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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Aye. Just thought you were having a dig at "selective stats" and didn't really read the rest of the post. Soz
  2. Ooh, Action Bronson too! Good value.
  3. Fair do's. Seemed odd that the witch and her Geordie mate wouldn't have resurrected their last mate who wanted to be king. I Suppose Snow is Jesus and everyone in the room are his disciples now.
  4. I like it. Not sure about some of the violin. Love the main rhythm of them and the electronic hum, but the single violin over the bridge, seems a bit... Vervey. But otherwise, champion.
  5. Was annoying to me that I spent a couple of hours watching the black watch defend that castle on the wall last series and that they're supposed to have protected it for hundreds of years... but a giant bashed in the door and they all gave up in 46 seconds of this epsode without Jon Snow leading them. Not often that anything rings false to me in it. They usually seem ruthless in staying true to character and situation, but that seemed a bit of a quick way around the hole they were written into. Did Jon Snow die in the last book? Because killing him and bringing him back seems a real TV ratings winner that stinks worse than that Dallas dream as well.
  6. He knows that he is toxic and anything the club does that is not a success will see calls for his departure. And it's been a success. Nothing like the anger or protests seen last year, despite performing worse. By and large people have bought into the lie that the board have made decisions without input from Ashley, which is completely absurd when you think about it.
  7. I'd like to listen to the new Radiohead track - burn the witch. But i'm sitting with the bairn till he nods of so I have to remain completely silent. Never got as much listening from either of the last 2 albums as the previous 3 or 4, so hoping the hiatus produced something that gets it's claws into me more.
  8. I wouldn't damn him for the mistakes and then overlook him when giving any credit. I don't believe Charnley got free reign or that he has held any sway on transfers, any more than he was the driving force bringing Benitez in. He remains as much of a puppet as he ever was and as much as anyone else Ashley would bring in to do his bidding, so by that rationale, he may as well stay in the role. If Ashley were to actually walk away from the decision making, then it would be nice to have someone competent like.
  9. Good write up from Edward Snowden. This especially gets to the heart of the situation... https://theintercept.com/2016/05/03/edward-snowden-whistleblowing-is-not-just-leaking-its-an-act-of-political-resistance/ While there is of course a significant and serious threat, one which Snowden identified and chose to devote a career to fighting, he pinpoints the amplification of that threat and the harm it does our society as being greater.
  10. If we survive, doesn't Charnley get begrudging credit for eventually getting something right... better late than never. I'd hate to give Ashley ANOTHER appointment to fuck up in honesty. As long as Benitez is content, I wouldn't rock the boat. If he has Charnley in his pocket, leave it be. If he get's annoyed with Charnley fucking up the number of sugars agents take while contracts are agreed, then hopefully Benitez will get to sanction whoever the replacement is, or we could end up with Jimmy Bullard or something.
  11. On this subject... http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/02/liverpool-fans-hillsborough-hooligans-police-lies?CMP=share_btn_tw
  12. Totally won me over when I had my doubts over the signing from the get go that weren't allayed under McClaren. Palace broke on Saturday and he was pelting back to help Anita and won the tackle against Bolasie. 60 seconds later he was lending Dummet a hand on the other side. His defensive contribution shouldn't be what gets attention, but as his contribution when not in possession was an area I previously criticised I'm delighted to eat humble pie and see him working so hard.
  13. Top flight only... Difficult to make a call on the goalscoring difficulty. 5 of the last 7 seasons have had an average goals per game over 2.7, which only happened once before, but then 10 of the first 12 seasons in the premier league saw more goals than the average of the last 2 seasons.
  14. So the jury is still out on whether Benitez is an improvement on McClaren for you?
  15. Not impressed by episode 1. Did anything move forward? Seemed to be nowt more than a reminder of where everyone was at... and that magic red bint is still magic.
  16. Nice to see the Sun don't just bash Corbyn though.
  17. A link to this misguided article http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/02/07/crush-point
  18. That New Yorker article was from 2011. I imagine they use a program to scrape news sites for terms and auto generate tweets from their archive that are relevant to current news. They've deleted it now. Would be totally incongruous for someone to read today's news and think that the article retained any relevance whatsoever.
  19. I don't disagree with any of that, fences were a law and order device rather than a health and safety one. Their use tarred all football supporters as violent and penned them in pre-emptively regardless. But however wrong that was, it was easily justified on the back of the actions of the violent minority.
  20. This fucker is still refusing to make any apology. Almost 3 decades to get this result. It shames not only those responsible on the day but everyone who slowed the families in exposing the truth. And while the supporters on that day were entirely blameless and have been vindicated, Andy Dawson's tweet also rang sadly true... https://twitter.com/profanityswan/status/724907908799053825
  21. Well worth reading all the questions posed and the answers of the jury. Starts at 11:08 and ends at 11:24 at the BBC's live coverage http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-merseyside-36102998
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