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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. I can barely understand a word he says half the time, so he literally could be talking about anything for me.
  2. I'm west of the A167, so according to Stevie, that's not mackem territory.
  3. Nice and sunny here in Durham
  4. I know the daft melts that camp out for days in advance for these sort of events are a bit special at the best of times, but some of these dangerous bastards need executing.
  5. Everton for the lols, but other than that I'm not really fussed.
  6. Fare to say that a man who is happy to be seen in public dressed like this cares about anything tbf.
  7. This thread has taken a tern for the worst
  8. Harry Belafonte, 96 https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/apr/25/harry-belafonte-singer-dies-actor-singer-activist
  9. Ah Deadman, I wonder what he's up to these days? Bu then again, maybe it's best we don't know....
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