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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Crouching Maxi, God I Wish He Was Hidden Pearson
  2. "I could be so good for you. I'll do it like you want me to. Love you like you want me to. There ain't nothing I can't go through . . . I'll be so good for you" Words he probably doesn't want the Mortician to be singing right now
  3. I think we all know who to thank for this.
  4. I bet Diego doesn't though, and that's what really matters.
  5. You couldn't even get Wolf Jerky on the shelves, so good luck providing tech solutions. And Heron Foods doesn't qualify as a restaurant.
  6. The only waving he'll be doing is of his tin cup in folks faces when he's out begging, the bearded danger.
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