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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Suspect in the air? Steven "Strange Eyes" Taylor and Willo are fucking suspect at everything!
  2. First flared up the first week of August, but i'd been having what I thought was just back pains since late March. Been told they're hopeful they can get me done in around 3-6 weeks, and I bloody hope so. Don't fancy being carted off in an Ambulance again. Surgeon chappy said if they swelling hasn't gone down they might have to skip the keyhole route and do it the old fashioned way, which sounds just peachy. Morphine aside, this has been a slightly shitty month
  3. This cunt still not dead\sacked? I'll take any of those options tbf.
  4. In a slightly improved mood after getting back home after another 6 days in hospital with this sodding gall bladder On the plus side it looks like i'm getting fast tracked into having it yanked out, but fuck me this is getting me down Hooray for morphine.
  5. https://twitter.com/GaryLineker/status/503173878781603840
  6. They cut to Scholes rambling on in the first half and all you could see was the back of his ginger bonce. Is he on the witness protection program or something?
  7. Did a bird shit in Ashley Youngs mouth? https://vine.co/v/M37F1mB5IzB
  8. Tony Pulis apparently walked from Palace. That could be them fucked before the seasons even started....
  9. He'll be going on a Summer Holiday if he's guilty
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28790718 Cliff Richard linked now, adds a new perspective to The Young Ones......
  11. I think I'm good, but the offer is appreciated
  12. Good to know, was thinking about looking it up on wikipedia but wasn't sure I wanted to know the gory details
  13. Aye, I'm not too bad atm. Got to go back and get my gall bladder removed sometime in the future, which I'm not looking forward too, but some of the poor bastards in my ward had it a hell of a lot worse. Grim places hospitals
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