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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I still haven't heard it.
  2. You complain about current music being shit.
  3. You flick through the Bettaware catalogue and momentarily consider a purchase.
  4. I'd better still be able to nick in by the wrong turnstyle and use the lift when I'm late. The 7 flights are a bastard if my card will only work on the one door.
  5. Sopranos finale tastic.
  6. Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip - Thou Shalt Always Kill Eyelid Party http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=102176042 The Bees - Octopus
  7. Went to SMB to laugh at their outrage, but can't get into the threads without signing up. The thread title was funny enough though "that stupid BB bitch...(sorry keiran)"
  8. Walked past the club shop at 5.30pm tonight and two extras from The Hills Have Eyes were sat outside on their camping chairs with flasks at the ready and a jumbo pack of 24 Monster Munch. I'm sure it was 2 of the ones that were first for the home strip too. They'll still be the only 2 there I bet.
  9. So glad we got to see her reaction to the news. "Are Sunderland good?"
  10. Spoiler http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle2118613.ece Getting class reviews all over. Average of 9/10 on IMDB. Up to #122 on the top 250. If the nerd boy "worst episode ever" clan like it must be good. Was meant to go and watch it tonight but a bit of a crisis intervened. Deffo this weekend though.
  11. My favourite portable music player ever was my minidisc player, and anyone I speak to that had one agrees. It could record too. I have loads of live gigs I recorded onto minidisc. Can't beat that permanent record of a misspent youth. Yea, my mate used to say exactly the same thing!! My response was along the lines of "yea, but it cost 300 quid!!" - Going by standard depreciation of a standard mini disk I would say yours, in todays market, is now worth 7.2 pence. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-MZ-NH700-Blue...961&sr=8-10
  12. My favourite portable music player ever was my minidisc player, and anyone I speak to that had one agrees. It could record too. I have loads of live gigs I recorded onto minidisc. Can't beat that permanent record of a misspent youth.
  13. I am the walrus goo goo gachoob i know but the beatles had the compositions and voices to back it up I think Standing In the way of Control is a fantastic pop Song and Beth Ditto has a fine voice. Though neither of the rest of their albums have grabbed me as much I think the same of Rehab too. And I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor.
  14. I swapped my Vectrex for a BMX without a seat. I was jipped. Use a casette to play the ipod through when I drive my mothers car.
  15. I am the walrus goo goo gachoob
  16. Does anyone keep a record on the accuracy of these stories? The ratio must be 1 transfer completed to 2000 not.
  17. Sticks in my craw more than benefit claiming chav scum.
  18. The odds are stacked against the kids making anything of themselves tbf, most of them will probably not be able to remember their parents ever being in employment which doesn't set a good example. Plus chances of the kids doing well educationally are also slim as I'm guessing the parents aren't the most gifted academically and they also couldn't possibly devote the time needed to help each child with their school work. Bung them in a boarding school. Is that a serious suggestion btw? Why not? Put the 6 eldest in a boarding school - the family can then move back into a 3 or 4 bed semi with corresponding decrease in benefits received. the 6 eldest children then grow up with a very good education and want to make something of themselves and contribute something back into society. Essentially what you're suggesting is a Borstal for kids whose parents are on benefits. Well, maybe not quite something so 'institutional' but why not a regular boarding school? Invest in an education for the bairns and society will (hopefully) see a return on that investment. The mail would have a field day.
  19. When the system changed it robbed Peter to pay Paul. This individual was better off leaving work, but others would fall into a newly created bracket where their reduced benefit meant a job was now worth having. I was saying there's no perfect solution that covers all circumstances. The Daily Mail will have a story whatever tinkering is done.
  20. How? We elect politicians so we don't have to deal with those sort of details. Some sort of birth limit would be an idea but would never happen, can you imagine the Catholic's reaction to that? A birth limit for everyone or just for those on benefits?
  21. The odds are stacked against the kids making anything of themselves tbf, most of them will probably not be able to remember their parents ever being in employment which doesn't set a good example. Plus chances of the kids doing well educationally are also slim as I'm guessing the parents aren't the most gifted academically and they also couldn't possibly devote the time needed to help each child with their school work. Dregs of society. Let them rot. That's not what he was saying though. I'm struggling to see what anyone is saying here tbh. Other than demonising the parents there's no sensible alternatives to maintaining the status quo. People are (quite rightly) criticising the parents. I don't think there are any straightforward solutions though. You're advocating doing nothing though so you're basically saying nothing, right? I've criticised the parents too. I'm (quite rightly) standing up for the system as it stands, rather than saying something should be done without saying what.
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