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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. You use your free hand to keep them cheeks apart man. Do you sitters need one hand free to wank while you wipe or something? Deviants. How the fucking hell in gods name do you keep 2 cheeks apart with 1 hand? You gently part one away from the other, like pulling a record pack. You don't have to goatse.cx the fucker. So youve got 1 cheek spread and the other cheek normal? May as well shit on the floor and then sit in it tbh. Using the spare hand allows greater cheek dexterity when wiping, you can increase or decrease the gap at your leisure to increase coverage & cleanliness with every wipe. You on the other hand, sit there, relying on the rim to keep you splayed with no regard to the kind of wipe the movement you passed requires.
  2. You use your free hand to keep them cheeks apart man. Do you sitters need one hand free to wank while you wipe or something? Deviants. How the fucking hell in gods name do you keep 2 cheeks apart with 1 hand? You gently part one away from the other, like pulling a record back. You don't have to goatse.cx the fucker.
  3. Racists! Can facts be considered racist? I'd have thought only opinion could.
  4. That and I've been trying so very hard not to make comments about Jewish money-grabbers for the last 18 hours or so. Oy! Vey!
  5. Svennis wants to lodge a wrongful dismissal claim. I suppose Thaskin is used to flouting employees rights though.
  6. 2 million according to The Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle4045960.ece Better than I feared if true.
  7. His dad says he's better than Carragher.
  8. My favourite Beck album. ...until I'm listening to one of the others. Legend.
  9. You use your free hand to keep them cheeks apart man. Do you sitters need one hand free to wank while you wipe or something? Deviants.
  10. N'Sync, the biggest band in the world today.
  11. Happy Face

    Kid Rock

    I'd like the think he contributed tbh. Well you can't. It was Limp Bizkit and Red Hot Chili Peppers that got it started.
  12. Happy Face

    Kid Rock

    Probably best not to laugh, isn't that the year with all the rioting when scores of women were raped and the thing got shut down permanently?
  13. No they weren't because it wasn't called pop music then. Have a geez mate... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_music I'm aware of what pop music is fucktard, but it wasn't called pop music then. Sigh. Did you look at the link? It's been Pop since the fifties.... http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search...searchmode=none pop (adj., n.) Look up pop at Dictionary.com "having popular appeal," 1926, of individual songs from many genres; 1954 as a genre of its own; abbreviation of popular (q.v.), earlier as a shortened form of popular concert (1862), often in the plural form pops. Pop art first recorded 1957, said to have been in use conversationally among Independent group of artists from late 1954.
  14. No they weren't because it wasn't called pop music then. Have a geez mate... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_music
  15. Happy Face

    Kid Rock

    Jack of all trades eh? ...clearly master of none.
  16. I quite like Coldplay, but now I'd love it if their album is a bigger flop than Invincible.
  17. And Cliff Richard having the longest career of all time with original chart topping hits spanning longer than any other artist.
  18. Probably not imo. But then, they're signed to an independent label with none of the financial/advertising clout that Coldplay's major label has. Arcade Fire are one of the highest selling independent acts going.
  19. And you made that decision all on your own without waiting a year to see if album sales verified their quality or lack thereof?
  20. Either way, I guarantee Radiohead's album (01/01/2008 iirc) will have sold more than Coldplays by 31/12/2008. Of course thompers will have another caveat I'm sure. Wager? Bets to be paid through paypal? You know Radiohead have been selling their album for a penny, right? You want to throw your money away? Because Coldplay suck corporate cock and aren't going to do anything like that.
  21. So have you ordered Sanjuro too? The finale is immense.
  22. A Scanner Darkly Another one to add to the list of drug films I can't stand. Hated it. Bored out of my brain and waiting out the last half hour was torturous. It's coming to something when Keanu Reeves is the best thing in a film, but Robert Downey Jr, Woody Harrelson and Rory Cochrane act their socks off to such an extent you welcome any moment a character can deliver a line straightfaced.
  23. My current top 5 play count.... 1)There She Goes, My Beautiful World Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 21 2)Over and Over Hot Chip 15 2)Here's Your Future The Thermals 15 4)Today's Lesson Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 14 5)Act I, 'L'amour est un oiseau rebelle' Georges Bizet 13 5)Ready For The Floor Hot Chip 13 5)What U Gonna Do Jim Noir 13
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