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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Seems the critics have sided with Kanye http://www.metacritic.com/music/artists/we...uation?part=rss http://www.metacritic.com/music/artists/50...curtis?part=rss As you'd expect.
  2. When I was a year older than maddie I used to walk to school on my own.
  3. And that would be wrong because? Just pointing out that it didn't happen Well it wouldn't, nothing in that scenario is remotely similar to this situation. Apart from a 3 year old being killed due to parental negligence? Yeah, and that woman who left her kid in the bath alone to be abducted last christmas is just as bad as them both I guess. It's black and white, you're either negligent or you aren't. I don't think so, the pissed up druggie of a grandma that set a dog on her grandbairn was clearly more negligent than someone who nipped out of the chalet for a few drinks while the kids slept. She in turn could be considered more culpable than a woman who only left her kid in the bath with an unlocked back door. No way do they all dserve to be tarred as negligent.
  4. And that would be wrong because? Just pointing out that it didn't happen Well it wouldn't, nothing in that scenario is remotely similar to this situation.
  5. RIP Edit: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6989301.stm
  6. Forgive me, I thought the idea of living for 22 years at a Travelodge somewhat unusual. Seems to me like a story jumped on by travelodge as a bit of free advertising.
  7. I'd find that picture of the give a fuck-o-meter, but I don't even care enough for that. A couple are staying at a hotel is the story of the day? Fancy that!
  8. Get the fuck out of here. Half of New Orleans is still a ghost town 2 years later. You think Bush would let that happen in a predominantly white area like...say...Crawford, Texas.
  9. The Simpsons Movie At last. Thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through. I'd heard criticism that the laughs drop off after the first 20 minutes, but I thought it was pretty consistent. I can't see it knocking South Park off the post-beers comedy of choice, but it had me creased a few times. For some reason, Barts drawing of Flanders over Homer had me in stiches and no-one else was laughing.
  10. Keane A mentally unstable man whose daughter was abducted tries to come to terms with it. Damian Lewis is superb, even though he is hampered (particularly in the first half hour) by his characters lack of any internal monologue whatsoever. that whole section could have been done in silence, and he had the chops to pull it off, but his constant stream of expository dialogue is distracting to say the least and lets down what is otherwise an excellent film. Like The Woodsman, it might make some people uncomfortable by depicting a child abducter in an almost sympathetic light, but I think the self-doubt and anguish is more real than a pantomime child snatcher. Grim, but well worth a watch, just mute the first third. The Notorious Bettie Page Written and directed by the woman who adapted and directed forum favourite American Psycho, it's the story of the real life pin up model and the senate investigations into the material her employers purveyed. What Boogie Nights was to the 70/80's, this film is to the 50's, only not as good. It's not bad though, Gretchen Mol is quality, I just don't see the point in it beyond titillation. Which is perhaps the point. When the Simpsons can't draw a bum on tv anymore and a wardrobe malfunction causes the collapse of society we probably need reminded of how pathetic censorship can be, and that it should be fought.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6985454.stm Well that's a turnaround.
  12. Wheels On Meals Highly regarded Kung Fu film with Jackie Chan from his Hong Kong days. Yuen Biao and Samo Hung share top billing and the latter directs what is basically a run of the mill boys meet girl, girl turns out to be a theiving postitute, girl's uncle wants to kill her, boys kill uncle and they all live happily ever after plot. The action scenes are very good though, I winced quite a few times. Rennaisance Didn't work for me, The black and white animation was sometimes lush (like the forest scenes) where there was different shades, but being 90% monochrome motion capture made it difficult to discern what was going on in a scene a lot of the time. This might have been intentional as the plot is pretty incomprehensible too. Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? Fantastic black comedy. Thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.
  13. http://www.pastemagazine.com/action/articl...inishednow_what
  14. 3 sugars and you're admitting you don't like tea/coffee but really prefer a milkshake.
  15. Are these the new Wacky and Smooth?
  16. I don't get it. If they left her in the hotel to go on the hoy there must have been loads of people that saw them. If there were hours between them going back to their room and raising the alarm why's it taken so long to name them as suspects?
  17. SUNDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER BACK TO THE FUTURE PART III 2.25pm ITV2 Not the best installment, but still perfectly conceived and amazingly watertight. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS 8pm Channel 4 You've all seen it anyway. A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS 8pm five I'm sorry, I've just cum. TRADING PLACES 11.20pm Channel 4 Classic 80's comedy with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd. A HARD DAY'S NIGHT 11.30pm BBC2 The Beatles invent the music video. MONDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES 9pm Film4 Classic 80's comedy with Steve Martin and John Candy. NATURAL BORN KILLERS 10.40pm Film4 Oliver Stones film of a Quentin Tarantino script. FRENZY 1am Film4 Alfred Hitchcock's penultimate movie. TUESDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER THE PRINCESS BRIDE 9pm Five Life Superb one for kids and grown ups. Why do they keep showing it so late? THURSDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION 9pm Film4 You've all seen it.
  18. What was the Dunkirk scene like, I hear its fantastic. Filmed on Redcar beach. Superb imo, technically and artistically. I can't remember the name given to those long, unbroken shots where the camera pans around (I'm sure HF does mind), but the one in this case is simply mind boggling. Difficult to know from the film if that was an accurate representation or he was going slightly mad though, either way it was brilliant. I don't know what it's called. If it's what I'm thinking of it was pioneered by James Cameron on Titanic where the camera swings out from above the ocean to within a whisker of Jack and Rose on the tip of the Titanic and back out over the ocean again. At least that was the first CGI shot to perfect it. The Longest Day and The Sound of Music have similarly impressive helicopter shots done manually. I've never seen Atonement so I might be completely misunderstanding what you mean. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Ark Excellent film. Timecode and Rope do similar experiments.
  19. Murderer I'd Like to Fuck?? Better than Rose West I suppose... Rose was canny hot when she was younger.
  20. What was the Dunkirk scene like, I hear its fantastic. Filmed on Redcar beach. Superb imo, technically and artistically. I can't remember the name given to those long, unbroken shots where the camera pans around (I'm sure HF does mind), but the one in this case is simply mind boggling. Difficult to know from the film if that was an accurate representation or he was going slightly mad though, either way it was brilliant. I don't know what it's called. If it's what I'm thinking of it was pioneered by James Cameron on Titanic where the camera swings out from above the ocean to within a whisker of Jack and Rose on the tip of the Titanic and back out over the ocean again. At least that was the first CGI shot to perfect it. The Longest Day and The Sound of Music have similarly impressive helicopter shots done manually. I've never seen Atonement so I might be completely misunderstanding what you mean.
  21. That's quite a range! When you can get Kurosawa's back catalogue at £2 a pop or Miike's for £3, the 'add to basket' button does take a pounding. I think I'd probably still find it difficult to think of 40 Asian films I've heard of but I can see that site taking a hammering from me in the near future! http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...amp;hl=oriental Abraham Lincoln DW Griffith continued his rehabilatation with a glowing tribute to the man that freed the slaves. The only talkie of his I've seen, the clipped sound makes a lot of the editing appear sloppy, but I think muting out those sharp edges would mean you wouldn't notice. Apparently, this 1930 film was the last film made to cover Lincolns entire life. 80 years without another attempt must make this pretty definative. There's quite possibly not even 40 (can't be arsed to add them all up) named in that thread though tbf. And I've already got or seen a few of them anyway. I'm still struggling to see the genius in Kurasowa if I'm honest. Seven Samurai was a let down and I haven't been able to sit through all of Ran yet. I enjoyed Rashomon but I've seen a lot of better films Aisan or otherwise. Oldboy, In The Mood For Love and Tokyo Story are still my favourites with Lady Vengence, Battle Royale and Infernal Affairs after that. Actually I might get a few of them. There's over 70 in the original post tbf.
  22. That's quite a range! When you can get Kurosawa's back catalogue at £2 a pop or Miike's for £3, the 'add to basket' button does take a pounding. I think I'd probably still find it difficult to think of 40 Asian films I've heard of but I can see that site taking a hammering from me in the near future! http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...amp;hl=oriental Abraham Lincoln DW Griffith continued his rehabilatation with a glowing tribute to the man that freed the slaves. The only talkie of his I've seen, the clipped sound makes a lot of the editing appear sloppy, but I think muting out those sharp edges would mean you wouldn't notice. Apparently, this 1930 film was the last film made to cover Lincolns entire life. 80 years without another attempt must make this pretty definative.
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