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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. William, just before he starts his shift swabbing the decks, hirsute bellend that he is.
  2. Pretty sure the Papa John dude in the US had to resign after he was caught being an awful racist, so it's fitting for them somehow.
  3. Even when he's been managing in the Championship his win record is shite 😣
  4. The only thing receding quicker than that cunts hairline is his business cred.
  5. He's had some mileage out of that photo, must have tweeted it about a thousand times. Still not 100% convinced that old Bernie has fucking clue who he is. #hostagevictim #beardedcunt #pisspoordrink #heronfoods
  6. He doesn't give the poor kids money or food, just vouchers which can be redeemed for Rich Energy at Heron Foods. Anyway, what a fucking shyster 😣
  7. Just need a cameo from Fumaça to add to the merriment of that lineup.
  8. Could also say the same about Kate Middleton too, whole family of grasping social climbers there.
  9. A minutes silence for Steve Wraiths self awareness
  10. Who could have imagined that appointing a manager, who's average league position over his entire career is 20th in the PL, would turn out bad?
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