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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Bollocks. He's just bitter that Ashley got themm done up like kippers for price fixing shirt prices.
  2. Are you local, I might sell you mine.... 360 + 2 contollers + headset + Guitar COD4 GTA4 PES 08 FIFA 08 Burnout Paradise Guitar Hero 2 Guitar Hero 3 Halo 2 (I think, 3 isn't out is it?) erm, can't remember the rest hd drive and HD discs... The Searchers Superman 2 (Donner cut) Heroes (Series 1) The Good Shepherd Tremors Corpse Bride The Bourne trilogy Children of Men Full Metal Jacket 2001 A Space Odyssey The Big Lebowski erm, can't remember the rest Shouldn't worry about it crashing. I just got it back from Microsoft after they replaced the board as i had the 3 red lights.
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/t...ted/7619485.stm
  4. Erm, why ????? Because you know season ticket holders aren't mackems trying to negatively skew the input. I only see payment as a means of restricting it to interested parties and covering the most basic of running costs. I don't see any reason for trying to pull in millions from any such venture. This is independent from the club though so there wouldn't be much stopping Mackems from guessing ST numbers and signing-up before others do and fucking-up the whole thing before it starts though. Not if you have to include a copy/scan of your season ticket with your registration to qualify for free membership. That would be easy to fake once they got hold of one copy. That's not even my main objection to it though, as I said , it's divisive. If a mackem is prepared to photoshop different names onto a ST, register a matching email address, and register with the site enough times to skew the results, they deserve whatever reward it brings them. I'm just spit-balling here though. Don't see why it's divisive either, Season ticket holders get free access to reserve games and you don't get people complaining bitterly about it. But, I've no doubt you're right and it's all pie in the sky. I doubt, were this to take off, it would be that hard to pretend to be a ST holder though. The people running the website wouldn't have access to the club's database, would they? Couldn't see it being granted access either, for all sorts of reasons. Season ticket holders could register in person on a match day then. Honestly, the "free for season ticket holders" thought was just an off the cuff idea to promote uptake amongst those closest to the club. It seems to be sidetracking the issue so I'm happy to drop it.
  5. Erm, why ????? Because you know season ticket holders aren't mackems trying to negatively skew the input. I only see payment as a means of restricting it to interested parties and covering the most basic of running costs. I don't see any reason for trying to pull in millions from any such venture. This is independent from the club though so there wouldn't be much stopping Mackems from guessing ST numbers and signing-up before others do and fucking-up the whole thing before it starts though. Not if you have to include a copy/scan of your season ticket with your registration to qualify for free membership. And if you register your DNA with the program... We reserve the right to pass it on to government agencies. Who reserve the right to lose said information. Just to respond a little more seriously to the point made, I don't see why season ticket details are so private you can't provide them, when you'll have to supply credit card details to pay for membership anyway.
  6. Erm, why ????? Because you know season ticket holders aren't mackems trying to negatively skew the input. I only see payment as a means of restricting it to interested parties and covering the most basic of running costs. I don't see any reason for trying to pull in millions from any such venture. This is independent from the club though so there wouldn't be much stopping Mackems from guessing ST numbers and signing-up before others do and fucking-up the whole thing before it starts though. Not if you have to include a copy/scan of your season ticket with your registration to qualify for free membership. That would be easy to fake once they got hold of one copy. That's not even my main objection to it though, as I said , it's divisive. If a mackem is prepared to photoshop different names onto a ST, register a matching email address, and register with the site enough times to skew the results, they deserve whatever reward it brings them. I'm just spit-balling here though. Don't see why it's divisive either, Season ticket holders get free access to reserve games and you don't get people complaining bitterly about it. But, I've no doubt you're right and it's all pie in the sky.
  7. Erm, why ????? Because you know season ticket holders aren't mackems trying to negatively skew the input. I only see payment as a means of restricting it to interested parties and covering the most basic of running costs. I don't see any reason for trying to pull in millions from any such venture. This is independent from the club though so there wouldn't be much stopping Mackems from guessing ST numbers and signing-up before others do and fucking-up the whole thing before it starts though. Not if you have to include a copy/scan of your season ticket with your registration to qualify for free membership. And if you register your DNA with the program... We reserve the right to pass it on to government agencies.
  8. Erm, why ????? Because you know season ticket holders aren't mackems trying to negatively skew the input. I only see payment as a means of restricting it to interested parties and covering the most basic of running costs. I don't see any reason for trying to pull in millions from any such venture. This is independent from the club though so there wouldn't be much stopping Mackems from guessing ST numbers and signing-up before others do and fucking-up the whole thing before it starts though. Not if you have to include a copy/scan of your season ticket with your registration to qualify for free membership.
  9. Erm, why ????? Because you know season ticket holders aren't mackems trying to negatively skew the input. I only see payment as a means of restricting it to interested parties and covering the most basic of running costs. I don't see any reason for trying to pull in millions from any such venture.
  10. Could've been. What right-minded soul would take this job at present???? I seem to remember appointing a bloke whose previous team were bottom of the league at the time once before. Thank god it doesn't look likely to happen this time.
  11. That's why I advocated Puds suggestion of a website. A faceless organisation that polls registered fans on their opinion and releases the details via the local press without spin. Registration could be free to season ticket holders and charged to non ST holders. When significant issues are raised, names (and membership numbers) of voters could be compiled and sent to the club in the form of petitions that threaten action and invite discourse before things get out of hand. It could only really work if it was endorsed by all current fan based media outlets though.
  12. Finished Al Qaeda which was interesting but only served to reinforce my wooly liberal view of the validity of their grievances while recognising the atrocity of their actions. Moved onto Failed States, which after only 2 chapters has me agog at the weight of charges against the US (and UK) in their misuse of power. So far it's only served to reinforce my wooly liberal view of the invalidity of their position and amplify the atrocity of their actions.
  13. I'm assuming, given the organisations represented, this is to supersede and unify the existing ones. One million members, One voice. It begins. Excuse me. Are you the Geordean People's Front? Fuck off! We're the People's Front of Geordea.
  14. Subscribe to the 606 podcast and you can delete the Spoony/Lovejoy/Green ones and just listen to Danny Baker. He was trying to find 10 nice things about Dennis Wise last night. Apparently he has those comedy wooly covers for his golf clubs.
  15. I believe it should be a businessman who has experience of running a business, not some lercal radgee who's been to every away game since 1977.
  16. 1. It was made clear that nobody would be paid for anything they did, all things would be acountable but it would be a fighting fund as such, allowing for promotion material to be made, Printing costs that sort of thing. I dont think anyone will know properly until it has been discussed and formulated into a proper plan. One thing I would expect is that all this would be made clear if/when the thing goes live ie you wouldnt be expected to pay up without being told about accountability. 2. Im not sure that you will ever get everyones voices heard but what you can do is canvass the majority ie via the likes of here. I would expect the association to have a website with a facilty for members only to vote etc. 3. I would hope it would, basically it would be made clear to the press that the views of nufc fans are only official if they come from the SA. Anything else can be taken as the personal view of the speaker. We would have to recognise that sometimes these views would be given by the SA when they havent been able to canvass the opinion but thats unavoidable. At least you'll know that the release has some credibility. A website endorsed by all the major fanzine/website owners for fee paying subscribers to vote (rather than wax lyrical) on subjects that impact the fans sounds good to me I have to say. Certainly wouldn't get a bunch of Mackems distorting the view like you do in any other poll whether online, in the paper or on tv/radio. How many people are subscribed to NUFC World? Is that a tenner? I'd far prefer to pay for my voice to be heard and receive a fan orientated newsletter, than to get official news updates from the club and the odd interview. Like: http://members.myfootballclub.co.uk/login Personally I wouldn't want us to do an Ebsfleet. I prefer to be able to rant at and about the club as opposed to being the one to blame. I'd only want the site to canvas opinion of the fans without leading questions. This would give an honest view of what the fans are thinking as a whole, which the media could believe wasn't skewed. Whether the club listen to that should be left to them. The first campaign should be to get the stairs to level 7 in the singing corner re-painted and lit btw. It's fucking grim.
  17. 50,000??? We easily have 1,000,000 fans (of varying description) in this country, I've said before, and I believe it. FFS claimed 1.4m, I think 1m is a reasonable number, and more around the world. A tad optimistic to think 1M+ people are going to pay their subs from the start. My point was that £250K would be a lot of money even to start with, and as trusting as I am, I think there'd have to be a plan of how that money is spent, rather than letting it sit in someones bank account until ideas are generated. There's potential Arthur Fowlers all around during a credit crunch. I don't think shares in the club is a viable option for this sort of organisation either. There aren't any shares up for sale for a start, so if you can't afford the whole club. A presence within the club would be beneficial, but I think that would be best achieved through open communication going both ways, like Mort set up before he left.
  18. 1. It was made clear that nobody would be paid for anything they did, all things would be acountable but it would be a fighting fund as such, allowing for promotion material to be made, Printing costs that sort of thing. I dont think anyone will know properly until it has been discussed and formulated into a proper plan. One thing I would expect is that all this would be made clear if/when the thing goes live ie you wouldnt be expected to pay up without being told about accountability. 2. Im not sure that you will ever get everyones voices heard but what you can do is canvass the majority ie via the likes of here. I would expect the association to have a website with a facilty for members only to vote etc. 3. I would hope it would, basically it would be made clear to the press that the views of nufc fans are only official if they come from the SA. Anything else can be taken as the personal view of the speaker. We would have to recognise that sometimes these views would be given by the SA when they havent been able to canvass the opinion but thats unavoidable. At least you'll know that the release has some credibility. A website endorsed by all the major fanzine/website owners for fee paying subscribers to vote (rather than wax lyrical) on subjects that impact the fans sounds good to me I have to say. Certainly wouldn't get a bunch of Mackems distorting the view like you do in any other poll whether online, in the paper or on tv/radio. How many people are subscribed to NUFC World? Is that a tenner? I'd far prefer to pay for my voice to be heard and receive a fan orientated newsletter, than to get official news updates from the club and the odd interview.
  19. Happy to see something set up, but a few constructive logistical questions/suggestions 1. Say 50,000 people pay £5, what would that £250K be spent on? 2. If those kind of numbers all pay, I'm still not sure I can see how their voices could be heard. Would people set up their own local 'cells' to canvas opinion and elect a sole representative to push their consensus opinion at HQ meetings? 3. Will this be able to stop Craig David (Schoman!) hand picking mongcredibly stupid people to be beamed around the world on SSN?
  20. FINISHED. A fantastic series let down by 2 niggles that bugged me and could easily have been avoided.
  21. You can get better oddds if you shop around... http://www.easyodds.com/compareodds/footba...9157-244-5.html
  22. They clearly know about as much as his board of directors. He really needs to start listening to proffesionals.
  23. Chronicle reporting that Ashley was not warned to stay away by the police. It is amazing he keeps his pants from igniting.
  24. The fact is he's not a quarter of a billion down and losing £100M a year as he likes to paint it in his statement. I thought his sensible spending approach was for the best of the club and i had no problem with it whatsoever. To try and turn it round as if he's throwing good money after bad at the insistence of Newcastle fans is utter shit.
  25. Well spotted Based on past amounts... £170M £99M £25M £324M Total = £618M divided by 8 years = £77M per year 2 years = £154M So his profit should he get the £300M asking price would be £46M.
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