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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. I'd imagine most of Wearside already has culture houses with the amount of fungus growing in them.
  2. With the amount of cow pies that Jimmy Hill chinned fucker ate, it's a fair bet that he's in the later stages of some Creutzfeldt-Jakob style dementia. I was also in the Dennis the Menace fan club, and have a weird recollection of some DING DONG acronym.
  3. There's a lot going on there, where to start?
  4. He was thrown out because he didn't take it good and proper, no excuses for half measures
  5. Guess we know where ZZ Grot has placed his tent tonight.
  6. And the be-shitted seat remains still steaming.
  7. Just heavy cold symptoms for me too, so could have been a lot worse. Not going back to work until I test negative twice though.
  8. Tested postive this morning with absolutely no symptoms so far (and let's keep it that way), so it's a few days off work for me.
  9. #KungFu #RisingDragonHiddenBeardedHomelessTramp #StupidFuckingCunt #HeronFoods
  10. My old man tested positive this morning, so chances are my mam will get it too. Decent chance I might have picked it up from them, but my LFR is negative so far. Was hoping we'd all dodge it 😠
  11. If he waits much longer he'll be able to pick them up in Heron Foods.
  12. Watts App? Is that an app for fans of derived units of power?
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