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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Second worst iirc. Only the mighty Captain Lager, Bryan Robson himself was worse. Although there's a good chance he's bettered than record now.
  2. Words of import from footballs answer to Sun Tzu.
  3. Like a fine wine, that lady has aged well
  4. Nearly 3 millions views now, absolutely shameful.
  5. Phil Spector dead. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55697979 More like Phil Spectre now, amirite?
  6. Maybe he'll accept some damaged cans of Rich Energy instead of cash?
  7. He's quickly leaving Pardew behind in the "God, I hate this cunt" stakes, and that's one hell of an achievement.
  8. Formula One sponsor, potential football club owner, business entrepreneur, is there anything this man has not been a major success in talked bollocks about? The only thing he's achieved is having a beard worse than his patter, the hashtag loving clown.
  9. Too busy dreaming of his next lard sandwich to even contemplate quitting.
  10. The so-called elite level of football, and this bloated turd is still somehow stealing a living
  11. Taking pictures of other peoples motors now, the hairy danger.
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