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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Well put Alex. Still a great clip now
  2. Aye, he was a bit of an opera fan iirc.
  3. Always liked his Fans album,
  4. Shame you can't hear this kind of stuff when you press the Red Button on Sky
  5. Fuck off Louise you annoying, repetitive, clueless slut.
  6. Sonatine


  7. I remember that Louis Theroux show when he interviewed him, "Don't get cocky with me, my friend!"
  8. Think i'll pass on the partying and wearing a daft cunt jester hat if you don't mind. And if you really believe the rest then you're beyond help.
  9. No juan i've ever heard of.
  10. He never looked the sharpest knife in the drawer tbf
  11. "You stupid woman!"
  12. He's a flaming galah tbf.
  13. Bandages? Or are they those boxing handwraps?
  14. Carrol does seem to have a touch of the Leonard Osbourne's about him, best stay clear of any Little Chefs from now on
  15. Pretty sure they say it most years
  16. Anything above room temperature is too hot for me
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