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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. The polls say operation get the banks out of hard brexit is gaining momentum. I occasionally think this can be the only explanation for the vim with which the Tories seem to be going after the elderly and the young and foxes and elephants and those earning less than £80k and the sheer hypocrisy of not putting any numbers in a manifesto whatsoever while criticising the labour numbers. Then I remember, they're Tories with a massive lead. It's just their natural urge coming out to punish the week and reward the strong because there's no need to chase votes from the middle ground.
  2. Badger golden glory Mmm Badger golden glory
  3. https://www.whathifi.com/awards/2016/in-ear-headphones
  4. What was the more journalistically professional decision. 1) Wikileaks publishing Clinton emails it had been provided once they were authenticated. 2) New York Times sitting on George Bush illegal wire tapping evidence at his request in the lead up to his re-election Personally I believe it's the responsibility of news organisations to report newsworthy information they have regardless of political pressures or fallout.
  5. Almost immediately after the decision by Swedish prosecutors, British police announced that they would nonetheless arrest Assange if he tried to leave the embassy. Police said Assange was still wanted for the crime of “failing to surrender” — meaning that instead of turning himself in upon issuance of his 2012 arrest warrant, he obtained refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy. The British police also, however, noted that this alleged crime is “a much less serious offence” than the one that served as the basis for the original warrant, and that the police would therefore only “provide a level of resourcing which is proportionate to that offence.”
  6. I should have remembered the famous proverb, innocence or guilt is unknown until tried. Soz.
  7. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/julian-assange-wikileaks-will-always-be-the-bad-boy-a-1148553-amp.html Assange interview with der Spiegel. Done before today's events, but touched on US election, Russia, wannacry etc.
  8. http://www.computerworlduk.com/security/draft-investigatory-powers-bill-what-you-need-know-3629116/ https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/oct/28/uk-police-terrorism-act-newsnight-journalist-secunder-kermani-laptop https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/jan/31/snowden-files-computer-destroyed-guardian-gchq-basement-video https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/aug/19/detention-david-miranda-keith-vaz-glenn-greenwald Have any African countries formalised into law the right of the state to hack into citizens private IT communications?
  9. He's really embarrassing them here like. The bogus rape stuff quashed they have nothing whatsoever to hang this on. Think we'll be dropping a couple of places down the press freedom rankings. Chasing Russia to the bottom .
  10. Big saving for the Met. ... If the UK government confirm they have no extradition prefer from the US and let him walk free.
  11. Defending an innocent man is soooo gay.
  12. Income tax on a £45k salary is less than 15% but a single mother on benefits pays 20% on her tampons. Progressive taxation.
  13. If we started banging on about repeating Keegan's instant title challenges we'd sharp get it in the neck for delusion and not appreciating how the game has changed in the last couple of decades. I'll not pay Mackems any heed.
  14. Best any promoted club from the championship have done is 8th Think that's an excellent and realistic target for us given none of those promoted clubs had Rafa.
  15. https://mobile.twitter.com/benwizner/status/863870867394236416
  16. You been inspired by the return of CT as a socialist champion and trying to match his level with this 180 on pollution?
  17. Mourinho 22 points off the top. Same as Moyes and Giggs.
  18. That's nice, but wasn't the topic technological leaps that can drive economic recovery? I think you should read some Benedict Evans on that... http://ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2017/3/20/cars-and-second-order-consequences Even if Apple and Uber recognise all the benefits of theself driving car themselves, the second order consequences that restructure every city could drive economic sustainability for decades.
  19. Apart from mixed reality coming in 5 years, self driving cars being ubiquitous within a decade and AI transforming, home, work, travel, research, city planning and every other aspect of life we probably are at a tech peak, aye
  20. We get big grants off the US to upgrade GCHQ and share all our citizens data, and that of their own citizens, with then though. It is somewhat ironic that the US built the snooping tools that have jeopardised our healthcare while funding our own snooping they claim to "keep us safe".
  21. @Rayvin Private eye suggested it was a definite pre-election decision to kick the can down the road when the reported back in 2014... https://mobile.twitter.com/SaHreports/status/863327116762505216 So I think it's reasonable to pin it fairly and squarely on them.
  22. Probably. Debatable whether the ask got to Hunt's desk or NHS execs made the decision due to budget cuts.... Which would ultimately be Tories too
  23. It's what makes the current issue so difficult. If support was available, we'd just pay £5.5m now and get a patch. Microsoft aren't supporting XP anywhere at any cost and will not patch. NHS using it at risk for 2 years fully aware of that.
  24. That mirror report is wrong. It was 3 years ago that the £5.5m cover was available. It was bought by the government and Microsoft refused to go beyond that. The failure was to not upgrade systems in that year or the 2 years after it fell out of support. That would have been much more expensive. Here's the 4 year old story from the guardian https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/technology/2014/apr/07/uk-government-microsoft-windows-xp-public-sector
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