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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Sonatine

    Sound Problems

    That's my good deed for the year sorted
  2. Sonatine

    Sound Problems

    Try here http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloads...p;GetDown=false
  3. 134 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqa...ear/eqstats.php
  4. That looks so fucking cheap, like its come out of a giant Kinder egg
  5. Not winning anymore it would seem....
  6. Be interesting to see what these loons are up to now, first one was a good watch in funny\sad\tragic kind of way.
  7. First home defeat in 9 years or something? Crazy
  8. Couple of kids died a year or two after leaving, pretty sure one fucker got done for being a nonce too. Best story i heard was the one kid who's old man bought him a mail order Filipino bride, then took a fancy to her himself and buggered off with the lass
  9. Did I miss something? The Tree made like one? Aye, fill us in like
  10. Is this the fucker out of Viz, with his gingerbread sex dolls?
  11. Jeez, that's a seriously scary pic Some dodgy feck sitting next to a Mekon. Thought it was Stephen Ireland and that dodgy Paul Wynn fucker for a minute
  12. I thought the lack of credit had more to do with being a shit manager and a fucking embarrassment
  13. Spot the mistake on this piece of Royal Wedding tat\memorabilia.....
  14. The moon is supposed to be its closest to the Earth soon too...
  15. Think that's in his job description tbf, and it's clearly something he excels at.
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