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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face


    Reckon he should be resurrected for easter.
  2. Not sure how many of our ex-players actually use Twitter and how many are "managed" by Steve Wraith for those odd occasions they do something with him. Assume you've bent Scottish Mag's ear already?
  3. Happy to have him if Benitez isn't messed around.
  4. Annoying thing is the lads who agree with me before the game still do it and i'm the one that looks a prick not joining in.
  5. On 21 March 2015 Leicester were bottom on 19 points. On 20 March 2012 Wigan were 19th on 22 points. Half the time there's a club that climbs out the shit, no reason it can't happen for us.
  6. Most Newcastle supporters I know are complaining that NEWCASTLE fans are still joining in with the 17 minute thing, never heard anyone mention what the mackems did. I didn't even look.
  7. Rafa's turned 0 points from 6 in 14/15 to 1 point in 15/16 At that rate of improvement, we'll pick up 8 points.
  8. Improving averages. Will get better with a fit LB
  9. Last season Newcastle earned 2 points from the games we have remaining now.
  10. Cheers for the exodus info chaps. Quick and easy to sign into trakt to get all my shows
  11. eh? I just got my trakt.tv account set up on SALTS and all my subscriptions running that I had built up on Genesis before and now I have to use exodus? This is bullshit maan!
  12. Don't put yourself down... http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/1939-students/page-10#entry43720 Being anal enough to find an 11 year post probably makes me a window licker on the Renton scale like
  13. If your PC has 1gb of stored photos locally and my pc has 10mb of photos stored locally but goes off to a website to source all the photos you have on your PC via a link. Does the size of your file system slow you down when opening pictures or does my smaller system go slower for having to retrieve everything online?
  14. You are, because you're wrong and ploughing on. You're being told it's dark at night and saying that's bollocks because it's light during the day. You don't even understand the argument you're having let alone have the capacity to tell an IT specialist he's wrong. Carry on though.
  15. Wasn't her, was her advisor's view of Clegg. And I've only read 2, I'm sure there's worse, but reminded me of the Hitchens quote about spending time with people in power to discover they're fucking idiots... paraphrasing.
  16. Barely been on in weeks so laughed out loud to see this is still going on.
  17. https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/22518 Senior advisor to the next president of the USA and most powerful person in the world... writes like CT.
  18. https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/161
  19. https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/
  20. Watched the rest of spectre. I should enjoy one of the biggest films of the year being such an anti-surveillence propaganda piece. It just want very well put together after the first scene set the bar so high. Think Mendes needs to move on to something he's more excited about now.
  21. And you don't have to be a racist to think cheap foreign labor is wrong for the British and wrong for the immigrants.
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