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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Indeed. Bunk is running him very close for my favourite character though. Aye, Bubbles is an absolute legend anaarl. Clay Davis might pip them all though. "sheeeeeyit".
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport...one/7425422.stm
  3. Halfway through A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon. I loved the curious Incident of the dog in the night time (like most). It was a disabled childs point of view of the world so the ridiculously short chapters and cutesy style fit perfectly and was a pleasure. He doesn't seem to have changed that style for this book at all though, even though it's from the point of view of four seperate grown people. I'm still enjoying it immensely like, just a bit sad he seems to be a one trick pony.
  4. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article4025532.ece
  5. Underestimate the Monkey's robot army at your peril. "Daaaaisy, Daaaaisy......."
  6. The power trips must be waning, this would have been merged like a mother fucker a few weeks back.
  7. I'm busy doing the sports questions for a pub quiz, that's going straight in. Cheers. Any others appreciated.
  8. You're sounding like a 'sitter' to me... HF and his motley crew apparently have their backs as straight as an arrow when wiping - not fucking right IMHO I'd describe it as 'practising my putting'.
  9. Sounds familiar. She's not from Stanley is she?
  10. Obviously no-one has told you there are some amazing naked breasts in the occassional episode. More of an arse man meself like. The arses are quality too..
  11. Why doesn't that suprise me coming from a sit down wiper?
  12. That'll teach you to lag so far behind the zeitgeist.
  13. Can I just confirm, are you counting Manc twice or am I being dragged into this shite argument? Clarified
  14. Sorry but this thread opened my eyes to the practice of sitting and wiping, I can now say that I'm a convert, I really don't know how I survived before. To be honest I thought you were moonlighting, you were dragging the team down anyway. Rectified.
  15. Just reading a class review of Sex and the City... Full review
  16. A fishmonger can take a shower, he's still fishy.
  17. I'm neat like that. I think it's a trait shared by my stand-up bretheren. The kind of people that wouldn't put their hands inside a toilet.
  18. I've collated the results ( ) Sitters Brock Craig Dr Gloom Gejon Gemmill Glasgow Mag J69 JawD Lazarus Meenzer Nufc4ever Paddy R|co Smooth T-Keith Thompers TooJ Toontoasey Walliver Standers Alex Anth Ewerk Happy Face Holden Jimbo Khay Luckyluke Manc Parky Sammy Shinton So it seems most people do sit, but you have to look at the company you're keeping. The standers are clearly a set of thoroughly good blokes, the next step on the evolutionary ladder if you ask me. I'd hate to be associated even by wiping technique to some of the throwbacks that sit. Beasts.
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