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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAiwqhhFmBI&feature=youtu.be
  2. Back, for one episode only.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74r-EbIqt9s Treguard looking a bit rough now tbf
  3. Kinnear and Pardew should really be getting on a like a house on fire, two delusional patter merchants together. Hard to work out which one i dislike the most, so i'll settle for hating both the cunts.
  4. Aye, going into liquidation. Sorry state of affairs that like.
  5. Think that was the last game of the 2001-2002 season, before Japan-Korea hosted the WC, iirc.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEf1Qq6upEU
  7. Royal baby will unite Britain, according to those getting ready to hate Lefties July 23, 2013 Royal News: The baby born to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge yesterday will bring Britain together, say newspaper commentators already preparing to publicly vilify anyone who doesn’t agree. Journalists including Melanie Phillips, Kelvin McKenzie and the critically insane James Delingpole are touring the UK shouting that the whole nation has come together to cheer the birth of a future king while desperately searching for a left-wing republican they can start a fight with. Peter Hitchens said: “Like any decent person, I was absolutely delighted to hear the news and poured myself a large brandy while frantically scanning the BBC’s coverage for any mark, however small, of disrespect. “I didn’t get the goods there but thankfully I’d heard of something called Twitter, where I was outwardly horrified and inwardly absolutely delighted to see people who didn’t have exactly the same opinions I do. The column wrote itself.” Media commentator Warren Hitch said: “It’s not easy getting excited about a baby you’ll never meet which will only be on stamps after you’re dead, so many people choose the easier option of working themselves up hating imaginary people who represent everything they loathe.” “Ironically the only way they can truly feel a sense of patriotism and togetherness is by joining together in hatred of the other side. They’re a lot like Guardian readers in that respect.” Story: Tom Whiteley
  8. Good to see the Daily Mail practicing what it preaches
  9. More likely to have been signed as JFKs carer tbh.
  10. Trying to bring Mick Harford in now....... http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11678/8833918/newcastle-director-of-football-is-in-talks-with-mick-harford
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZo2xgWi0os Found that here, http://seriouslyforreal.com/, some pretty interesting stuff there.
  12. Michael Owen currently getting the dogs abuse on twitter for signing up to be a Sun columnist.... But it turns out he isn't... michael owen ‏@themichaelowen1h I undertook a promotional day in my capacity as an ambassador for Shinpad Insurance which was attended by numerous media reporters. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite More michael owen ‏@themichaelowen1h Okay, let's set the record straight. I am not, nor will I be in the future, working as a columnist or writing articles for the Sun newspaper What a dull cunt he is. Ambassador for Shinpad Insurance? Deary me
  13. And as the sun sinks slowly into the West, we say goodbye to him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn8Pua5rhj4
  14. He's just a bull shitting patter merchant, him and Kinnear should get on famously.
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