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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?...0&hl=auntie Quicker Metro to town, better pubs and a safer environment for a Toon top to be worn.
  2. Just £55 a ticket, Rodney says... "I will be kicking footballs into the crowd and you bet you I can still strike a nice ballover 35 yards" http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsD...1056560,00.html Suprisingly, tickets are still available and on sale right up to the concert starting. It's even more suprising when you read that only a quarter of the stadium is being used (click the link for the seating plan) why the fuck can't he kick penny floaters in the arena if there's only 5,000 people going?? Oh that's right the bloated ticket price is only acceptable for a "stadium gig" Anyone going?
  3. Brummie posted this link to some excellent analysis over on N-O... http://www.bobharris.com/content/view/1406/1/
  4. Just seen him on Glastonbury. Is it the lad who had a bath in a bin on Big Brother?
  5. Happy Face


    Many happy returns.
  6. The Wind That Shakes The Barley Ken Loaches 2006 Palme d'Or winner about the Irish war of independence and following civil war. I thought it was amazing. Not it's politics, because they are brushed with such broad strokes (IRA = blue eyed freedom fighters reluctantly taking the only path open to them, British = Nasty brutes who take great pleasure in excessively violent pillaging ) that anyone who's completely taken in and sees it as a valid comment on the history of "the troubles" needs to reset their cynicism gauge. I'm not one of these "No surrender..." monkeys at the England matches who should be hung, but any sympathy one might have for the cause of the IRA is tempered by a distinct over-egging of the pudding. But the emotion and the grief in the performances are overwhelming, and it looks lush.
  7. Hasselhoff and Norris? You only need Steve Irwin for the complete set of archetypal internet dweeb post ironic figureheads.
  8. Ashley needs a stooge to take a fall if it all goes tits up. First sign of trouble, Shepherd will be the scapegoat. Smart.
  9. Just changed job. Designer now.
  10. After The Arcade Fire's Glasto performance I've spent the morning you tubing all their stuff. I kinda liked Neon Bible, but my love of Funeral has been totally reinvigorated.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6229544.stm
  12. Jerry Seinfeld articulated it best...
  13. Don't remember it well, but didn't he use him as a patsy throughout and plan to kill him once he was done? I think that might have been in the plot somewhere, but still.... Ah, it was more of a "Why didn't Gandalf get the eagles to fly Frodo straight to Mount Doom?" type point. Salient too.
  14. Don't remember it well, but didn't he use him as a patsy throughout and plan to kill him once he was done?
  15. It's not your ring that hurts, I've had wider shits. But the barium enema beforehand is awful and the camera mangles the fuck out of your intestine.
  16. When it WAS cool then. Fuck off and listen to your urban beatz wigga.
  17. Gets Worse Do you watch Emmerdale? I watch Emmerdale, for two reasons... Christina Ricci is doing Emmerdale?
  18. Classic BB Don't know where people get the impression it's shit.
  19. Actually yes, my mam once got irrationally angry about it still being on as no fucker watches it, so I asked quite a few people about it around then. I'm also often asked "did you watch xxxxxxxxx last night?" and those x's have never been "The Bill".
  20. RRP is £90 Cheapest place online is £55 £25 at HMV Hitchcock 14 Disc Box Set - Vertigo The Birds Rear WIndow Marnie Frenzy Topaz The Trouble With Harry Torn Curtain Psycho Family Plot Saboteur Shadow Of A Doubt Man Who Knew Too Much Rope £1.79 a film
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