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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. SATURDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT 2pm BBC2 Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart get it on for the first time. Absoloute class. RIO BRAVO 2.40pm ITV3 John Wayne, Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson in a marvellous western. SUNDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 6.30pm Channel 4 We've all seen it. SHAUN OF THE DEAD 10pm ITV2 Hilarious modern classic comedy horror. MONDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED 10pm BBC4 Dying to see this. Shame I'll be too pissed after the Derby game. BARRY LYNDON 10.35pm ITV3 If you don't have to go to work on Tuesday enjoy this bit of a marsterpiece. PRIZZI'S HONOR 11.05pm ITV1 Really need to see this. TUESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE 12.45am Film4 Ingmar Bergman is dead, the least you could do is watch this. FRIDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER KEANE 11.25pm Film4 A mentally unstable man whose daughter was abducted tries to come to terms with it. Damian Lewis is superb, even though he is hampered (particularly in the first half hour) by his characters lack of any internal monologue whatsoever. that whole section could have been done in silence, and he had the chops to pull it off, but his constant stream of expository dialogue is distracting to say the least and lets down what is otherwise an excellent film. Like The Woodsman, it might make some people uncomfortable by depicting a child abducter in an almost sympathetic light, but I think the self-doubt and anguish is more real than a pantomime child snatcher. Grim, but well worth a watch, just mute the first third. RICHARD PRYOR LIVE IN CONCERT 1.05am BBC1 Not as funny as Eddie Murphy
  2. She's indirectly done the world a favour then..... Aww poor Benjamin Geza Affleck-Boldt. That's a bit harsh. It's actually pretty highly rated... "Director Affleck's noirishly stylized film weighs heavily under a dense vision of lies, secrets and corrupt agendas that will have you running for a breath of air by the time it ends." http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0452623/
  3. Baker and Kelly topped the itunes sports chart Danny Bakers All Day Breakfast Show is just as class. Mark Kermodes film reviews are quality listening when he's not replaced by James King. Keep meaning to get the Smodcasts, but there aren't enough hours in the day, meanwhile the back catalogue gets more and more daunting.
  4. Ben Affleck's new film shelved because of Maddie... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6992601.stm
  5. Jon Favreau Director of Elf and Zathura. And Monica's rich beau in Friends. Writer of Swingers though.
  6. Only 9 people dead. Nowt compared to a lego paraplegic.
  7. 9/11 as it happened in an English speaking country where one life is worth ten from them third world places.
  8. They were pretty much all doing the same thing. Apart from mudering their daughter before going out of course
  9. However they moved the body, it deserves a film to be made. It'd be the greatest disguise a dead body comedy since Weekend at Bernies 2.
  10. Happy Face

    Alex !

    Thank christ your back. "you're" Happy Birthday you globe trotting twat. I'm getting an early night since I have to be in work for 9am.
  11. If I was going to object it would be because of my dislike for the great God capitalism, nowt to do with stolen feast days. For the record I enjoy new year but despise christmas for personal reasons. At school when my anti-religious zeal was at its peak I refused to go by the christian calender and made sure that all my work was dated from day zero - my date of birth. What a cunt.
  12. All christian holidays were pinched from the pagans - FACT! That's a religion too though. Right?
  13. ABBA - Lay All Your Love on Me Don't go wasting your devotion... Class.
  14. I'll bet the likes of NJS and that who belittle religion in other threads still get pissed up at new year and accept gifts at Christmas. If they had any integrity (which they don't) they'd refuse to give or receive gifts or celebrate any occasion related to a church.
  15. You try and do your bit to avoid illegal downloads and actually PAY for music and you end up with shite service like this. Binding 12 month contract my arse, I expect to be able to download more than an album a fortnight.
  16. Happy Face


    Anyone else use this crock of shit?
  17. And the world kept turning.
  18. You walked to school on your own when you were 4!? How far was it? She's 4 isn't she? I was 5 when I started the infants. About 1/2km away from home. Just went by the thread title. Whats a 1/2km in proper people measurements? She was 3 when she 'went', 4 now though. About 500m.
  19. Times have changed mate. Aye. Paranoia is rife these days.
  20. You walked to school on your own when you were 4!? How far was it? She's 4 isn't she? I was 5 when I started the infants. About 1/2km away from home.
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