesting electronic/hip-hop stuff to rummage about in. I'm sure Patrokles was listening to them all 2 years ago and will let me know they're all shit...but for anyone else, they might find an unheard favourite ion the making. Plenty of free classical stuff too.
  6. Yeah, but I don't think that place is entirely legal.
  7. It's a shame the bloke that made THX & American Grafitti let his life get overtaken by the massive success of Star Wars. It was a good film, but it was losing it's appeal by Return of the Jedi. To string it out over 30 years is a total waste of a career. Brought in some coin for him though. It was funny to see Lucas at the oscars presenting the Best Director award to scorsese along with his mates Spielberg and Copolla (and laughing at the fact he's the only one not to have won it). When their careers started, most people thought Lucas was the most talented and interesting of the lot.
  8. Has this been posted before? http://freealbums.blogsome.com/ Looks canny.
  9. She wasn't always a middle aged hag tbf...
  10. Yeah, read about this in a book called Happy Like Murderers a few years back. Don't normally read true crime stuff, but some of the accounts in there were horrible.
  11. Toontastic, the ghetto of the internet where macho posturing is required if you're going to survive.
  12. Name names. It's like a "You bullied me.....and now I'm ALL THAT BABY!" episode of Jenny Jones on here at the minute.
  13. Not saying I WANT a concerted attempt to oust him btw. Just that the people who do should have some consistency.
  14. As I walked past St James' reception after yesterdays match I was struck by the huge throng of people but the complete lack of dissent. OK so we never lost, but after our capitulations this season there's been bile and vitriol poured forth onto Shepherd. Many times I've seen a gathering of slopey foreheaded, backwards, zinc deficient kids stood at the steps chanting "sack the board" and the 'another fine mess' T-shirts have been getting more and more popular, but the entire bandwagon falls apart completely every time the players performance level lifts beyond passable. Either you want Shepherd out at any cost and you should be letting him know it at EVERY game, good or bad; or you're (if not happy) satisfied with his performance and willing to maintain the current situation because there's really no better alternative being offered at the moment (indifference puts you in the latter group). The inconsisteny of the message being delivered, only when we're at our lowest ebb is getting embarrassing. It's fickle to a degree I wouldn't expect from the shittest of fans.
  15. I'd go with the armoire Wtf is an armoire? posh version of a sideboard None of this explaining lark around here. And yet I'm the one who can't let it lie. You're still well head on starting it, you can always stop doing that if you wish. Or start doing it to others (but I suspect you won't do that ). "Stop startin' man!" http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=75252728
  16. Not really tbh. Just craving attention. The Fop alter ego hasn't brought the love I hoped it would,
  17. Don't recall being abused....just generally ignored. Should have a response count as well as a post count tbh, I reckon 3% of my posts get responded to tops. That's what comes of being a boring c*nt...but not annoying with it.
  18. We had more attempts than them tbh. Suggests we did more than just stop them playing. 2 Martins headers, a sibierski header, Dyer clean through and Carrol crossing rather than shooting were all good opportunities.
  19. Reminds me of Ang Lee's humourless response to Stewart Lee's Hulk joke... "But "Ang Lee" and "Angry" are completely different words!"
  20. Never! Nancy is a slight figure. Big Suze lives up to her name. Just her melon sized head probably weighs more than Nancy.
  21. Godspeed You Black Emperor are slowly winning me over.
  22. I despise national pride in whatever form it takes.
  23. Any lass going commando in a skirt like that should top the list. http://bp2.blogger.com/_l-o8-osFPnM/RifmXu...hoolgirls_9.jpg Is she?
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